Chptr 38 Resignation

"Hello sir, good morning. I hope I'm not disturbing you," Ajy respectfully said after his boss picked up his call.

"No worries, not disturbed at all," his boss answered but Ajy knew he was lying since he could hear children laughing and talking from the other side of the phone. He knew they were his boss' grandhildren. "Anyway, why'd you call?"

"I just want to tell you sir that I just asked for a day off and I'm just gonna let you know this since you might be looking for me at my office and I won't be there today," Ajy informed his boss. Of course, Ajy doesn't have to inform his boss since Jazz, the secretary would be informing him.

"Stop wasting my time and just tell me what you want to say," His boss knew him clearly. Ajy wasn't the type to call him just to inform him he shall get absent in work.

Sighing, Ajy courageously just told him what was on his mind, "Resignation!"

* * * * *

In the most luxurious villa situated in the city, an imposing old man with a demeanor of a monarch sighed as he just ended the call after hearing a word from the other line, "So, it's finally time huh?"

"Are you okay father?" The daughter of this old man asked worriedly upon seeing him sighed deeply as he ended the call.

"You'll soon understand when it's the triplets birthday," The old man just smiled as he looked at his grandchildren lovingly.

* * * * *

Back to Ajy, he wryly smiled when his boss ended the call. He owed the old man a lot, he supported, guided and believed in him when he was on his worst time. Despite the rumor that he raped the daughter of the Goldwyn family, he still hired him and gave him an opportunity. He even suppressed the Goldwyn family just for him. In his heart, he would always be a family.

After the call, he immediately went home and informed the tenants that he would gave them each fifty thousand pesos if they could leave in a day but there would be no compensations to those who moved after. So every tenants cancelled their appointments, called for a day off and immediately went to find a new place to stay so they could move out as soon as possible.

While the tenants were busy doing their things for the immediate moving, Ajy also called some people he knew to do the renovation in the apartment building, from the architect to the home designer and the construction workers. He asked them to meet him in the afternoon of the same day.

In the afternoon, upon meeting with the people he called. He asked what materials needed during the renovation and once he received the lists, he immediately went to order everything and told them that it needed to be delivered in the apartment building address on the next day. Also, he went to find a temporary home for him and his guild members to settle down while waiting for the renovation to finish.

Evening came and his guild members already settled down in the house which Ajy rented. It was a three story house fifty meters away from the apartment building. And each of them were given a room except Kay-at (Royal Spirit) who would still be staying at her parent's house and Ran (Blood) who would be staying at their old place together with his sister.

After their dinner, Ajy told Kay-at and Ran (Iron Bash) to meet him in his room in ten minutes. Before they parted ways in the morning, he asked each of them to prepare a two minute speech. He then set up a hidden camera to record the video. And when the two of them were in his room, he told them to exchange the speeches they created to each other. Bewildered, they followed his instructions. "Now, as a man you should be the first Ban. Read the speech written by your girlfriend in front of the two of us and she'll also read the speech you have written once you're done."

Stunned, Ban and Kay-at never expected to read the speech written by their lover in front of their leader. They stood rooted on their places as they don't know how to react, "I'm doing this to help the two of you. Would you always let the others look down on you or bully you because you guys always stammer in front of them? And if the two of you ever have a child, would you be proud to face them while stammering?"

"You guys are not allowed to leave this room until the two of you finishes reading those speeches you were both holding. I won't care if you sew me in court but you guys knew better," Ajy casually sat down on a chair as he waited for Ban to start.

Ban and Kay-at looked at each other. Everything Ajy told them was the truth, they were always outcasted by their classmates because of their stammering, they even grew up with no friends on their own. "I also wanted to add that my guild doesn't need people whose going to pull me and the others down. I created this guild for everyone not to be looked down on, for everyone to be remembered by how great we are and not to be forgotten because of our annoying or insulting pasts. So you guys better show me that you have the guts to stay and be a part of my guild."

"I... I.. I'mmm ... be... bec... becasue... yo.. you... a.. accep... accepted.. u.. uss.. a... and.. be.. be..lieved... i.. in.. u.. u.. us.. p.. p.. pite... o.. o .. our... s.. s.. sta.. sta.. me... me.. mering," Ban courageously said despite stammering. (I'm doing this because you accepted us and believed in us despite our stammering.) Kay-at looked at Ban full of affection of awe and love, it was clearly shown on her face. She agreed with Ban's words and showed her support by holding his hand.

"Come on you guys, are you making me jealous since I am the only one single in this room? I know that you love each other but there's a time and place for your affections," Ajy gruntled as he saw how romantic the two. This made the two embarrassed and their faces were as red as tomato. Of course, Ajy was just joking, he wanted them to do this on their own and not because someone was beside them supporting them.

An hour and a half after, the three of them went out of the room. Ajy then accompanied the two towards Kay-at's home while she texted her parents that she was on her way home. She was worried that her parents would get angry since it took them an hour and a half to finish.

When they arrived, Kay-at's worry came true. Her parents were at the door looking pissed. "Young woman, I told you a lot of times that you aren't allowed to come home late. You know that there are a lot of criminals meandering around the city. Starting today, you are grounded!"

"And you Ban, you have the guts to get her home so late despite you not being yet his husband? You another stammerer!" Kay-at's mother was so mad that she slapped the two of them.

"Hon, calm down, let the kid's explain first before you hit them. I'm also very mad but I'm just trying to control myself. Aside from that, we have a guest inside," Kay-at's father stopped his wife while tightly gripping the holster from his waist.

"Hmpph!" Kay-at's mother harrumphed as she could also see how angry her husband was.

"Everything okay mom, dad?" A policewoman showed up in front of the house. She haven't heard the commotion but she was wondering why her parents were taking so long. She then saw Ajy walking leisurely towards them, she pointed at him and yelled, "YOU!? What the h*ll are you doing here?"

Ajy looked at his back innocently but when he saw nothing, he looked at them and pointed at himself, "Oh, you are actually referring to me?"

"Then who do you think I'm pointing to?" The policewoman who was actually Natasha was getting more pissed.

"I thought there was someone following me behind my back," Ajy embarrassedly answered while scratching his head. He was late since he parked his car outside, "Oh and I came here to tell Kay-at's parents regarding her being late coming home."

"So you are the *sshole who made my daughter come home late?" Kay-at's father was about to bring out his gun when Natasha stopped him and seriously said, "Calm down dad, we can't afford to mess with him!"