Spinning Tales

"Anytime, princess," replied Simon, and it was enough to irk Melanie, but for once, she decided not to snap at him. "Let us take you back to your family. I am sure they will be very worried." 

Melanie, who was quite rattled by the turn of events, nodded before her eyes fell back on the vampire. "What about this person? We cannot leave the person here, can we?" 

She had made the call to reach out for help out of dire need. But now that she came to her senses, where she was no more in danger, she realized how her parents had made them sign and agree on the contract that they were not supposed to mention things to the outsiders. It was good that the person on the other side of the call took her to be joking, 

"Do you plan to use him for decoration?" asked Simon, and Melanie's eyes snapped to meet his eyes. 

He had bright green eyes that stood out in the existing darkness that surrounded them, and they looked at her with curiosity and intrigue.