Should we restrain him?

After discussing the matter about the hunters with the Elders, the older vampires left the room, and along with them, left Mr. Borrell and Griffin. Now that Dante was alone, she sat down on her chair. She placed her hand on her face, still in disbelief that Piper had died, and she shook her head. 

Pulling her hands away from her face for a moment, she then rubbed her forehead before placing them on the surface of the desk. A sigh escaped from her lips. 

After a minute passed, someone knocked on the door, and Dante didn't know what other bad news to expect. "Come in," she said, and she saw Maximus step inside the room. 

"Ms. Dante, there might be a problem," Maximus spoke slightly in a hurried tone, and Dante stared at him for a second. It didn't take long for her to connect, seeing the missing person next to Maximus. 

"Where is Roman?" questioned Ms. Dante.