'Just a Girl stuff'

"Manager Whifler," Tanya called Whifler, who was now sitting on a couch while reading the book in his right hand and a folder in the other hand.

"Yes?" he responded without looking at her. He was still seriously reading.

"I only bought sixty-five blouses, nineteen dresses, twenty skirts, eighteen pants, also some of the fashion shorts, Uhm. Six pairs of boots—all lengths—and sixteen high heels and five flats." Tanya informed.

Whifler closed his book and placed it on top of the center table in front of him, together with the folder.

"Thank you. Are they done?" he asked.

"Uh. I think so because I bumped with Mr. Lee at the gate when I arrived," Tanya answered.

"Alright. Bring it all to the lobby," Whifler ordered, then went to where Tristan was.

He saw him lying on the long couch of the lobby.

"How was your session with Mr. Lee?" Tristan looked at him and frowned.

"Err.. Your friend asked me a bunch of annoying questions!" Tristan complained.

"That's what a specialist was supposed to do." Tristan just clicked his tongue at what he said.

They both looked at Tanya and the maid with her when they put a lot of paper bags and shoe boxes on the big round center table of the lobby.

"Woah, that's a lot," Tristan said. "What's that for?"

"These will be your clothes and footwear when you start as Trish. Well, these are not enough, but it's fine. These will help you for now," Whifler explained while pulling it all out of the paper bags and shoe boxes.

Whifler seriously stared at the apparel. He then picked the long-sleeve, side-cut black fitted dress and silky black lace-up high heels.

"Okay. Try these on," he said to Tristan while showing his chosen attire for him.

Tristan raised his right brow, looking at the heels that Whifler was holding. "Are you trying to kill me?"

Whifler clicked his tongue.

"Come on! 4 inches heels can't send you to a funeral."

Whifler pulled Tristan up and gave the clothes to him. Tristan irritatedly got the heels and the dress, then headed to his room.

But, a moment after...


They were all startled when Tristan's voice echoed in all corners and crannies of the mansion. Whifler ran in panic to his room and opened the door immediately.

"What happened?!" Whifler asked worriedly as he entered Tristan's room. He saw his frustrated face while leaning on his room's wall and standing awkwardly...

"I can't walk with these!" he cried.

Whilfer formed an unamused expression on his face,

"What the hell, Tristan! You screamed like the world was ending!"

"The world will definitely end for me if I slipped because of these! I might die!"

"If that happens, you could only break your ankle, not your neck, idiot. Stop exaggerating. Go on, stand properly. Try to walk slowly." Whifler said to Tristan.

"I said I can't!"

"Of course, because you're not trying to walk with it!"

"I can't even lift my toe!"

Whifler took a deep breath. He was almost at his limit.

"Just walk slowly and try to balance yourself. For heaven's sake, it's just too easy!"

"Do it for me then," Tristan deadpanned which caused Whifler's gaze to darken.

"Do you want to die for real?" Whifler warned, seriously and unamusedly.

Tristan flinched and then quickly stood properly.

"I told you I should stand properly and walk slowly!" Tristan mocked him and walked like a defective robot. Whifler just shook his head out of frustration.

Tristan was gradually getting used to handling himself with the girl's stuff, especially the high heels that had been paining his butt. But still, his gender gestures were showing off.

Whifler massaged his forehead, looking at Tristan.

"What kind of walk is that?! Are you a goon in a dress?! Show some elegance!" He scolded.

Tristan stopped walking and paused in front of Whifler with his face filled with curiosity. Whifler raised his brow at him.

"What?" he asked Tristan irritatedly.

"I'm starting to question your sexual preference here. Why are you so good at this?" Tristan teased.

Whifler flinched, and then intensely glared at him.

"Tanya! Give him the six inches heels!!"

And that's when Tristan really died.. ^_^