How to do it right

Julie sat in the corner, which was next to Roman. The lights in the theatre hadn't turned off as people continued to enter, looking for their seats. She hadn't expected to sit next to Roman, not that she minded as she had turned comfortable in his presence.

Roman had pulled out his phone, scrolling through the screen as he read something. Not having anyone else to talk to as he was busy, Julie picked up her Pepsi cup and took a sip from it before she dived into the puff pastry. She tried hard not to let it stick in the corner of her mouth, but it did anyway. 

"Looks like you'll be finishing everything before the movie starts," remarked Roman, shifting his eyes from his phone to look at her. 

Julie was somewhere between pushing the rest of the puff pastry in her mouth with her mouth open when he said it. Munching and swallowing it, she said, "You didn't buy your coke."