Chptr 48 Alma

Ajy was having a ragged breathing when they entered his room, he closed the door and locked it up as she pushed her towards the wall and kissed her intimately while his hands grabbed her butt cheeks. "Before I lose control of myself, do you really want this?"

She nodded her head because she too was already in heat. She was not a virgin since she and her ex-boyfriend tried doing it twice. Also, the moaning she heard from her room also fueled her desire to be conquered.

With her approval, Ajy then immersed himself and started kissing her lips going down to her neck. He then removed his shirt and continued the intimate kissing. He took her shirt and shorts off, only her underwear remaining. He again kissed her lips while wildly playing her but cheeks. She also kissed him back with passion as she caressed his face.

Moving his hand up, he skillfully unhooked her bra and her bountiful breasts were in his plain view. Hurriedly, he sucked one of her breasts while his other hand played with the other. His extra hand was now on her pussy and he realized she was already wet down there. He kept exchanging sucking her two breasts, and even bit her nipples from time to time while massaging her pussy, "Aaaaahhhhnnggggg!"

This time, he went down and kneeled in front of her as he lowered her panties down to her feet as he started to lick her cave, "Not there!"

But the pleasure was so immense that she could only say those words but didn't stop him. She never experienced this kind of thing from her ex-boyfriend. Because the two times they did it, he would just kiss him and then just went all the way. She knew the word foreplay but haven't really experienced it fully. Now, she was so aroused that she wanted to beg him, "Please! I want it in."

Hearing that, Ajy also realized that she was already prepared so he took off his pants and underwear hurriedly then carried her. She was against the wall when he teased her by rubbing his thing to her cave.

"Don't tease me please!" Ajy smiled, kissed her and slowly inserted his thing inside of her, "Ahhhhhhh!"

Both of them exclaimed with pleasure when Ajy's thing fully went inside. She was so tight that he immersed himself for a while as he kissed her intimately. After that, he started thrusting his thing inside of her while she whimpered with ecstasy, "Yes! This thing! This is the pleasure I have only heard but never experienced fully."

Ajy needed rest from the thrusting so he carried her unto the bed while his sword was still inside of her. When they were on the bed, he then continued thrusting while playing her breasts and kissing her. Sometimes, he would suck her nipples as they both engaged in the passion of being with each other.

"I'm cumming!" Ajy exclaimed while still pushing his thing inside her. "I'll do it inside."

"Yes please! Jus keep on thrusting, I'm nearly there too." She cried out. Not even did she experienced cumming from her ex-boyfriend, not once. Though she felt the pleasure when she did it with him back then, it was only for a minute.

"Ahhhh!" Ajy roared as he came inside her, despite that, he still kept on thrusting. Not long after, she also yelled out in ecstasy, "Nnngggghhhhhh!"

After that, he didn't remove his thing inside her cave as he exchanged their position. She was now on top and he was at the bottom. Resting for a while, he asked, "By the way, I haven't known your name yet."

"Alma," She replied with ragged breathing.

"Ajy," introduced himself. "You wanna do this till we pass out?"

"It's my first time savoring this experience since I never experienced it with my ex-boyfriend. So yeah, I'm all yours tonight." Alma replied truthfully with reddened cheeks.

Since his thing was still inside of her, he didn't remove it but just passionately kissed her again, "Babe, tonight, I'm your only man so forget whoever that ex's of yours and just treat me like I'm your boyfriend."

Alma looked at him in the eyes and tears came out from her eyes, "Thank you! You really are one kind of a man. Even if this is only a one night thing but I won't regret it. I would even thank my friend for taking our room so I could enjoy this with you."

"Hush!" Ajy licked the tears from her face and kissed her. He then stopped and looked at her in the eyes, "You deserve this kind of treatment! You are so adorable that I couldn't stop doing this with you every time."

They again kissed intimately and he again started pushing his thing inside her. This time, it was a little bit faster as he showered her the affection and care a man should give towards a woman when in bed.

"AHHHH! YESSS!" Alma moaned loudly as her insides were being pleasured by Ajy's thing.

"Babe, try to shake your but while I rest for a while," Ajy asked politely.

"Like this?" She asked.

"Urgh! Yeeesss! Do it in a circular motion too." Ajy replied, "Now try to go up and down on me."

Alma tried doing it since it was her first time doing this kind of position. When she and her ex did it before, they only have one position, she was at the bottom and her ex was on top. From the beginning until he cummed, they never changed positions. "Baby, I don't know if I'm doing it right!"

"Your perfectly fine," Ajy reassured her and it gave her confidence. He was lying down when Alma was the one doing the thrusting, when she got tired, he sat down while she was still sitting down on his lap. His one hand was caressing her back and the other one was doing the same thing on her thigh. His mouth was also busy sucking her nipples. "Ahhhhh! More please Baby!"

When she has already rested enough, she grabbed Ajy face as she kissed her romantically while she does the thrusting. "Damn babe! You're getting good at this."

Hearing his praised, she felt she was on cloud nine and aggressively di the pounding more. When she was tired, he let her stood up on the floor and told her to grab on the bed. He then inserted his thing again inside her and did a lot of thrusting, "Babe! I'm coming. AHHhhhh!"

"Baby, don't stop! I'm at my limit too," Alma replied as she also cummed in the next few seconds.

They didn't stop there, as they rested for a while hugging each other on the bed then continued being intimate again. They kissed each other like hungry beasts of sex. The desire was overwhelming that they can't just separate their lips.

Ajy played her pussy using his hands and when his dick was standing up strong again, he again inserted it inside her. They did a lot of positions and he taught her everything such as spooning, side by side, the yab-yum, the cross and the lazy dog. It took them fifteen minutes before they cum.

They were covered in sweats and Alma's pussy was dripping with their love juices. He then carried her the lover's way and went towards the bathroom. They cleaned each others body and started kissing each other again. And with the lusts succumbing their mind and body, they started doing their fourth round.

After the fourth round and had freshly showered, the two of them felt like they can't sleep so they just chatted with each other. Ajy told him his entire story including the thing about Mira. But he never mentioned about the virtual game he was playing.

"Babe, I don't believe that rubbish! The way you respected me and how you treated me, this is not the behavior of a rapist. I know because I was nearly raped by my instructor in college, he was like someone whose possessed, very savage." Alma said while his finger was drawing circles on his chest.

After that she also told her story. She was an introvert growing up but she was always being admired by lots of people especially men so she got accustomed to the crowd. She was also a straight A honor student and was the valedictorian during her primary and secondary education. When she was in college, she took up accountancy and although she didn't become the magna cum laude, she was still the summa cum laude. Now, she was the manager of one of the banks in the country.

She included to tell him the story of her being almost raped by her instructor. They were in a pageant event and her instructor was the head committee in the event whilst she was the second in command. When the pageant was over, her instructor told her to meet her in one of the rooms to talk about the funds they have gathered during the event. Unknowingly to her, that wasn't the actual reason her instructor asked her to meet him.

Inside the room, her instructor locked the door and savagely assaulted her, ripping her clothes and licking her face and neck. He wanted to kiss her but she bit his lips. This made her instructor angry and started punching her belly. She almost passed out from the pain, but she gritted her teeth and called for help. Thankfully, before he could do something immoral towards her, they heard her shout and some students and professors opened the door forcefully only to find her instructor on top of her while she was crying. The instructor was expelled of the college and was sentenced to twenty years of imprisonment.

She even included to tell Ajy the story of how she met her boyfriend, how incredible it was to be loved, how their relationship started to sour and how their sex life was.

Ajy laughed when he listened to how incapable her ex was in bed. He pitied the guy and at the same time thankful towards him because he was able to enjoy Alma to the fullest.

"Lastly, amongst the reason why he broke up with me was because I'm infertile." Alma said seriously and that was the thing Ajy never expected to hear. But upon realizing why she allowed him to cum inside her, it made sense.

"You two haven't thought of doing surrogacy?" Ajy asked.

"We did! But we don't have that much money. We even played this virtual reality game hoping that we could earn more money but a pity, the game has too many players and we always get killed by either monsters or players." Alma replied.

"You know, doesn't matter! If you want a child, then the two of us can have surrogacy. And money isn't a problem for me." Ajy smiled as he kissed her forehead.

"Thank you babe!" Alma's heart melted hearing that, she felt so happy. Even the cruelest woman on Earth would melt their cruel heart if they knew that a man was willing to accept them not because of what problems they have but because they can give assurance to help. She wanted to say yes but her personality was obstructing her.

Instead of saying yes, she just kissed him again intimately until they had another round of passionate desire before they went to sleep. It was already three in the morning when the two of them were happily cuddling each other while they were both in their own respective dreamland.