Chptr 8 Godly Expert

Another day for Ajy's three day vacation, he moved out of his room and noticed that the four haven't woke up yet so he decided to do his daily routine.

After an hour of running, he came back to his apartment and still haven't seen or heard any soul so he just went out again to buy foods they could stock in the fridge.

An hour passed and the four were still playing so he decided to cook breakfast. When he was done, he just ate alone, left a note telling them not to enter the game again before he comes back and then he set out again. Remembering his family, he called his sister as he missed them so much.

"Hello brother, I missed you so much! How are you? You haven't called us for a while now," His sister Jam asked.

"I'm always fine, how about you? Our little sis? And our parents?" Ajy asked.

"We're fine here as usual. Oh, by the way brother, my graduation will be in 2 weeks from today, will you be able to come?" Her sister asked with a saddened tone.

"Of course! So what do you want as your graduation gift?" Ajy asked assuring her.

"I'm fine as long as you are here, besides we haven't seen each other in 2 years and 6 months," Jam said happily hearing that her brother would attend her highschool graduation.

"You really missed me that much ey?" Ajy joked around.

"You talk like you don't miss us brother," If Ajy could see her reaction, then he could see that she was slightly crying.

"I'm just kidding! Anyway, I'll see you guys in 2 weeks," Ajy said as he turned the call off. Not letting her talk again.

After calling his sister, Ajy called his boss if he could accompany him in buying a car. Due to his boss being known as one of the richest person in the country, he was able to buy a car , the latest model of the pickup truck. He then treated his boss a meal which was rejected so he just used the car to find a simple restaurant to fill his tummy and went back to his apartment.

Returning, he saw the four with ashamed faces apparent on their faces and Ajy knew the reason even without them telling, "You guys don't have to be ashamed after staying in the game for too long. Anyone would be reluctant to leave after experiencing W.A.R.."

He then looked at them with seriousness, "But it doesn't mean that I will allow you to play whenever you want! And starting today, we will all log in and log off at the same time."

Everyone nodded their heads then Ajy told them to use the game settings as an alarm clock for them to remember when to log off.

Aside from that, Ajy then instructed them of some things they can't quite grasps. Then they chatted with each other for the rest of the afternoon talking about their game experiences in which he was just listening to them.

Dinner was served and they were still talking about the game. Silka was the most excited, Ruby was the most thrilled after experiencing slaying monsters, Erka wasn't really interested but was just going with her daughter's enthusiasm and Auntie Lave wasn't a fan of killing as it was really so realistic inside the game that made her nauseous.

"If you don't like those things then you can be just a lifestyle gamer Auntie Lave," Ajy suggested and explain to them what lifestyle gamers are.

Done with their dinner and the dishes having been washed, they all went to their respective rooms as they all entered W.A.R..

[Initiating Log in...]

Entering the game, Ajy went to the level 20 map as he fought monsters after monsters trying to level up.

[Congratulations in reaching level 10]

[Congratulations in reaching level 11]

[Congratulations in reaching level 12]

His experience bar was about to reach level 13 when he saw a level 20 boar.

[Darkest Wild Boar (Epic)]

[Level 20]

As a gamer who spent a lot of time going back to level 1, he was more proficient of these monsters despite the level gap, he easily destroyed this Epic ranking boar giving him a lot of free experiences.

[Congratulations in reaching level 13]

[Congratulations in reaching level 14]

[Congratulations in reaching level 15]

[Congratulations in reaching level 16]

[Congratulations in reaching level 17]

[Tooth of the Wild Boar]

[Description: An item that could be used in forging.]

[Sword of the Spirit]

[Type: Weapon]

[Quality: Legend]

[Class: Heavy]

[Level: 20 (Upgradable)]

[Description: The Sword of the Spirit was once used by a hero who gathered every souls of evil spirits and imprinted it inside the sword creating a terrifying weapon.]

[Description: Permanently Increases Strength to 100.]

[Description: Upgradable by every five levels with the requirements of 1 legendary weapon and 3 epic equipments or weapons through dismantling.]

"Whoah! What a very terrifying weapon! Pity it's for warriors," Ajy said shaking his head. "Still, it was better than nothing."

Remembering Aunt Lave, Erka, Silka and Ruby, Ajy decided to help them level up too and give them pointers.

"Aya! I'm so dumb, why didn't I asked their in-game names," Ajy sighed as he forgot about this. "Well whatever, guess I just have to tour all over the Beginner's Village."

Since he helped Wild Flower in the beginning, there were no more gamers around only Absolute Perfection who was still at level five trying his hardest to level up alone.

Absolute Perfection saw him walking like a tourist and approached him, "You? I'll give you twenty gold coins if you can let me level up to 20 and leave this damned Village."

"What an arrogant asshole!" Ajy thought as he smiled at Absolute Perfection, "Unfortunately, those gamers before paid me 100 golds so either you pay with the same price or I won't help you!"

"You're just a weakling, don't you know that I can tell my pals whose level are already in 100 above to hunt you down once you leave this Village? How about this, help me and I will tell them to carry you so we can reach the 100 level in a short notice?" Absolute Perfection offered with a smug plastered on his face.

"Since you don't want my offer then I'll take my leave!" Ajy said nonchalantly.

"How dare you disregard me!" Absolute Perfection cried as he gave a slash towards Ajy.

Ajy evaded it with a single side step and used his basic attack killing Absolute Perfection in one hit, "Are you dumb? Can't you even tell my level?"

Unfortunately, Absolute Perfection can't hear his words as he was instantly resurrected at the Resurrection Point.

"You F***ing Asshole! I swear that I will get back at you!" Absolute Perfection howled.

Meandering the entire Beginner's Village, Ajy then found Auntie Lave and the others despite not knowing their in-game names. He already noticed four players killing bunch of monsters and knowing that there were four of them with their respective girl avatars, he instantly knew it was them.

"Hi guys, let's go level up somewhere so we can leave this Village as fast as we can so we could begin our true journey," Ajy said as he moved closer to them.

The four of them instantly perked up their senses as the three readied their battle stance, only Erka actually attacked him.

Evading the incoming attack with a roll, Ajy was pissed as he shouted, "How dare you attack me despite me giving you all a home!"

It was then that the four realized it was Ajy, Erka then hurriedly went towards him bowing her head and apologized, "I'm sorry Ajy, it's just some random guy whose name was Absolute Perfection constantly harassed us and we thought he was you!"

"Didn't I tell you not to call me by my real name inside the game?" Ajy asked still slightly pissed.

"I'm sorry! It won't happen again!" Erka whose in-game name was Unloved Woman bowed to him again apologetic.

"Let's just go! Follow me!" Ajy said putting what happened earlier at the back of his head. Then the four followed him.

Silka whose in-game name was Fiery Lily was curious as to why they were venturing deeper of the Beginner's Forest, "Big brother, although your level is so high, but the four of us can't deal with those monsters!"

"Enough talk and just follow me!" Ajy commanded. Despite Fiery Lily's curiosity, she never said a word again until they finally reached the level 15 spot where Ajy guided the nine players who were also beginners.

Attracting the attention of the level 15 monsters, Ajy slowly chipped their health and when it was only a sliver of health left, Ajy told them to finish it off.

Of course, Ajy told them to be in a team where in he wasn't part of it. Ruby, whose in game name was Gem was amazed at Ajy's battle skills and she too wanted to be like him.

Gem was an assassin and with Ajy's knowledge of this class, he guided her thoroughly and was amazed at how incredible her reflexes were and even the timing of her attacked as well as her fighting skills. She was even soloing five of those monsters despite her level being only three, "This girl is an Expert! If I train her martial arts in the real life then she would also be crowned as a Godly Expert inside the game! What a talent!"