Chapter 34: Caught Up


Exactly at the time Aphrodite provided I was in the coffee shop. I supposed to be late now because Cleopatra and I are watching movie. But Cleopatra push me to leave. It's as if she's just giving me away to whomever. Here I am now, sitting while waiting for Aphrodite. I already saw her outside and walking in here. I put my hand on my head when I saw her sitting in front of me.

"Sorry I'm late." She says.

"It's okay, you already ordered yours, I ordered earlier." I said and smiled

"No, we won't talk for too long." She said and smiled.

"Ah go ahead about what?" I asked and drank what I bought.

"I just .... Want to say sorry for what I did to you." She said so I laughed.

"Is that all? That's not important." I said.

"No Van, that will make me feel guilty." She said and took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry because of me you and your twin are fighting." She says.

"And I'm sorry if I didn't tell you that Von is what I want. It's just like I just don't want you to get into trouble because of me. And it seems like you're okay now with Cleopatra. I guess we're too okay as a friend. " She says. I smiled.

"I should be the one to apologize to you, sorry for being over protected those days, and I'm sorry cuz I know you were choking on those days." I said then leaned back in my chair. "You know what, your blessings in disguise, I learned a lot of lessons from you. And thank you because you brought Cleopatra into my life." I said then smiled.

"Think about it, I thought you were really the one for me. But I was wrong, the woman for me was the one who was always there when I needed something to lean on. Cleopatra is flawless, when I need something to cry or lean on suddenly she will suddenly appear like a mushroom and sympathize with me. "I said then laughed. Seriously, I'm so in love with that woman.

"I told you, you'll also find something better than me." She says.

"No offense but, she's so beautiful more than you." We both laughed at what I said.

"I knew it." She laughed and shook her head. "Well, how's Von? Their marriage isn't going on?" She asked.

"Not anymore. If we're getting married, you should be there to witness how a Van interacts with a chest." I was proud.

"Ow! You remember the wedding day of Creed and Rizden, it was Cleopatra who accidentally catch Rizden's bouquet." She says. I suddenly remembered that.

"Ready?" Rizden asked.

"YES." Simultaneously the women answered. Rizden threw the flower he was holding, as if everything was in slow motion as you slowly fell.

"Put some water on--" Cleopatra stopped talking as she touched the flower. My eyes widened, even Cleopatra's eyes widened as well.

"Yieee Cleopatra." Teased her. She stood up straight while still looking at the flower she was holding.

"Why me?" She asked. Right, why her? Aphrodite can. Then she is close to Aphrodite, Damn it!

"Can we have another one?" I asked so everyone looked at me. "She's not involved." I said annoyed while looking at Cleopatra. Cleopatra looked at me. She stared at me.

"As if I want to catch this." She said and gave Aphrodite the flower. Take note, she even gave it to me. Smash vampire land.

"Van, what's your trip?" Von asked me.

"Because Aphrodite should be the one to take part if she's not a star." I said angrily.

"HAHAHAHA yes, I'm still praying that day for you will be the one to catch that." I said.

"Wait I'm just go to the CR." She says. I nodded and drank what I bought then watched her walk to CR, she even bumped into a woman in a black hoodie. She was not careful. Seriously, I was really mad at her then, very disgusting. I picked up my phone to text Cleopatra.

To Master:

Bb! I've already talked to Aphrodite, she's just sorry about the past, like she busted me before. I really remember bb that I was so madly in love at her before. Disgusting bb, i feel like i want to vomit everytime i remember that i chase her, anyways, i already brought your coffee, i'm about to leave too, i'll just waiting to Aphrodite to finish on the restroom. I miss you <3

I smiled when i sent the message to her.

"Van." I look at the one who call me. I stood up and hand the coffee of Cleopatra.

"Aphrodite, did you change your clothes? By the way I'm going home thank you--" I didn't finish what I was about to say when she suddenly kissed me. My eyes widened at what she did. I immediately pushed her away from me. I'm about to speak when I see who is behind her.

"Cleopatra ...." I saw how her tears dripped and how she quickly wiped them away. She immediately turned around and ran out of the coffee shop.

I looked at Aphrodite who just smiled before I ran to chase Cleopatra.

Cleopatra POV

I sighed and turned off the TV when Leana texted me. We're supposed to meet at the coffee shop, Van was right there at the coffee shop. I immediately got dressed and left our room. While walking, I received a message from Van that he was leaving, so I teleported to that coffee shop to reach Van.

I pushed open the coffee shop door and went inside. I rolled my eyes and looked for Van. I stopped when I saw him, I stunned when i saw him kissing Aphrodite. Suddenly my tears welled up and I felt pain as I looked at them. At first I knew he was crazy about Aphrodite then but is he still crazy? I could see Van looking in my direction. I immediately wiped away my tears and turned away from them then ran out of the coffee shop.

"Cleopatra!" I heard Van shout. I immediately teleported back to Van and I's room. I immediately closed the bedroom door and leaned forward while holding my chest. I feel like heaven and earth have fallen on me.

"Cleopatra let's talk." I heard Van say.

"Don't ever try to teleport in here Van, I'll kill you." I said crying.

"Listen to me first BB."

"I am going home." That's all I said before sitting on the floor. Very painful. Did I think I was the one he loved? I thought he didn't like Aphrodite anymore. What did I see? Why are they kissing!

"BB listen to me first please when we talk about this." I heard him say. I did not answer. All I could do was cry.

"Let's fix this BB, what you saw was wrong." I immediately picked up my cellphone and dialed Freddrick's number.

"BB please let's talk listen to me."


"I- I'm going home."

(Are you crying?)

"BB please open the door .... Face me."

"F-fetch me .... B-brother."


The call died and I was holding it to my chest. That's too crowded. I tried to calm myself down. But when I think that Van's lips are pressed against Aphrodite's lips, it hurts me even more.

"BB please ...."

I'm going home ..... I don't want to.

I look at the ring I'm wearing. The ring Van gave me. I removed it and placed it on my side.

I don't want to ...