Chptr 30 Vice Leader Position

Night, Ajy logged back to the game and ordered his guild members to meet him at their guild headquarters.

"It is time for our guild to officially operate and equally distribute tasks to one another. And anyone who isn't willing to stay has the freedom to quit." Ajy started as he looked at them with seriousness. Seeing that all of them stayed silent, he continued, "First and foremost, what we needed right now are the Guild Secretary and Vice Leader. The two of them shall be the face of the guild who will be mostly dealing with the internal problems."

"We also need to have a public figure who would be dealing with the media. And an information broker who will collect information regarding items, players, guilds, places, dates and future updates of the game."

"Iron Bash shall be spearheading our dungeon exploration. He will be the main tanker in the expedition and shall be accompanied by Lost Soul as our main healer. Once Jewel is the guild's main tanker and will be assigned to help the others advance in level. She will be assigned as the Second Commander of our guild."

"Our Third Commander will be given to Blood whose role was to dominate the Arena. He won't be helping in explorations or any expeditions."

"The First Commander will only be an empty spot for the time being as only the best and greatest can claim this seat. Also, remember that every commander is equal to the position of the Vice Guild Leader."

"Trinity Soul is going to be the head of our lifestyle gamers. And Drizzle Sizzle shall be the face of the guild who will be dealing with the media."

"For the rest, I want you to assign your position with regards to your capability."

"I may not be good at playing this game but I want to be of help so I would like to take the position of guild secretary!" Unloved Woman recommended herself.

No one voiced out any complaints nor rejections. Unknown then told her what she needed to do as the secretary of the guild. She has to have everyone's profile. List down the needs of every guild member and allocate the funds and budget to them. She also has to note the NPCs they are recruiting and instruct them to a position that would benefit the village. "Can you handle those?"

Listening to those, Unloved Woman clenched her fists as she nodded. She inwardly told herself to do everything in her own capabilities in assisting the guild, most importantly, to assist Unknown.

"Ca... caa... can I... I.. I.. be... the.. the.. the... i... in.. for... ma... ma.. maation broker?" Royal Spirit stuttered. She was Iron Bash's girlfriend and two years older than him. She wanted to be the information broker since she has already compiled a lot of information about the game.

"Good! Then the Vice Leader position will be vacant for the meantime as we needed..." Unknown was saying something when a melodious sound of a woman interrupted him.

"I can take that position!" A woman clad with epic equipment showed up. Her in game name was Girdle. Unknown already knew about her, she was Mira. Her in game name was derived from their child's name - Lidger.

"And who are you?" Drizzle Sizzle asked.

"Everyone, this is the second daughter of the Goldwyn family!" Unknown introduced without an ounce of feeling.

"How did you know?" Girdle asked wondering.

"You're not welcome here!" Drizzle Sizzle threatened. She knew about her and the things she did to Ajy. He was her only best friend. And she will never allow nor acknowledge the woman who ruined him.

Before Girdle could reply, they heard another woman's voice followed by two cloaked individuals. "Then am I welcome and could take that position?"

These three who just arrived were Drac, Dark Skull and Thorn Lily. They were there to ask Unknown to recommend a tactician.

Fiery Lotus and Royal Spirit were in cloud nine upon seeing the three who arrived. They were a fan of these big three of the Soaring Phoenix. They were controlling themselves as they don't want to interrupt the discussion.

"And why does the Vice Leader of the biggest guild in the country want to take that position?" Drizzle Sizzle said annoyed. She hated that another woman was here to rival her in chasing Ajy.

"Don't worry, she's ineligible to be a part of the guild since she hasn't experienced the pain of being forgotten," It was another woman who spoke. She was none other than the top gamer of the entire W. A. R.: Peerless Saintess. "Oh and don't worry, I'm not here to take that position from you people."

Blood stood up on his seat as he personally bowed to the newcomer Peerless Saintess. He has watched countless battles of the so-called 'Goddess of Berserkers'. His respect towards her was at the highest level. He could even leave the guild just to follow her. Sadly, Peerless Beauty would never allow it.

While some of them were all living in their own thoughts and the others conversing, Unknown smiled as he saw another gamer who entered that the others never noticed. Even the Big Three of the Soaring Phoenix Guild and the number one gamer weren't aware that someone just arrived. This one was Silent. He never expected him to show up just by messaging him before the meeting started. He saw a potential in him and actually wanted him to take the position of the Vice Guild Leader.

"You heard the conversation right? Willing to take it?" Unknown asked smiling as he was staring at the entrance of his guild headquarters. The others looked at the spot where he was looking. Shocked appeared on their faces upon seeing a man standing there formally. They never noticed his presence, not until Unknown spoke.

Silent stared back at Unknown not knowing how to react. The gazes of the others also made him stiff. He doesn't know how to react especially that he was being asked whether to take the position that Unknown was assigning to him.

"Silence means yes! Then Silence shall be our Vice Guild Leader from now on, any objections?" Unknown asked enthusiastically.

Any other people would object decisively but the members of the Forgotten Guild didn't. They saw how capable and talented their guild leader was and they knew the fact that voicing out their objection was futile. They just stayed silent.

"Awesome! Silent, I know you have a story to tell but the guild shall listen to it another time since there are people here who don't have the qualifications to hear it." Unknown said looking at the Big Three, Girdle and Peerless Saintess and winked. These people just rolled their eyes.

"For the meantime, I will send you all a contract and if you are satisfied then you are officially part of the guild," He continued as he sent the file contract in their guild chat. He also sent the file to Silent as he wasn't yet part of their guild. He was waiting whether he would be hooked up or not through the said contract.

"How about you kiddo? Someone wants to talk to you." Unknown looked at Gem who took three days to recuperate instead of a week. He then motioned the three from the Wild One Guild who were waiting in another room to show themselves.

"Hello, little Gem, remember us? I want you to listen to me very carefully, alright? I want to invite you to our guild and be our Second Vice Guild Leader. And by joining us, you can achieve the dream you wanted - you will be able to buy your own house. Who knows, by staying with us you can even get a car. Lots of money will be yours in the future that you can buy anything you want!" Wild Flavor tried to bribe Gem by giving her benefits that wouldn't be declined by almost all gamers.

Although the allure of money would make her falter, she also experienced the danger of it since she experienced it at a young age. She and her mother used to afford things they wanted and people praised and befriended them but when all was gone, those same people disdained and acted like they never knew each other. Another thing, she was molded by her mother to always cherish people who won't despise them by who they were and whatever their past was. That was Ajy and the others who accepted them like they were a family.

"But I am living at Kuya's place and I am happy staying with him and the others. And I have no interest in having my own car since Kuya has a car so I can ask him to drive me anytime I want. He also praised me lots of times because he saw my potential in this game that's why I am going to ask him to give me the position of the First Commander!" Gem replied with innocence.

Bursting a loud laugh, Unknown was beaming with joy since the girl whom he wanted to nurture chose to stay with him. And in the future, Gem would always talk about how he chose the Unknown over money.

Meanwhile, Wild Flavour sighed with dejection as she wasn't able to hook up a pure talent. She and Wild Berry looked at Unknown with hostility. They knew that Gem's decision might have been instructed by him. But her decision today will soon be an upcoming news to every gamer out there.

"I'll join!" Silent suddenly declared. He was never a bit interested in the contract. What made him join was because he was jealous. Jealous because of the attention that Gem was getting. Jealous since he can't accept that a kid was better than him being an assassin. He wanted to prove that he will be the number one assassin in the game. In the future however, that will only be a dream for him he could never achieve.