Significance of the Ravens

She stared at the trees which had spread far ahead of them, her eyebrows slightly knitted and her lips set in a thin line. Did her mother hide something from her when she was alive? She was scared to accept Roman's words because the tragic event made sense with what he said to her. 

Julie asked Roman, "Is it bad to have this ability?" 

"It depends on how you want to perceive it," responded Roman, his eyes not leaving her as if she would disappear in thin air if he looked away from her. "Years ago, there used to be some families in the town of Willow Creek. The people in the town claimed that the members of this family had powers. Ill powers that was causing harm to people. That they were witches, and one day they were beheaded in the middle of the town. When one of the elderly woman of the family was about to be beheaded, she beseeched her daughters' lives to be spared. But none listened."