Chapter 20: Twin




"Van, listen to me first." I stopped walking. I was about to leave the rooftop when he spoke. After I punched him, I turned around. I didn't even know what to say to Von because of what I saw.

"Van .... I know you saw what Aphrodite did to me." He said. I kept my back to him. Not speaking. "But Trust me, I didn't want that." He says. I confronted him this time. He turned to me and there was sadness on his face as he turned to look at me.

"But she wants you." I said coldly. He did not utter a word. I could just look at him.

"Van ..."

"What do you have that I don't have Von?" I asked and I couldn't stop crying.

"Almost everything you have, I also have. There's nothing too much, nothing too little. Even our faces are the same. Why .... Why are you still the one she likes?" I asked and laughed.

"Van ..."

"The day you called me to say that Aphrodite was with you, was that the day she confessed to you?" I asked. He looked into my eyes.

"Y-yes." He answered sadly. My heart was broken even more.

"How many days have you known that he wants you, you didn't even tell me, Von?" I asked.

"Because I don't want to hurt you."

"But that hurts me so much now Von!" I shout.

"This day we should be happy! We should celebrate our birthday happily but what ?! Von I became a fool! I can't help but inform you that the woman I want wants you!" I shouted and looked up at the sky to stop myself from hurting him, I wanted to hurt him, punch him until he had a bruise on his face but I couldn't because he was my twin.

"What we said when we were kids, no one can keep secrets between the two of us. We should know each other's secrets." I said and looked at him.

"But what is it now Von? Since we were kids we all tell each other secrets but now what ?! If I hadn't followed you I wouldn't have known Von!" I shouted.

"Van, I just don't want to--"

"Von, I can't help but think that's why you don't want to get married because you're waiting for Aphrodite. I can't help but think that you like her too Von." He frowned.

"What the fuck?" He asked.

"Fuck you." I said.

"The hell Van, I'm not waiting for Aphrodite! What brain do you have. I know you like Aphrodite--"

"You know, you should have told me that she wanted you!" I'm cut off from what he has to say.

"I really don't want to tell you because I don't want to hurt you and make you angry with me Van!" He shouted angrily.

"Is that really the reason or maybe you really like her Von?" I asked. He laughed. A sarcastic laugh.

"All right, so you can stop Van. I'm going to agree to marry Cleopatra just so I can prove to you that I don't like Aphrodite." He said coldly.Suddenly my heart was broken by what he said.He will marry Cleopatra. I don' t know why I was hurt when he said that. Maybe it was because I knew he really didn't want to get married that I was hurt.

"Happy now?" He asked. I looked at him. Traces of sadness and pain in his eyes.

"It's your hard work, your anger is what you apply." I was bored with what he said. In an instant I was in front of him and holding his collar. I looked into his eyes. No emotion could be traced to him.

"Stay away from her Von." Annoyed I said while holding his collar. I don't know who I'm referring to don. Whether Aphrodite or Cleopatra. I don't know who that's for. I'm confused.

"Tell that to her , I'm quiet here." Annoyed Von said and pushed me away from him.

"You're a traitor Von." I said, feeling too heavy. I can't control myself. He laughed."Isn't it amazing how one tiny sperm can turn into giant piece of shit?" Von asked me. "I'm not taking anything away from you Van. She, she likes me but I don't care anything." Annoyed Von said and turned his back on me. I clenched my fist.

"Von Floyd Vaughn!" I annoyed calling him so it stopped.

I took a deep breath then looked at him as he turned his back.

"I reject you as my brother and twin." I said coldly. Von didn't say a word and just kept walking. When he disappeared from my sight I immediately burst into tears. When my knees weakened, I sat on the floor crying.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I shouted loudly as I knelt down and cried.

I do not know. The pain of the day for me. Very painful.

I was only in that position for a few minutes when I decided to stand up. I wiped away my tears and faced the habit of our rooftop door when I saw Cleopatra turn a few feet away from me. Turned cross arms and turned to look at me.

No emotion can be seen on her face. She took a deep breath then approached me slowly.

"I said, don't ever instill anger in your twin." She said coldly. I could just look at her.

"Just because of a woman you rejected him?" She asked. She shook her head as she turned to look at me. "You two are very close, but just because of Aphrodite you rejected him." She added and took a deep breath.

'I wish I was Aphrodite, I wish I was the one you want.'

I was shocked to read what she was thinking. I looked at her. She kept looking at me while thinking. I read her mind again and my heartbeat almost quickened at what I read.

'When it was only because of Aphrodite that he rejected his twin. Aphrodite was very lucky. Why couldn't he see the efforts of a Van Vaughn in front of me. If he only wanted me, he wouldn't ..... '

I stopped reading what she was thinking. She kept staring at me.

"Do you like Von?" I asked while looking at her. She looked at me seriously.


"Yes." I frowned when I heard her answer. Her mind says something different from what he told me.

"Do you want me?" I ask. I looked at her seriously. I saw how she blushed. She averted his eyes then replied.



Her answer was different again. I approached her and touched her face. I felt that she was isolated from me.

"Tell the truth Cleopatra." I said. She did not answer. She just looked at me while her forehead was wrinkled.

"You both said you don't want to marry Von--"

"I changed my mind." Sh said coldly and removed my grip on her face. She stared at me coldly.

"If Von wants it, I'll allow it. If he doesn't want it, I don't want it either." When she said that she turned away.

"We're leaving. Your brothers are looking for you downstairs." She said and walked over to me first. I was left here as I turned to look at what she had gone through.

"Liar." I whispered and grinned. Her mind says something different from what she tells me.