A keeper of secrets

Julie stared at the man for a second more before his name registered, and she quickly bowed her head, "Thank you for saving me and my friend yesterday, Mr. Blackburn."

She felt like she had heard the last name somewhere, but she wasn't sure where exactly she had heard it. It was as if someone had mentioned it once, and it had registered somewhere in the back of her mind. 

The man had black eyes, his hair neatly combed to the side, and he had changed his clothes from what he had been wearing yesterday. "I am going to the market as well. Do you need me to take you there?" 

At first, she was about to nod as it would be impolite to refuse, but then she realized she wasn't planning to head to the market because she wanted to take a look around the place of how people and things worked in this timeline. But she wanted to follow her mother and see what she was doing, to be able to take a closer look and know how her mother was.