
Ruchi spoke in her authoritative tone, as if she was in her class instead of the airport, and had been tasked to deal with the world's naughtiest students.

'Meanwhile, Mehul was dumbstruck by how this boy was acting just like the one and only little sister of his. She was, as she loved to proclaim, unique- and nobody else on this earth could resemble her so closely, then what was going on?!'

Taking a seat across from him, Ji-hun began with a sincere expression on his face.

"Hyung- I mean, sir, why are you always so worried about me? Why don't you want to trust me, and most importantly, why do you want to keep Nikki away from me? I am a well settled, educated and well mannered man! Is there any problem because of my nationality-"

"What do you think about our family? Do you think that we brothers are just rejecting you because you belong to a different country, even after knowing that she loves you. If so, then let me correct you here."