Chptr 18 Unloved Woman

Not receiving any reply, Ajy message Wild Flavour to mobilize their guild to hunt down Blood and if she can also ask others who could hunt him down then he will give them business that they wouldn't regret.

"If you won't talk to me then face the wrath of trying to kill me!" Ajy messaged Blood as he started walking.

When everything was settled, Wild Berry decided to travel with Ajy on foot while she dismissed the others.

Walking alongside each other, they were silent for a while when Ajy looked at her, "You don't have to accept the marriage if you're being forced!"

"Wait! How did you know?" Wild Berry wore an incredulous face when Ajy spoke.

"My Berry, one and a half year ago, you rejected me because you had a boyfriend. Later on did I learn that you were engaged but you weren't happy so I provoked those bastards and gave you a gift so I could see your smile once again before I left," Ajy stopped on his tracks. He sighed then raised his head as he gazed at the clear blue sky, "At that time, I know I can't be with you because I am just an unknown, nothing special and would soon be forgotten. And you surely did forget, that is why I'm creating my own name in game without relying on anybody besides myself and those people who can be trusted! I'm sorry but I have to re-evaluate you and Flavour again before I can put my trust on you!"

Hearing those, Wild Berry felt a pang in her heart. She never imagined that the decision they made back then was now going back at them. Karma is really a b*tch! But actually, she was the one who was hurt the most when she didn't fight for her love towards him.

"By the way, I'll give you a piece of advice. Remember when you told me about how your parents died abnormally? You should investigate again and also try to investigate your fiance," Ajy said and walked away emotionless.

"How dare you! Yes, I might not love my fiance but I saw how he cared and supported me all through these years. And don't you ever mention my parents again!" Wild Berry angrily shouted at Ajy but he just shrugged his shoulders. Since she won't take the advice, he won't help him.

Sometimes later, Ajy and Berry arrived at the village. Flavour and Flower congratulated him upon seeing the village and his guild being upgraded. Gamers won't be able to enter inside since it was on an upgrade. It will take 24 hours in real life to finish the upgrade.

"Can we talk again?" Wild Flavour asked as she wanted to change her business proposal.

"We don't have to! Let's just go," Wild Berry told her leader with a sad expression.

Seeing this, Ajy didn't say anything nor Flavour and Flower who have these questioning looks.

When they were gone, Ajy looked at Silka and Lost Soul, "I'll be logging off, you guys can continue playing."

Logging off, Ajy checked his watch and saw that it was already 8 pm so he went and knocked on Ruby and Erka's room, "Come in."

"How was she?" Ajy asked when he saw Erka holding her daughter's hand and Auntie Lave holding Erka's other hand.

"The doctor said she would be fine. She just needed a rest and start to exercise as her body is not yet strong enough to withstand that kind of pressure from the game," Erka said with a slight smile.

"I'm glad to hear that," Ajy said as he went besides Ruby and caressed her face for a while before standing up ready to leave, "Anyways, Ruby got you a fortune, 15,000 pesos for her hard work during that invasion!"

Auntie Lave and Erka were stunned as they both stood up rapidly, "15,000 pesos just by playing the game?"

"You might think it's just a game, but it's actually the newest trend of earning money since almost 50 percent of the population of Earth were into it." Ajy explained while looking at Erka, "Now, let's talk about you. I want to hear your story!"

Erka was hesitant as she looked at the floor with a sad expression when she heard Ajy, "It's fine if you don't want to talk about it yet!"

Ajy was about to go when Erka grabbed his hand with teary eyes, "It's not that I don't want to tell you. But you might disdain me if I told you!"

"Erka, honey! If he disdained you, you might not be under his roof right now," Auntie Lave said as she wiped the tears of Erka using her shirt.

Taking a deep breath, Erka thanked Auntie Lave for comforting her. She then looked at Ajy and forced a smile as she begun recalling her memories and started telling her story.


Before she was born, Erka's mother was raped by a distant relative of theirs and she was the outcome of that incident. The one who raped her mother covered all tracks so it won't point to him.

And when her mother was pregnant, her family asked who the father was and she said it was their distant relative, that she was raped. But her family never believed in her, they were thinking that she was slandering their relative so they got pissed and kicked her out of the family.

With nowhere to go, her mother begged the man who raped her to just support her until the baby comes out but was actually kicked at her belly which nearly resulted the death of the baby. Her mother tried asking for help from her friends but instead, they mocked and ridiculed her.

As she was about to give up, a man was interested in her mother's beauty that he told her he'll take care of them in which he did.

Erka was born healthily and lived quite a good life until she was 16. She even attended school. When the man who raped her mother learned about this, he ordered a few men from the underground to kill the man whom Erka treated as her father. But that didn't last there as her mother retaliated and tried to kill the man who raped her. Unfortunately, she was killed before she could do anything.

After they were killed, Erka's real father drooled upon seeing her. That same night when her mother and her step dad were killed, she was raped by her very own father. And the result was Ruby.

She tried to find a way to make a living but her father, at the same time the father of her child was making their life miserable. Everytime she was accepted in a work, that man would go threaten her employer.

With no other way, she just used the earnings of her step dad and mother to survive for a decade while trying to put up a business. Ruby was also able to attend school due to her business. Her business went good for a while before it went bankrupt due to her father again.

Having nothing to pay for their rent, they were kicked out and meandered the streets asking for foods. They were even checking the garbages to find some food just to survive until Ruby can't be satisfied that she tried stealing, that was when Ajy found them.


Done with her life story, she looked at Ajy with beads of tears rolling from her face, "Thank you for helping us that time! Thank you that you even gave us a home despite not knowing us! Thank you so much!"

Auntie Lave immediately hugged Erka while also tearing up. Ajy wanted to tear up but he was suppressing it as he said in a hoarse voice, "You and your mom endured enough. I won't let Ruby endured what you guys have endured! That, I promise!"

Just like that and he went back to his room.