'Meeting Summer'

Whifler frustratedly took a long and deep sigh.

"We're five minutes late. Trish has never been late even a second!"

"Well, sorry for having a panic attack?" Tristan sarcastically said.

They were already at the airport and were heading to where they were going to meet Summer.

"Summer..." Tristan looked at Whifler when he spoke.

"She is a bit talkative. But don't worry, Trish isn't that chatty towards her. Just remember all you've learned and you will be fine."

"Alright," Tristan responded.

He was taking a deep breath with every step he took. His body was still trembling. His mind was in a total mess, filled with 'what-ifs' and vexatious thoughts. He was indeed nervous and pressured.

"And also Summer is fond of—"

"TRIIIIISSSHHH!!" Summer ran from ten meters distance toward Tristan.

"Skinship," Whifler mumbled, continuing what he was saying.

"H—" Tristan's words were cut-off when Summer excitedly hugged him. He even almost lost his balance.

"I miss you!" Summer cheerfully said while embracing him tightly.

Tristan looked at Whifler, asking for some help. Whifler just mouthed 'I miss you too' at him.

Tristan was about to say it, but Summer loosened her hold upon him, then looked straight into his eyes.

Instead of spilling those words, Tristan was drawn and intensely stared at Summer.

Her round-shaped eyes revealed her sparkling golden-brown irides. Her nose was finely structured. Her thin lips were extremely smooth. As a matter of fact, her face was insanely attractive—in addition, her hazelnut, brown-colored curly hair made her even more charismatic.

"Wait." Tristan flinched and regained his senses when Summer spoke. Her brows were knitted while confusedly staring at him. She started to examine him.

Whifler and Tristan were getting choked up by their nervousness. Their bodies became stiff while waiting for Summer's next statement.

'Did she notice?'

'Did I fail?'

They both thought.

"Are you for real?! I know you were taller than me but, Wow! You got taller than usual! What did you do, huh? huh? Tell me! Tell me!" Summer teasingly and cheerfully said while poking Tristan's waist.

"Stop it. It tickles!" Tristan protested, guarding his waist.

"Is it ticklish?? Ticklish? huh?" she teased him even more while giggling.

"Summer, enough!"

"Ohh. You said more??" she laughed.

Whifler just chuckled at them.

'Seems like he naturally performed Trish', he thought.

"Miss Summer!!" They all looked at the girl, her assistant, Melissa Deon, who shouted from a distance.

She was tiredly running slowly, with two handbags in his left hand, a sling bag on her body, and a medium-sized suitcase that was pulled in her right hand.

Her bangs were sticking on each side of her forehead caused by sweat and her half-closed, tired eyes were seen through her big glasses.

"Miss Summer." She gasped as she reached where Summer was standing.

"What happened to you, Melissa?" Summer asked while helping her to relax. Whifler got the other luggage in her hand.

"Manager Go was looking for you. You just dis—disappeared all of a sudden. We thought we lost you somewhere," Melissa answered, still breathing heavily.

Summer's forehead furrowed.

"Huh? Didn't Reign tell you? I told her I would meet Trish."

"She didn't. She shrugged her shoulders when we asked her."

"Aist! That brat!" Summer irritatedly said. She paused when she saw Reign come with the other staff.

"I'll be right back!" she said then ran towards her. Tristan's gaze followed Summer until she stopped in front of a girl.

"Who is she?" Tristan whispered to Whifler.

"Who?" Whifler asked.

"That girl Summer is talking to." Whifler looked at the girl that Tristan was talking about.

"Is she not familiar to you?"

"That's why I'm asking. I think I saw her somewhere."

"She is Reign Jassle Ricks, an actress too. She mostly had second lead roles. And she's Summer's step-sister," Whifler answered.

Tristan looked at her. He flinched when her pair of dark brown eyes coldly looked in his direction. She had this gaze that could intimidate anyone. Her dark aura could make the atmosphere suffocating.

Her straight, chin-length hair swayed when she turned to walk away.

"Hey, Reign! Wait!" Summer ran to follow her. "Reign!"

Reign literally ignored her and didn't stop walking. Summer blocked her way and glared at her. She paused, then looked at Summer.

"What's your deal?!" Summer asked annoyedly.

Reign raised her right brow and coldly stared at her.

"If you want to give something to Amber, do it yourself. Don't bother me."

"Was it that hard to give this to your sister? Aren't you two living in the same house?"

Reign just gave her an unamused look, then left.

"REIGN! Re—Aisst!!" She murmured.

"Summer!" She flinched as she recognized the voice and slowly looked behind her.

"Manager Go. Hehehe," She grinned, then hid her both hands at her back. She knew she'll be scolded. So, she used her charm.

"Don't try to look cute. It's not working," her manager said in an edgy tone. She pouted and aligned her two index fingers together. Her manager took a deep sigh.


"WHAT ON EARTH HAS GOTTEN TO YOU?! Leaving without a word? Did you know I was too worried and bothered?! I thought some obsessed fans kidnapped you! For Pete's sake, I almost called the police!"

"Manager Go. Manager Go." Summer sweetly said, then clang her arms around his.

"I'm sorry, Okay? Huh. Forgive me," she said while pouting.

"Oh, goodness! Enough of that face. You're making me cringe!" Her manager winced.

"Eh? Why? Am I not cute, huh? Am I right? Right?" She teased, then giggled. She paused when her eyes landed in Tristan's direction.

"Oh! I almost forgot Trish!" she mumbled.

"I got to go!" she said to her manager, then ran towards Tristan.

"What did you say? She's fond of Skinship? I think she's fond of running around." Tristan whispered to Whifler while looking at Summer, approaching.

Summer clung her arms around Tristan's arms when she came closer to him.

"Let's go!" she said enthusiastically then started to walk with him.

"Ah. Miss Summer." They both stopped, then looked at Melissa.

"Yes?" Summer asked.

"Uh, Brandon said a lot of people were waiting for you at the exit. You shouldn't go by yourself. We'll accompany you," Melissa answered.

"Oh, really? Prepare my pen and paper then."

Melissa blinked her eyes in confusion,

"Ahm. For what Miss Summer?"

"I will give them my autograph."

"Hah?! B-but, Manager Go didn't instruct anything to do like this!"

"Tell him on the way," She said, then started to walk.

"B-but, Miss Summer!" Summer turned her head to look at Melissa.

"Come on, we must not let their waiting come to naught." she winked.

Melissa flinched then smiled.

"Alright, Miss Summer."

'You're kind to people', she thought.

As they reached the exit, loud cheers and joyous screams were uncontrollable.

Summer started smiling and waving at her enthusiastic fans. They were standing outside the barricades that had been prepared before they arrived.

Tristan, on the other hand, felt dizzy and nauseous.

The chaotic voices of the people caused him a rapid heartbeat.

He couldn't clearly see anything. It seemed like he couldn't focus on everything around him. They were all blurry and spinning. His knees gradually weakened.

The noise of the crowd became more terrifying. It kept on banging to his ears and got more sound like a chorus of monsters for him.

He was startled when he felt Whifler's hand on his shoulder. Whifler pulled him closer and then called Summer. She immediately looked at Whifler.

"We will just wait for you in the car," Whifler said, then left with Tristan after Summer agreed.

Whifler opened the front seat's door—as they arrived—for Tristan, then he got into the driver's seat as well, after him. Tristan was still panting while holding his chest.

"It's okay. Breathe. Just Breathe slowly," Whifler said, patting his back.

Tristan squeezed his collar while inhaling and exhaling his breath. He gradually became calm and steady.

"Are you fine now?" Whifler asked.

He nodded. "Yes"

"Do you want to go home?"

"No. I should do this."

"Don't stress yourself too much," Whifler worriedly said.

"I will handle this."

"Tristan... You still have time to think about it. I know Summer will understand." Tristan unamusedly looked at Whifler after what he said.

"Understand, what? Whifler... If I will avoid this now, how can I be ready?"

Whifler paused. He then took a deep sigh.

"Okay. I will not be with you wherever you go. So, if you need help, just text or call me."

"Alright. Thanks."

They both looked at the backseat's door as it opened. Summer got into the car and smiled at them.

"Let's go?" she excitedly said.

"Where to?" Whifler asked.

"I thought about this since yesterday and we haven't been able to go there together yet. Amusement Park!!"

Tristan flinched and Whifler quickly looked at Tristan.

"Bu—" he stopped when Tristan glanced at him.

"Let's go." He calmly said.

Whifler worriedly nodded, then started the engine.

'It was too crowded there', he thought.