Chapter 23: Flerio Ozix Vaughn

Flerio Ozix Vaughn.



"Hurry up!" Fin shouted in frustration as he helped his wife down the stairs.

"WHERE THE HELL IS THE KEY ?!" Leana shouted in frustration.

"Clementine's belongings are already in the car." Von says he just came in from outside.

"I found the key!" We all looked at Creed who was holding the key.

"That's a stupid key to my Lamborghini." I said and looked again.

"Take him in my car, we'll go to the hospital first." Cleopatra said that's why we look at her.

"What?" Fin asked, his face turned red because of frustration.

"I'm going to ride with Cleopatra, hurry up, Fin!" Clementine shouted so Fin was even more frustrate. They left the house as we were left to find Fin's car key.

"Damn, we have a lot of cars, why in Fin's car?" Leona asked.

"I don't know who thought about Fin's car?" Creed asked looking as well. "Guys?" We look at Rizden.

"Are you going to give birth too?" Creed asked confused. Leona threw a dustpan at him.

"Stupid, does your wife's tummy is big?" Leona said and glared at Creed.

"Fin gave this to me." Rizden said so we could see what she was holding. Our eyes almost widened when we saw Fin's car key.

"Abnormal! Look, we're looking for that damn key but it was in Fin." Annoyed Creed said and took the key in the wife's hand.

"We'll drive Fin's car, Von, Van and Leona, you guys ride to my car." Creed said so my eyes widened. Can I take Von in the same car ?! No way!

"I don't want to, i will go to both of you." I said and hurried to Fin's car. I saw Creed shake his head as he walked out of the house. I immediately got in the back of Fin's car and closed the door.

"You twins are very immature." Said Creed who had just gotten into the car. He is next to his wife.

"It's just him." I said and looked out the window. I saw the three coming out. Creed immediately drove the vehicle away.

"Stupid, I'll really laugh at Fin when he lost consciousness." I said we laughed at what I said.

"Did you see Fin's face before? He looks like he has diarrhea." Creed said laughing so we laughed even more.

"His face is pale and he doesn't know what to do with his wife." I said and laughed.

"Earlier, I saw Fin in his room with his wife, he was leaning on Clementine's chin and said, 'Push, I love that our child is coming out.' "We laughed even more at what Rizden said.

"I'll laugh out loud later when I get to the hospital." I said. We laughed again when we remembered Fin's appearance earlier.

"Damn, we're plastic, we're talking about Fin HAHAHAHAHA." We burst out laughing at what Creed said. In just a few minutes we reached the hospital where Clementine would give birth. We settled down, and pretended to be worried as we approached Fin who was outside the delivery room with Cleopatra. I bit my lip when I saw Fin was restless. His face was flushed and sweaty.

"How 's Clementine?" Creed asked immediately. I suppressed my laughter when I saw Creed's appearance.

"G-giving birth." Fin stammered. Creed and I looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh. Fin looked at us and then looked behind us. We stopped laughing to see that Leana and Leona had arrived with Von and Aphrodite. I looked at Aphrodite, she averted her gaze. I also looked at Von. He had no emotion on his face. I just went next to Cleopatra who was sitting on the side.

"Bad trip." I whispered. Cleopatra looked at me.

"Are you jealous?" Cleopatra asked. I looked at her.

"No ah." I answer and take a deep breath. "I'm just hurt because I remember Aphrodite kissing Von again." I said.

"What are you holding Leana?" We look at Leana holding a roll of paper.

"A banner, I want to cheer Clementine on as she gives birth." Leana answered and opened her handle. We burst out laughing when we saw the letter don

'Go sissy! You can do that! Push! '

"Your sister is weird." Cleopatra whispered laughing. I stopped to see her laugh. It was like the first time I saw her laugh. She was stunned by the laughter of the conscious I was looking at her. The emotionless Cleopatra returned and stared at me. I smiled, Damn. She was cute when she laughed.

"Why are you guys laughing? you don't know the pain experienced by childbirth." Leana said and walked closer to the door of the delivery room and raised the banner she was holding on the next window.

"Go Clementine! Just do some push and push for the baby!" We laughed at Leana's cheer Clementine. The entire lobby of the hospital was filled with laughter except for Fin who was already frowning and still blushing. Later, a doctor came out or from inside the delivery room, he was wearing more and more blood stains. He looked at us.

"Mr. Vaughn?"

"Yes?" We both asked the same question.

"I mean, it's just ma'am's wife." The doctor said laughing.

"You said Mr. Vaughn, we're all here Vaughn." I said and looked at Cleopatra. "Except for you." I whispered. She turned to me.

"I'll be Vaughn too. Soon." She said so I fell silent. I suddenly remembered that she was going to marry my twin. I fell silent as I also remembered what he had told me earlier in the back of our house. So does she really like me? But will she marry Von? Nonsense.

"Mrs. Vaughn and your baby are fine. It's a boy." The doctor said with a smile. We smiled at what it said.

"Fin! Oh fuck!" We looked at Von when he shouted. I was shocked to see Fin unconscious while Von was having dinner.

"Stupid, HAHAHAHAHAHA." Creed and I couldn't stop laughing. As we thought. Fin lost consciousness. Fin is supported by several nurses to be taken to the other room. As we went inside. We saw Clementine holding onto her cute and fat baby boy.

"Hi, Congratulations. Are you okay?" Leana asked Clementine. Clementine nodded and seemed to be looking for us.

"Fin?" He asked. I couldn't help but laugh remembering how Fin fainted.

"In the other room, unconscious." Von laughed. Clementine laughed and looked at her baby.

"What's his name?" Leona asked. Clementine smiled.

"Flerio Ozix Vaughn." Clementine replied with a smile.

"Seriously, just a name to get rich." I said. They laughed.

"Welcome to Vaughn Family baby Ozix." Leana smiled as she held the baby's hand.