Chapter 37: Sleeping Van

Cleopatra POV

A day has passed but Van still does not come to our house. As i remember, Van should come here yesterday but he didn't go. I sighed and peeked out the window. What is going on with him? I have no news about him. I want to go to him but my pride exists more.

"Who can follow us with my pride?" I whispered to myself so I immediately ran down to my room and walked to get the car key then walked to the car. I can not take it anymore. I love Van too much to tolerate him. Stupidly I did not listen to him then. My emotions just existed during those times. I was about to get in the car when someone called me.

"Cleopatra." I looked behind me and saw Van. I smiled for what i saw.

"Van ..." I called and approached him then hugged him. He didn't hug me back but I ignored him. "I'm sorry ..." I whispered as I hugged him. But he didn't speak so I felt like something was wrong with him. "Van?" I call and let go of the hug. He has no emotions.

"Are you okay? Are you still in pain?" I asked. But he did not answer.

"Van why aren't you talking?" I asked. He took a deep breath then stared into my eyes.

"I don't want to." He said so I wrinkled my forehead.

"You don't want to go anywhere?" I asked.

"I don't want you anymore Cleopatra." He said so I was stunned.

"Is this a prank? if yes it's not funny." I said and glared at him.

"Do I look like I'm laughing at these times?" He asked so I was even more stunned. I felt his seriousness so I swallowed.

"Van ... What are you saying?"

"I can't do that anymore." He said.

"I can't really love you Cleopatra." I slapped him for what he said. My tears immediately flowed.

"Stop that Van. It's not funny anymore." I said annoyed.

"From the beginning, I can't really love you anymore. Because I love Aphrodite and not you."

"ENOUGH!" I shouted.

"I can't even fathom why you're with me in Bermuda and not Aphrodite."

"Say it's right eh!" When I faint cry. It was as if my heart was crushed by the words coming out of his mouth. I can not do it. It hurts.

"I can't love a woman like you you know why?"

"Van, enough please ..."

"Because you're still too cool. You're feeling proud, your aura is still cold. Your weakness is weak."

"STOP!" I slapped him again. My tears kept flowing.

"If you plan to marry my twin. Do it. I don't care anything about you." He said and turned away. I immediately hugged him from behind and cried.

"Why are you like that Van?" I asked crying.

"I thought you loved me so much?" He took my arms away from him and faced me.

"Are you deaf?" He asked.

"I don't love you Cleopatra. I can't love someone like you." He said and laughed.

"It's all just a game for me." When I was weak at what he said. I watched him walk away from me. My knees weakened so I sat on the floor.


"B-brother ..." He immediately ran in front of me and hugged me.

"What happened?" He asked. I didn't answer, I just cried as I hugged him.

If so .... It's all just a game for him?

Creed POV

"Doesn't he want to wake up?" Von asked annoyed while looking at his twin.

"Since Cleopatra brought him here he hasn't woken up." Fin said and sighed.

"I told you it might have been bewitched." Leona said.

"You're another one, you're pure magic." Von said annoyed. He is frustrated now because Van is his only hope. He and Cleopatra are getting married tomorrow and Van still doesn't wake up to talk to Cleopatra.

"What if Leona is right?" I whispered. they look at me.

"What if Van was bewitched like that." I added. I looked at Leona.

"Woi, aren't you a witch? Try to find out?" I asked.

"I'm a stupid half vampire too." She said.

"It's the same. Help Van. Wake up and give him a spell or potion to wake up." I said.

"Let's try to find out what's going on with Van but I need more and more of his blood." Leona said. I took out the small knife hidden in my pocket and approached Van then took his fingers and wounded him. From there the blood came out. Leona pulled out a small container and put don the blood. Van's wound healed immediately. His wound healed on its own.

"Let's go to Leana's room." She said so we followed her. We entered their room and saw only witchcraft.

"It's good you don't have this fetus and centipede pet." Fin said as he looked around their room.

"Duh, that's just for bad witchcraft." Leona said and poured the blood we got from Van into a lighted pot. We were even dazzled by the sudden explosion of the spell.

"Fuck that spell." Von whispered. We frowned when we saw Van in a coffee shop typing on his phone.

"Oh there's Aphrodite oh." Leona said and pointed at Aphrodite. We were surprised when Aphrodite suddenly kissed Van. We watched as the images in Leona's pot suddenly disappeared.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"Aphrodite may be the reason why Van became like that." Von said and clenched his fist.

"We need to talk to that Aphrodite." Fin said.

"Aphrodite hasn't come home yet. I think she's still in Bermuda." Leona said.

"They're going home now I'm sure. Von and Cleopatra's wedding is tomorrow and they'll be attending." I said.

"Let's not wait for them." Leona said.

"Get that Aphrodite ready for me." Fin said angrily and left Leona's room.

"I'll take care of him later." I said and smiled at them.