Instructions !

Nitya wasn't mindful of her pace, or the destination she was headed towards! 

'Could somebody be this eager of an escapist? She, for one, could have been a mighty successor to Houdini if the audience found her episodes of escaping uncomfortable and intense situations, half as entertaining as that.

A faint thought echoed in her head, reminding her that this time, she won't be escaping...she was going to stay.'

Thinking this, she turned around, only to find Ruchi walking towards her.

'Yes, in all this drama she had forgotten to notice that Ruchi was there...but why? When had she arrived in Korea, and why after the presentation was already done? And had she really just acted like the brat she was, with Ruchi watching as well?! 

But she didn't care she would not confine herself to any box- she would be exactly what she felt like!'