"We have no choice but to enter. We do not have a way to strike down these walls."
"It is a trap, we need an alternative path."
"Geth has already looked and there is no other path, we can only enter or turn back and fail our Goddess."
The party had made the descent to the castle, awed by its magnitude and subdued by the ominous waves of distortion that flowed from it. Now they stood outside the open gate, split on what to do.
Do they walk through and into the dark space that lay beyond when it might be a trap? Or turn back as they had no other path to follow?
"Luhra can you warp us inside? … Luhra?"
Snapped back by Randall's voice Luhra shook her head as she hurriedly formed her words, she had been so engrossed in watching the flow of magic in this structure… it was amazing, she had never seen magic like it.
"I cannot breach the magic here, mine pales in comparison. No, all of Kiburat's magic pales in comparison to what is present here."
"We vote. I say enter, and strike skeleton."
Irked by Borth's straightforward approach to any problem, Randall had to agree with him this time.
"We will vote, all for going in stand with me, everyone else stand away from the gate."
With the shuffling of feet the parties fate had been decided.
Surprisingly it was only Eva and Gran who did not want to enter as Randall and the others were ready to head through the main gates, trap or not.
"It is settled. We move in normal formation, I'll take lead."
With Randall taking lead the party fell into order and proceeded through the dark gates. They could argue and bicker but once something had been decided they had to work together.
With caution steps Eva stepped below the high archway as the musty air of damp and rot assailed her nose, she was beginning to regret ever agreeing to this mission. It hadn't been even a day but already she was weary to her bones, not from exhaustion but from fear of what they were to face ahead.
With a slow deliberate clang the gates to the monumental castle sealed themselves shut, with their guests locked inside, their fate unknown.
In a dark hall, locked within the centre of the castle sat the skeleton, sat upon a high throne. With his bony hand he tapped languidly on the arms of the throne, no expressions or emotions to be read on his dead frame, just the tiny mutterings of a deep voice.
"This smell, this taste."
With an intact of rotten air the skeleton's jaw moved, almost forming a mocking grin.
"I see. Oh, I remember you…"
His words tailing off the skeleton broke out into a burst of cackling laughter, one that caused the castle to shudder and shake as it couldn't contain the dark mirth in his voice.
"So you finally think you can vanquish me..."
"...It is time I left this cell."
The party cautiously moving forward under the glow of mage light were forced to stop as air shrieked past them, the walls around them shuddered and shook as Luhra's lone mage light was snuffed out, plunging them into darkness.
"By the Light of Virtue!"
With a shout Randall raised his sword high as its blade shone with light, basking them all in the protections and light of their goddess.
"For the Goddess!"
"You okay? What do you make of this place?"
Muffling her whispers carefully Luhra turned to Mave by her side.
"It is an evil den like any other, you rip out the heart and it will fall. Be careful to spin your magic carefully here mage, lest it consume you."
With a grunt Mave resumed her steps, not interested in conversation with one like Luhra, not many placed their trust in magic on Kiburat, it was something that saddened Luhra.
Magic was as evil as a sword. It is not how it is wielded but who wields it.
"It's okay, you know what Mave is like."
Doing her best to put Luhra at ease Eva spoke up, as she walked close to Luhra, seeking just as much comfort as she was trying to give.
Flashing a tight grin Luhra kept her eyes firmly locked ahead, watching her surroundings but still being marvelled by the magical layout that en-companied this place, it was like reading a book that just revealed all the secrets of magic that existed. Her own studies paled in comparison.
Stopping again Randall stood still before a giant door, the only door that had not been opened for them so far.
But through it they could all feel the taint of evil, a power that coursed through the air trying to subvert and change them with every pulse.
"Ready yourselves."
"Eva, Geth grant us greater blessings. Mave, Borth you take point and distract any lesser foes that may appear, Sara I want you to harass and protect Luhra's side. Luhra cast barriers and focus on defence until an opening shows itself. Gran you know what you're good at, so make your own call."
Preparing themselves the party activated their unique skills, further empowered by the power of the goddess that still coursed through them.
With a strong breathe Randall struck on the door before him, causing it to swing open as a dark hall lay ahead.
One that even his Goddess's light failed to pierce, but within this darkness torches sprang to life, one by one they raced down the length of the hall, illuminating the dark marble flooring in wavering red light, casting shadows that danced and twirled, but at the end of the hall sat the skeleton upon his throne.
His figure dusty and mottled with age, slumped back against the throne as dead eye sockets slowly raised, staring at the Heroes.
It was to be a confrontation of good versus evil.