Chptr 45 I'll Settle my Score With You

"A day passed after my laboring, the doctor told me that me and my babies wouldn't have made it out alive if Ajy wasn't there to accommodate and help me. So I immediately asked if I could meet him but it was a pity that he was long gone of the hospital. I tried searching for him, but to no avail, I wasn't able since I have a little money left at that time. It was only a year when my father-in-law found me that I was able to know of my savior's identity. For me, Ajy wasn't just my savior, he was my family, my man. And so, I had always wanted him to be the godfather of my children." After telling them the story of that tragic event, Bea walked towards Ajy who was still carrying his children and sincerely bowed at him with tears rolling down her beautiful face, "Thank you!"

All of the women inside the Aragon Villa whatever status they have whether rich wives, heiress, princesses, actress, maids, waitresses or staffs, they were all tearing up while listening to the story. Even some men have runny noses.

Mira, who was already sobbing felt so pity, proud and jealousy at the same time. Pity, because of what Bea had gone through. Proud, because the man she chose back then and the father of her child was a hero and jealousy because of what Bea stated that he was her man. She looked at her family, her sister, youngest brother and mother were in tears while her father and elder brother were both sullen. Despite looking at the two being sullen, it never occurred to her to ask them why, instead she was questioning why Ajy never told him about this incident.

Drac who already heard this story still made him teary, yet a smile on his face could clearly be seen. When he first heard this story, he actually bawled like a child. It was also one of the reasons why he always admired Ajy. He also knew that the driver of that bus was sentenced to a lifetime imprisonment.

Even Theia, upon learning the story, she couldn't control her sobbing as she immediately hugged her sister-in-law. She was always at the dark for why his father supported, cared and even used his status to help Ajy despite his identity as a rapist. Now she was finally enlightened, for without Ajy, she would never ever met her nephews. So now, the despise she felt when hearing the name Ajy, it was now changed with pure gratitude.

On the stage, Bea looked at him with expectation as she asked, "Please be the godfather of my children for they never experienced the warmth of a father."

Of course, Ajy knew why the three were fatherless since their father passed away at a very young age. He died of cancer. Knowing that, he would never allow them to experience the same pain he has gone through. He lost his child without being able to see him, they lost his father despite not yet being born in this world. He doesn't want them to grow up without feeling the warmth of a father since he also needed the warmth of having children. He settled the three down and looked at them warmly, "From now on, you can either call me dad or father."

"Dad!" The three shouted at the same time as they went to hug him excitedly.

"We now have a dad!"

"We can now brag that we have a dad!"

"Yes! We won't be teased by others that we don't have a dad!"

Looking at the scene, Bea, Theia and the big boss of the Maharlika Corporation, Elemer Aragon were very happy as tears could be seen rolling from their eyes. They always pitied the three because they would always complain that they were the only ones who never had a father while the other kids have. Now that someone was willing to be a father to them, they were incredibly happy more so that he was Ajy. Elemer Aragon trusted him completely, Bea was full of gratitude and thoroughly admired him whilst Theia see him in a new light.

"Everyone, please your heart with the food and wine I have prepared for all of us and let us enjoy this evening together with my grandchildren," Elemer Aragon announced.

Although some of the guests were teary eyed, they still smiled and started giving their gifts to the triplets. They were trying their hardest to please the three and the head of the Aragon family with their gifts like branded clothes, toys, jewelries, advance technology gadgets and many more. Unfortunately, they weren't able to please Elemer Aragon since he was the richest man in the country and had seen numerous kinds of those things that were far more expensive. As for Ajy, he excused himself as he's not interested in listening to what they gave as presents.

Not long after, they were enjoying the party while mingling with their peers. Some were already on the move pleasing other rich families to have business cooperation.

"Ajy, I didn't know that you were actually a hero," Mori said as he gave him his sweetest smile. Behind him were those of the Goldwyn family. "I hope that what happened in the past shall be buried in the ground. Also, if you still love my sister Mira then we are very privileged to welcome you in our family."

"Of course! The past should just be forgotten but there's just one thing that I have to settle my score with you," Ajy smirked glinting his eyes and then tapped Mori's shoulder, "And I'm no longer interested in your sister nor your family!"

"You....!" The head of the Goldwyn family was immediately pissed upon hearing Ajy. They were already giving him face by allowing him to be with his daughter and yet he declined it with a little bit of disgust. He was annoyed and angry but he couldn't show it since they were in the turf of the Aragon Family.

Mori, on the other hand felt nervous. The words that came out from Ajy was like a thorn that hit his darkest secret. A fear suddenly crept up to his body for a second but instantly denied it as he thought, 'Everyone who knew of my secret was already killed by my two own hands so it was impossible for him to know it."

As for Mira, pain suddenly erupted from her heart. She felt like there were a million needles that stabbed her heart. She stared blankly at the back of Ajy who was moving away while waving his hand. Her tears suddenly gushed out from her eyes without her knowing.

With a bottle of wine in his hand, Ajy went directly towards the balcony and sat at the edge of the railing while watching the flashing lights coming from the city. Not long after he sat down, two people also came out and since he was at the darkest part of the balcony, they weren't able to spot him. The two were Mr. Mo and his wife.

"What is the meaning of this?" Attorney Mo asked while holding a paper in her hand acting shocked and pitiful.

"It is what it is!" Mr. Mo answered indifferently.

"Why?" Attorney Mo questioned with apparent anger and discomfort in her face.

Mr. Mo laughed dryly, "Why? It's simply because you cheated. Not just with one man but two or maybe more, who knows. I first accidentally learned of it when you went to the company where I was working. I saw you but you never saw me. You were following my superior whom I was gonna meet that time and as I was about to knock on the door I heard you saying that I wasn't able to satisfy your desire in bed. I thought that it was just a joke but then heard the two of you moaning with pleasure."

"I wanted to burst out the door and give that bastard a beating when I heard you again saying that even if I discovered the two of you f*cking each other then you would just continue and ignore me. I was hurt! Devastated that I cried and been drunk for a week. But because of my love for you, I tried pleasing you with my personality and skills in bed. From that moment, I thought I conquered you since we made love every night for a whole three days until you suddenly told me that you were going out of town to meet one of your clients. I begged you to stay for two more days and you agreed and made love with each other again during those two days.

Unexpectedly, a week after that, I heard you talking on the phone. You said that the man should wait for a year because you were planning something for us to get divorced. You set up your friend Deb to seduce me so you can charge me with cheating. That time, you said lovey dovey words with the man whom you're talking to and you were even masturbating while talking to him."

Sighing, Mr. Mo continued, "Then I followed you multiple times and saw you meeting my superior and a youngster a lot of times. I was even stupid to follow you in hotels or motels hoping that you weren't going to have sex with them. Alas, that hope was crushed and mentally affected me for a while."

"As for how I got you sign this divorce paper? You were drunk that time and I pleaded you to sign it so I can start a business and wanted you to be the owner of it. That wasn't the business paper but that divorce paper you were holding." Mr. Mo didn't look at attorney Mo as he just turned his back on her.

"For the business that I was able to open up during this year and the house that we have been staying at, it was already your sole property. I already did the paperwork, you can see it on top of the drawer in our bedroom. As for the excuse of getting divorce, there was a flash drive included on that drawer, a video of myself and a woman having sex. I went along with your plan and finished everything on my own so you don't have to trouble yourself."

"This time, you and I are now strangers!" Mr. Mo walked straightly inside the party. But Ajy saw a small teardrop escaping from his eyes. He can sense that despite the strong attitude he was showing, pain and devastation were consuming him.