Chptr 28 Misunderstanding

"Can the four of us have a private room please?" Myrtle asked a waiter after she finally gained composure. The pain was so intense but her business minded attitude remained astute.

After they had settled, Ajy ordered lots of foods he found appetizing. He also included a gin for him to consume. The three were silent not making any sound letting Ajy decide on their food. Once done, Ajy casually sat like he owned the place.

A minute of silence when the waiter returned holding the gin that Ajy ordered. He started drinking when Myrtle reminded him, disrupting the silence, "Aren't you going to drive?"

"Naaah! Alcohol's my forte!" Ajy replied with confidence. After that, another silence erupted. Ajy just drank without a care in the world.

The policewoman was silently watching the Goldwyn sisters and Ajy. But Ajy's behaviour really annoyed her, "Aren't you going to speak especially about your issue towards the Goldwyn family."

Letting out a chuckle, "Naah! I have already sinned according to them, so what's the point?"

"Just because you have someone powerful backing you up, you won't care?" The policewoman questioned with irritation.

"Naah! I had already proven my innocence. You can even call your higher ups or more specified, the chief of police." Ajy sipped the gin casually.

With one eye raised, she took out her phone and really dialed their chief of police. She let her phone be on loudspeaker so all of them can listen, "Hello chief, I know you told me to stop the investigation of Mira Goldwyn's raping case but the offender just told me that he was really innocent. Is it true?"

"Is he with you right now?" Asked the person from the other line full of authority.

"Yes chief!" The policewoman seriously answered upon hearing the seriousness of her chief.

"Don't ever let that bastard leave," The chief ordered the policewoman. "Oh, and don't do anything stupid and attack him since even I isn't sure if I can finally beat the shit out of him."

The chief reminded the policewoman which shocked her. Disbelief was written all over her face since she knew that not even two men can handle their chief. Even the Goldwyn sisters looked at Ajy with disbelief.

"Naah! You should also call the others then meet us here at Meet and Dine. Tell them that the bastard's back." Ajy snatched the phone from the policewoman and talked to the other person on the line. He then turned it off and called the waiter to make additional orders also to let them know that they were waiting for four certain individuals.

"I told you a lot of times that Ajy never raped me!" Mira said out of the blue. Ajy looked at her but then continued drinking never caring whether what Mira said was the truth or just another act of hers. This reaction of his made her feel pain. Though she understood the reason why, she agreed and acted in front of everyone that she was really raped. It was a way for their family to gain attention. And it was also this reason that their businesses were upgraded and recognized.

Meanwhile Myrtle reacted the most surprised, "And you never even mentioned this to me before?"

"So you are not dating Ajy?" Mira asked in a surprised tone. Apparent anger was written all over her face.

"Why would I date the one who raped my sister?" Myrtle questioned. Though she liked how Ajy treated her, it was not to the point that she would be willing to be with him.

"Then why did he call you his a while ago?" Mira returned a question clenching her fists.

Myrtle explained what happened a while ago that everything was just a misunderstanding. She started explaining about their business collaboration and how she and Ajy were together inside the restaurant. The tense atmosphere between the siblings slowly faded away.

And while listening, the jealousy that Mira was feeling was slowly gone. Instead, guilt and embarrassment slowly consumed her. Her rash actions created friction between her and sister.

Myrtle, although the pain of the slap wasn't yet gone, she understood why her younger sister had to do such actions. She consoled her and told her that she was ok. Soon, sobs were heard all over the room as the sisters kept on apologizing and forgiving. Even the policewoman can't help but tear up just by watching the closeness and bond of the two siblings.

Finally calmed down, Mira also explained how she suspected that her and Ajy's son was drugged. But every time she gets closer to investigating, the investigation would stop at one point. And she couldn't find a breakthrough. The reason why she never told this to any members of their family was that she also suspected that the culprit was amongst them, and she would pray that her suspicion will never come true.

The policewoman was the only person whom she told about her suspicion, and eventually helped her investigating. But, just like her, the policewoman always stops at one area after a thorough investigation.

"And why lie about Ajy raping you?" Myrtle asked.

Mira also explained that the night of her birthday, she was tipsy at that time. She wanted to go to the comfort room but someone escorted her to a room. There, she saw Ajy fully naked as he was indulging on his own. Whatever happened after that wasn't raped, but because both of them were drugged. Also, that was the most romantic night that she and Ajy shared together.

After knowing about this, their father and brother threatened her that they will silence Ajy if she won't tell the media that she was raped. This gave their brother and father an opportunity for their business to expand and grow using Mira being raped as bait. People pitied them, some became fanatics of them and because of the Goldwyn siblings having angelic faces, they slowly became a household name in the upper echelons of society.

As Mira was explaining those, she would constantly gaze at Ajy who was always in his nonchalant character. And after the explanation, she was hoping that Ajy would understand her situation. She stood up, faced Ajy and bowed to him in ninety degrees, "I'm truly sorry for doing this to you Ajy! I hope you can forgive me and my family!"

"Forgive? Sure! It was all in the past anyways." Ajy smiled at the Goldwyn sisters sweetly. This made Mira relieved as she felt like a prick in her heart was suddenly removed. But she suddenly perked up as she felt a threat upon looking at his terrifying gaze. Even Myrtle and the policewoman, their hair slowly stood up.

"But I am not that forgiving to the person who killed my son!" Ajy clenched the cup he was holding and it shattered. Blood dripped from his hand. The terrifying gaze he showed vanished in an instant and he went back to his nonchalant attitude. He acted like he didn't even shatter a cup just by gripping it.

"We .. still .. don't know who...killed him," Mira said as she calmed herself down.

"You don't? I do!" Ajy said as he got another sip of the gin.

Eyes wide open with shock, the three women looked at him eagerly.


"How do you know? I can't even finish investigating it."

"You're not lying, are you?"

"It's no use knowing about the truth ladies!" The door from the private room opened as four good looking men entered one by one. Leading them was none other than Hic, "It's nice to meet you ladies, my name is Hic and I am the chief of police around this area."

"This is Cad, a doctor." Hic pointed to the man closest to him.

"The one next to him is Ole, a certified psychiatrist," Ole gave a waving smile to the ladies.

"And I'm Ban, the journalist at the same time a writer," Ban interrupted Hic's introduction as he preferred introducing himself.

"Lastly, the name's Ajy. An undergrad and a bastard!" Ajy said smuggling. Then he stood up and hugged those four brothers of his.

These four were Ajy's best of friends whom he hasn't met for four whole years. Still, they constantly messaged each other and would sometimes catch up using video calling.

After the introduction, the five men talked about their achievements and their future. Ban, who was a walking newspaper already has two sons and will soon publish again another book. Hic will be promoted soon. Cad will soon be a celebrity doctor and would have his own program in a famous tv station and Ole will be having a wedding in three months.

Done catching up, the food arrived and they started eating. Holding her curiosity, the policewoman asked her chief why it was no use to know the truth about Ajy and Mira's son's killer.