'S-She noticed. What should I do?'

It was exactly nine in the evening. They just arrived from dinner with Mrs. Alva. Tristan flopped to the sofa of the living room as soon as they entered the house.

"Oyh, go change your clothes first," Whifler commanded, then drank the glass of water from the fridge. His suit was hanging on his shoulder, his necktie was loosened and some of his buttons were unbuttoned, revealing his sweaty broad chest.

"Later. Hahh~~ I'm tired," Tristan groaned while his face was sunk into the pillow.

Tanya came in, bringing Tristan's other stuff.

"Tristan. Your phone has been ringing for a while now," Tanya said, holding Tristan's vibrating phone.

"I think it's Ms. Summer," she added.

"Huh?" Tristan immediately sat and snatched his cellphone from Tanya's hand. The vibration was gone and the call was missed.

"Why is she calling?"

Tristan checked his cellphone and was about to read a message, but Summer's contact name popped up on his phone's screen again. He immediately answered it.


[TRIIISHH!! Ghad! I've been calling you!]

Tristan slightly distanced his phone away from his ear as Summer's voice was seriously pitched and loud.

'She is so cheerful'

"Ah yeah. I'm sorry. We just came home."

[Oh. Did I bother you? Are you busy?]

"No. I'm all free actually. Why? You need something?"

[Uhm. Well. We just finished shooting and there were these fans who gave me a lot of homecooked dishes. I gave some to the staff and others but, for Pete's sake, these really are too much. So, I still have the rest of it. Uh, mind eating with me?]

Tristan paused for a moment.

'But, I just came home from dinner?'

[Trish? Hello? Are you still there? Uhm. I know it's kinda late, so if you're tired it's okay if—]

"No. No. It's fine. Where will we eat?" Tristan asked which made Whifler and Tanya looked at him.

[Uh. At my place?]


[Oh! Nice. Thanks! I'll wait. See ya!!]

Summer said, then hung up.

"What did she say?" Whifler asked as soon as Tristan put down his phone.

"She invited me to eat with her," Tristan responded while scanning his phone.

"Oh? Didn't she have a shoot?" Whifler asked again.

"Yes. They're done," Tristan answered as he fixed himself and some of his things.

Whifler's brows furrowed.

"What a surprise. She doesn't usually call Trish after a wrap. She really enjoyed the last time you bonded, no?"

Tristan unamusedly glanced at Whifler.

"She just happened to receive a lot of food. It's a huge waste if it spoils, that's why she called me over."

"Wait. Didn't you say you're tired?" Tanya butted in while her right eyebrow was raised.

"Yeah. But, I've rested enough," Tristan responded and was about to leave, but he stopped and looked at Whifler.

"What is her address again?"

"123 NW 16th Street, XYZ Vill."

"Thank you"

"Do you want me to take you there?" Whifler asked him.

"No. I'm alright," Tristan answered, then left.

Tanya and Whifler were left dazed looking at the door where Tristan went out.

"Ahm. What was it again that he was called to? Dinner? Didn't he just do dinner with Mrs. Alva? Is he planning to be a balloon model?" Tanya said confusedly yet sarcastically.

Whifler just ignored her, then headed to Trish's room.




Tristan took a deep sigh when he got off in the car and stood in front of Summer's house. He wondered why he agreed to Summer's invite when he knew that he was too full.

"Oh, God. Don't punish me for being a gluttonous pig," he mumbled, then rang the doorbell.

He waited for almost three minutes before he saw Summer walk towards the gate. She was wearing an oversized T-shirt and diminutive short that was barely visible. Her cheerful aura was undeniable as she opened the gate with that bright smile formed on her kissable lips.

"Hey!" She enthusiastically greeted him. "Come in."

Tristan walked in, then followed Summer inside. He wandered his eyes around the place, but he didn't see anyone. It was too quiet, but it won't creep you out.

"Do you live alone?" he asked which knitted Summer's brows.

"Eh? You didn't know? Aren't you coming here sometimes?" she chuckled.

Tristan flinched.

"A-uh. Yeah. I mean. Why you're still living alone? Isn't it too dangerous for a celebrity like you?"

"I'm not really used to living with others that's not my family or relatives. So, I prefer being alone," she responded.

They were already in the living room. Summer directly went to her kitchen, then started to pull off some plates, spoons, and forks.

"Then why not live with them?" Tristan asked as he sat on the couch.

"I don't like bothering someone. And besides, only a few people know about my real address. The address that was publicized was my other place, where my P.A. was currently staying," Summer paused at rummaging her refrigerator, then looked at Tristan confusedly.

"Didn't you know about this?"

Tristan recoiled, then immediately averted his eyes.

"Ah, yes. Uhm. Let me help you with that!" he said, changing the topic.


Tristan quickly picked up some of the food and brought it to the center table of the living room. Summer also brought the rest and they lastly placed the utensils.

"Woah. These are really a lot," Tristan gaped in amazement.

"I told you."

"We can't consume it all. Uh! Wait. Let me call the others," Tristan told then got his phone.


Tristan ring Tanya and Whifler but,

[No. I'm too full and tired]

[I don't want to have a stomach ache. Sorry!]

'Aisst. These two were really useless!'

"What did they say?" Summer asked as she started chomping her food.

"They were tired."

"Mhmm. It's just the two of us then."

"I guess. Ohh! This one looks delicious." Tristan's eyes sparkled when his sight landed on a bright and tasty plating of the chicken curry.

"Go. Have some," Summer smiled.

Tristan enthusiastically dug into the curry and ate a spoonful of it.

"Mhmm! It really tastes good!"

Summer just chuckled at him.

'I didn't expect Trish had this side of her', She thought while enjoying herself watching him trying each one of the foods like a little kid.

"Your fans are good cooks. I'm envious. I'm so bad at cooking," he innocently said while chomping.

"Yeah. I think they sure were because a picky eater like you tasted and enjoyed all of it."

Tristan choked at what Summer said. He was so immense that he forgot he was impersonating his sister.

"Y-Yeah! Hehehe. I hope all of the cooks were like them," he awkwardly laughed, then focused himself on the food.

'Tristan you idiot!', he thought, then drank the juice beside his plate.

His eyes widened, then spat the drink from his mouth as he saw Summer removing her T-shirt and, just now, wearing her pair of brassier and shorts.

"Hey. Hey. Don't die!" Summer worriedly said while patting Tristan's back, who was now bowed to the floor, coughing his lungs out.

"You should drink carefully."

"W-Why. Why did you remove your sh-shirt?" Tristan asked when he gradually calmed his cough.

"Oh? I feel uncomfortable. Why do you ask?"

'Why do I ask? Of course, I'm still a man!!', he thought frustratedly.

"Trish? Are you alright? Your face is mad red right now. Are you sick?" Summer leaned to him and checked his forehead.

He flinched, then slightly distanced himself from Summer.

"I'm okay! I'm okay! M-Maybe it's because I—I coughed too much," he stammered.

"Are you sure?" she asked, confusedly staring at him.

Tristan avoided her gaze, then covered his blushing face using the back of his hand.

"What's wrong? Uh. Do you feel uncomfortable with me only wearing these?"

"Y-Yes. It's a bit... Awkward," he answered Summer's question, still not looking at her.

Summer confusedly wore her T-shirt again.

'Weird? She used to be fine, even if I'm half-naked', she thought.

"Done. I'm sorry," she smiled sweetly after wearing her shirt.

"T-Thank you," Tristan responded, with his face still flustered.

They both looked at Summer's phone as it rang.

"Wait for a second." She said, then answered the call.

"Amber? What's up?"

"Are you drunk? Where are you?"

"What?! In front of my house?! Oh, damn you brat! Hold on." She looked at Tristan and signaled him to 'wait'. He just nodded at her.

She quickly went outside. Tristan took a loud sigh and flopped to the sofa.

'That startled me so much', he thought, referring to what Summer did earlier.

After a few minutes, he immediately sat down when he heard the door open.

Summer entered with a girl on her arm. She had this black long hair that was tied up and revealed the purple highlights underneath. Her complexion was the same as Summer's, and her eyes were upturned and slightly narrowed. Her wobbling walking was supported by Summer until they reached the sofa beside Tristan.

"Oh, ghad Amber! You look a mess!"

"Heyy. I'm not drunk!" Amber uttered. She let out a loud hiccup, then chuckled at it after.

"Not drunk huh? Hang on. I will sober you up!" Summer annoyedly said, then went to her kitchen.

Tristan confusedly stared at Amber. He didn't know the girl beside him. He couldn't also ask Summer about it.

He had enough of the ham-fisted actions which almost got him caught and revealed. He didn't want to confuse Summer even more. He was not even sure if Trish knew this girl or not.

"Amber. Drink this first. Amber!" Summer shook her and pulled her to give her the glass of water.

"Aist! This girl. She made my house a resting place of a drunkard!"

"I told you I'm not drunk!" Amber stubbornly argued and glared at Summer.

"Yes. Yes. You're not. So, come on. Drink this." Amber took a sip of it, then laid back on the sofa.

Summer groaned in frustration, then looked at Tristan.

"I'm sorry. But, can you wait a little longer? I'll just prepare the bed for her." Summer said with that puppy look.

Tristan felt his cheeks heated. He averted his eyes and looked to the floor.

"Yes. Sure."

"Thanks!" she immediately ran to the guest room.

'What the hell was that?'

Tristan felt a weird sensation within him. His heart beats rapidly. He got almost deaf and could only hear his racing heart.

'Is this a panic attack again?'

He was startled when Amber jumped on him and clang her arms around his neck. He tried to push her lightly, but her arms were locked onto him tightly.

'How can a drunk be this strong?'

"O-Oyh." she hiccuped.

"You're so good-looking, dude." Tristan's eyes widened at what Amber called him.

"Hey. Who's the dude you're talking about?" He asked, pulling Amber's arms away. But, she just wrapped it even tighter.

"Of course, you! Who else is the man here? It's not me, for sure. Wahh. How can you be so handsome?"

Tristan froze and dazedly looked at Amber after what she said.

'S-She noticed.'

'She noticed! W-What should I do?'

he thought in panic.

"Sorry for— Hey Amber! Aist!" Summer quickly pulled Amber away from Tristan. It took her five attempts before Amber finally gave in.

"Hey! Pull yourself together, Amber!"

"Mhmm!! Why did you pull me?! Can't you see I'm trying to hook with a handsome guy here, huh!?"

Summer unamusedly looked at her.

"It's not a guy. That's Trish, you airhead. Come on, you really need to sleep!" she snapped, then dragged Amber to the room.

Tristan was left dumbfounded in the living room, still processing all the words that came out of Amber's mouth and the fact that he was called a dude.

He looked at Summer as she walked toward him.

"I'm sorry. Amber was really like that when drunk. Uhm, she has this bad habit. I hope you don't mind her," Summer explained. Tristan just dazedly nodded his head.

"Are you alright, Trish?"

"Yes! Uh. I think I have to go," Tristan said, then fixed himself.

"Uh, Sure. I'm really sorry."

"It's fine. I understand."

Tristan was accompanied by Summer through the gate.

"Drive safely," she said as he got into the car.

"Yes. Thanks. Bye," Tristan responded. He started the engine, then drove his way home.

'Damn! What just happened?', he thought.