Tech Specialist

Chapter 3

Thomas Gates was now on the way to his favorite place where he gets all the peace he ever demands.

"The Shooting Range"

"Give me an M1014...."

He started blasting every round he had at the targets.

He was taking out all his frustration on the bullets as they were the only thing that went as per his command.

He came out of the shooting range, got in his car, rolled up the windows, and then called to his most trusted friend in The Agency.

Bill Punt the tech specialist of The Agency.

Gates knew that only Bill can trace the origin of the marks on Julia's Body.

"Hello" Said Gates

"Hi, who is this?" Said, Bill


"Meet me in 30 minutes"

"Location is on your phone"

After a long silence, there was a beep from the other end.

Gates pushed the gas pedal and drove off into the darkness.

It was a narrow alley. In that alley was a discreet little bar in which Bill was waiting. Gates silently went to Bill.

"Hey Bill"

Bill nearly jumped out of the barstool


"Tequila on the rocks"

While the bartender was preparing his drink, Gates turned to Bill.

"It looks like you and I have to have a little chat"

"Here you go, sir"

"Thanks." Gates hands the man a 10$ bill

"Keep the change."

After drinking his tequila, he turns to Bill.

"Let's head out."

Bill just nodded and left with Gates.

Both of them got into the vehicle and went to Gates' place.

But after arriving, Gates was even more furious than before as there was no longer even a building, just some black soil and a big Crucifix in the center.

Yellow tapes were all over the place

"Get in the car, we're going to my office." Gates said with a disgruntled voice.

The luxurious office was not always Gates' preference, hence he just had the few necessities with him.

"Do you want a drink Bill?"

"N-no, thank you."

"Well, you can't say I didn't ask."

"So why did you bring me here exactly?"

"Take a seat and I'll tell you." Gates started briefly describing the incident that took place in his absence.

But as they say, there is a Knight smarter than the King.

Every move of DB's was being watched.