'Why am I smiling?'

It's been two days since the screening ended. Gale didn't bother Tristan during those days, he didn't even see her around. Their paths didn't cross, and that gave relief to Whifler. Tristan was also at peace while shooting for E & J Jewelries. Although Tristan didn't care about Gale, her quietness was suspicious to him. He couldn't pinpoint why he was troubled, but he was certain something felt off.

Despite uneasiness, Tristan decided to focus on his duty for now, and just deal with his fret later.

In the middle of busy staff preparing him for his final outfit and set of jewelry for the endmost shoot, Tanya's ear-splitting laugh echoed in four corners of the dressing room they were in.

"Aren't you tired of laughing?" Whifler asked, displeased at Tanya's guffawed.

"HAHAHAHA! I-I just can't sto—HAHAHA! Y-You're se—pfft—seriously funny! HAHAHAHA," Tanya was enormously belly-laughed.

"Shut up could you?"

Tanya held back her laugh and looked at Whifler. He was indeed pissed off. But, the longer Tanya stared at Whifler's face, the more she imagined the reason for her crack-up.

She suppressed her laughter, but Whifler's puffed upper lip, caused by the cockroach's bite, kept on knocking in her memory. Although he already covered half of his face, it was still fresh in Tanya's mind.

She couldn't help it, so she let out a louder laugh again. Whifler was peeved, staring at Tanya.

"You can't blame her... Your swollen lip was really hilarious," Tristan butted in while being fixed by the staff.

He was steadily sitting on a swivel chair without a backrest. Some were putting the pieces of jewelry and some were arranging his hair and retouching his make-up.

"Add the uneven sizes of his lips! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!" Tanya burst out.

"Yeah. Even though you wore a mask, it's still obvious," Tristan supported.

"Ugh! Shut up, both of you!" Whifler was completely exasperated.

They both looked at the door as someone knocked. One of the staff, who was closer to the door, opened it. One of the crew members entered and smiled at Tristan.

"We're starting now, Miss Trish."

"Yes. Yes. In a second!" he responded while his right eye was closed for the finishing re-touch.

He then stood up after. He glanced at Tanya and Whifler, who were still ridiculing each other.

He just slightly smiled and shook his head, then went out.

As they started, dazzling flickers of cameras almost made Tristan blinded. Although it hurt his eyes, he couldn't complain nor stop. He should keep going. Honestly, he was still not used to the lights, but he was enduring it.

His neck, legs, and arms were cramping, staying in a single pose for a thousand shots. He shouldn't move a muscle, nor change a position unless the photographer told him to.

A few hours later, a fancy white car stopped in front of the Fuenta Glamouroza. Melissa and Summer got out of the said car, then went straight inside.

Summer slowly walked while scanning her phone, checking the message that Whifler sent to her, telling her where they are.

It was so easy for her to find their location since she was familiar with every crannies, nooks, side, corner, and even the hidden passages of the company. She was visiting Trish when she had time and hung out with her there, that's why.

She enthusiastically ran towards Whifler and Tanya as soon as she spotted them.

"Hey!!" she greeted them which made them look in her direction.

Tanya smiled. "Hi, Miss Summer!"

"You came earlier than I thought," Whifler remarked.

"I'm not sure if my driver was driving fast or we just finished early. Hehe," Summer responded.

Summer looked around and stopped in Tristan's direction. "She's not done yet?"

"Mhm. It's their final shoot, so I think it will be over soon," Tanya answered.

"Okay. Okay! Hihi," Summer giggled.

Tanya and Whifler stared at her, bemused.

"What's with the excitement?" Whifler asked her.

"Nothing!" she grinned brightly. "Oh! Anyway."

Summer dived her hand inside her bag, then pulled out a nicely wrapped rectangular mini box.

"Here." she handed the box to Whifler.

"It's the first time you celebrated your birthday without me since we became friends, right? So as compensation, I'm giving you a present for the first time too!! Belated Happy Birthday!!" Summer gleefully greeted.

Whifler took the gift wondering if Summer was serious or just making fun of him in the manner she delivered her words.

He definitely had trust issues. Haha!

"Are you okay, Manager Whifler?" they all looked at Melissa as she innocently asked Whifler.

"Uhm. I'm just worried 'cause you're wearing a mask. If you have a cold or something... Uh. I have some medicine here... If you want to?" Melissa shyly offered.

Summer looked at Whifler.

"Oh. I didn't realize you were wearing one. Are you really sick?"

"Pfft—" Tanya snorted which got their attention.

Whifler unamusedly stared at Tanya, knowing the reason for that mischievous reaction. Tanya pinched her nose to prevent her laughter from bursting, but as soon as she glanced at Whifler, she gave in.


Whifler couldn't do anything but just looked at Tanya. She definitely lost it. Summer and Melissa were totally at sixes and sevens while staring at her, dying in laughter.

Summer's brows were knitted. "Ah... Tanya?"

"Don't mind that lunatic," Whifler told, with that expression of annoyance written on his face.

"I'm sorry hahaha—I... I just can't hold it. Damn. It's freaking hilarious! I was over it a while ago, but now you mentioned it again... I can't pfft—I... I can't hold my laughter. HAHAH." Tanya stammered, trying her best to suppress herself from cracking up.

"What? What's funny?" Summer was confused and curious.

Tanya was about to spill, but she noticed Whifler's deterrent gaze.

"Say a word. I'll beat the hell out of you," Whifler warned her, but not scary enough to restrain her.

Well. He wasn't really frightening, to begin with so, she just gave him a playful smirk.

"Oooh. I'm scared," she scorned.

"Who you called lunatic again?"

She came closer to Summer and leaned on her shoulder. Tanya brought her mouth to Summer's ear and started to whisper something while throwing a guying-gazing glance at Whifler.

Summer gaped in amusement as Tanya finished mumbling.

"Seriously?!" Summer jolted in excitement.

"Let me see! Let me see!"

"Hahh~~ I knew it. NO!" Whifler immediately walked away, annoyed. But Summer, who also loved to tease Whifler, followed him and annoyed him even more.

Tanya chortled, satisfied with Whifler's reaction, but she was more entertained knowing that Summer will incense him more.

Tanya was so distracted, wandering her thoughts, that she didn't even notice the shoot was done.

Tristan's brows furrowed in Tanya's tee-hee while looking in the direction where Summer and Whifler went. Tanya didn't even realize he was literally standing beside her.

"Tanya," he called which made her jump in surprise.

She gaped for a moment, and then deeply sighed.

"Holy shit. Don't just pop out suddenly! You startled me!" she exclaimed.

"You were the one who absent-mindedly snickering like an idiot. I've been standing next to you for a couple of minutes now, you know," Tristan deadpanned.

"Where's Whifler?" he asked.

"At the dressing room," Tanya replied.

Tristan didn't respond anymore and just headed straight to the dressing room. He was indeed exhausted.

Tristan was about to knock but, he saw the door was slightly opened and he heard a low commotion inside so, he just opened the door widely, then entered.

He froze as his eyes landed on Whifler who was holding both of Summer's wrists that have been raised to the air. And their faces were just two inches away from each other. Yes, he literally mentally calculated it.

What else did he think? Well, no other than the most suspicious perceptions you would naturally think when you saw a boy and a girl alone in a room, and just a centimeter away from each other.

Tristan felt slightly annoyed.

"What the hell you two are doing?"

Whifler looked at Tristan and automatically read Tristan's expressions, while Summer's face brightened and immediately pulled her hands back, then excitedly ran towards him.

"TRIIIISHHHHHH!!!!!!" Summer jumped on Tristan and hugged him tightly while giggling.

"Oh! Oh! I have good news for you! Guess it! Guess it!" Summer spoke, loosening her embrace to Tristan, and looked at him directly in the eyes.

"I don't know. What is it?" Tristan coldly asked, then sat down to the nearest comfortable chair, and laid his back. Tiredness was written all over him.

Summer's wide smile swiftly turned into a frown.

"You're no fun, you know! Tsk," she rolled her eyes.

But, a second after, her enthusiastic energy came back as she sat across from Tristan.

"Fine. I'll spill it myself. Well, I am currently working on a movie, right?" she started.

"The Lost Prodigy? Yes, What about it?" Tristan responded.

"Uhm. Actually... You got special participation there!!" Summer cheerfully informed him.

Tristan took several seconds before Summer's words sank in. Even Whifler was stunned at what he just heard.

"WHAT!?" Tristan exclaimed.

"I said you'll have scenes to shoot in my movie. I think five or six? Or more? I'm not sure, but I'm certain it was just less than ten scenes!"

"What the. No!" Summer was taken aback at Tristan's answer.

"What do you mean by 'No'?"

"No, I don't want to."

"Hah?! Why? You will just have a special participation. You'll die after several scenes anyway!"

"Look. I'm not even informed beforehand! This is so sudden!" Tristan objected.

"What sudden? Didn't you tell me before that I could recommend you if there's a role I think will suit you in my movie? You said that. Did you forget?"

"Aist. But, I can't act!"

"You don't have to! Your personality suits very well to the character. You can just be yourself on cam. That's why I recommended you without a second thought. The character was also a model, so you can naturally execute it!" Summer insisted.

"No is still No, 'kay?"

"Are you kidding me? It's YES!"







"Oh, Holy Trinity. Cut the crap, both of you!" Whifler yelled which stopped them from arguing.

"You were so eager to work with me on a project back then... But, now that we had a chance, you suddenly had a change of heart. Why is that?" Summer disappointedly mumbled.

Tristan paused and looked at Summer's upset face: He sighed to calm himself.

"I'm sorry. I'm just whacked. And... That news shocked me big time. So it kinda stirred me up."

"No... It's fine. It's my fault. I should've asked you first. Perhaps I got too excited so I acted recklessly. I should be sorry. If you don't want to... I'll talk to the producer and exclude you."

Tristan stared at Summer. Aside from the tone of her voice, you could also see how dejected she was.

Tristan suddenly felt disquieted—strangely, he hated the look on her face. It gave him discomfort.

He was silent for a moment, cogitating.

"Alright," he suddenly spoke which made Summer and Whifler looked at him. "I accept it."

Summer jolted and gaped while her eyes were sparkling. "Really?"

Tristan averted his eyes and slightly turned his head to the side to hide his blushed face.

He didn't know why, but his heart got wild when he saw Summer's eyes shimmer.

"Y-Yeah," he replied.

Whifler suddenly stood up.

"We-wait! Wait! Hold up. Are you serious?!" Whifler asked Tristan in surprise.

Tristan lifted his head to look at Whifler's face.

His brows knitted. "Yes."

"What?! Don't joke around! This is not a matter you should easily agree to! Please don't get bewitched by this con woman."

Summer's eyes widened.

"Hey! That's offensive!"

Whifler just unamusedly looked at Summer. He got his attention back to Tristan, then grabbed his arm and pulled him just a few steps away from Summer. It was enough distance for them to talk privately.

"Listen to me, Tristan... This is a serious matter! You can't just agree on a whim! You need to think of it thoroughly. You can't just show up there and act. Remember, it's not a classroom role-playing activity. You'll appear on the big screen and television, Tristan. On television!!" Whifler whispered.

Whifler glanced at Summer and then glared at her, but she just playfully stuck her tongue out at him. It wasn't that he was angry at her, but It was just that it worries him. Well, he couldn't blame her anyway.

She thought it was still Trish standing in front of her. They were best friends and they already had a lot of plans and dreams that they talked about.

If she was offering that role to the real Trish, why not? It would make her fans add up and would boost her popularity even more, right? But, unfortunately, it was Tristan. The more popularity and exposure, the bigger the chances of being noticed and caught.

Tristan dazed for a moment, and then put his sight on Summer, who was smiling at them like a kid waiting for her candy.

"Just," Tristan started, then looked back at Whifler. "Trust me."

Whifler paused. "But... Aiistt!"

Whifler massaged his temple out of frustration. He knew that once Tristan made that look on his face, you couldn't dissuade him, even if you tried a million times. In short, just give up. You can't win.

"What a pain," he mumbled.

"Okay. Just make sure you don't make yourself look ridiculous."

"Tss. I'm sure you'll praise me in the middle of the road for how good I am." Tristan bragged with that confident posture.

"Wow. Praise my ass." Whifler deadpanned.

They looked at Tanya as she avidly entered the dressing room with Melissa.

"They all went home! Let's go."

"Oh, wait! Do you guys have other plans?" Summer asked.

"None!" Tanya cheerfully responded.

"Cool! Well. If you don't mind, can we hang out at my place?" Summer looked at Tanya. It seemed like they were having their telepathic communication.

Tanya smiled widely. "Of course!"

"Hey. Hey. I had a bad feeling with your stares at each other just now!"

Summer and Tanya looked at him ridiculously and then looked at each other. They both smirked.

"Woah. Our baby is trying to throw a tantrum now, don't you think, Miss Summer?" Tanya bantered.

"Yeah. Come on Raj. Don't be too guarded!" Summer jested.

"Nothing good happens to me whenever I'm with you two!"

"Oi. Don't make it look like we're gonna devour you!"

"Indeed! We look like perverts!"

"We just want to have fun, since we're all done with our responsibilities and we still have energy, so why not? We occasionally hang out all together, ya know."

Whifler did nothing but, keep quiet. Why was he even nattering to these screw-loose women?

He took a deep sigh.

"Whatever. I give up. Go have fun by yourselves. I'd rather stay at home."

Summer and Tanya flinched, then abruptly looked at each other. They both jolted and flung their arms to Whifler's, who was about to leave. Summer on the left and Tanya on the right.

Whifler staggered at their action.

"What the!"

"Who told you not to come with us, huh. There's no fun without you!" Summer remarked with a smile from ear to ear, then they dragged Whifler.

"Hey! Let go! Damn! What the hell you two are eating? Why are you so strong? Hey! stop gripping!! haayssh~~ YOU CRAZY HELLCATS!!" Whifler's voice echoed so loudly.

Tristan and Melissa were left dumbfounded in the dressing room. Tristan dazedly stared at the door where they went out. No idea and was bewildered at what just happened.

'Am I the only one being left out here?', he thought.

Melissa tapped his shoulder and smiled sweetly. "Let's go, Miss Trish."

"Ah. Okay," he responded, then followed Melissa.

As they reached the exit, Summer rolled down the window glass of the car and waved at them. She was sitting in the front seat. Melissa wondered where their car was.

"Come on! Oh. Melissa. Uncle Ben had already taken the car. We'll ride with them." Summer informed Melissa as she caught up with the expression on her face.

"We're heading to your place anyway," she added, referring to Melissa's current residence that Summer owned.

Melissa just nodded and then headed to the backseat, Tristan also followed. He slightly flinched when he saw the glowered face of Whifler, with his hands being crossed, as Tristan opened the car's door.

Tanya got Tristan's attention as she spoke.

"Don't mind the grumpy kid," she grinned.

Whifler's face darkened even more and was now glaring daggers at her, but she just ignored him and started the engine after Melissa and Tristan comfortably sat beside Whifler.

"Soothe that forehead, Raj! Just think of it as an extension of your birthday!" Summer cheerfully commented. Whifler didn't respond—he was not in the mood actually.

They were silent—well, of course, except Tanya and Summer, who were blabbering throughout the trip—until they arrived at Melissa's place—the address which Summer publicizes.

They immediately started the little party they randomly organized. They decided to drink only light drinks since Melissa was a non-drinker.

They were definitely having fun until Summer loosened another screw. And her target was none other than, yes, Raj Whifler.

Melissa and Tanya fixed him the way Summer wanted. Neither Tristan circumvent the mad ideas of Summer. And, yeah. Both Whifler and he, received the curse of Summer—hehe!

"Why the hell did we end up like this?!" Whifler groaned.

After they were fixed, Summer also decorated a studio-like background using her nicely designed tarpaulin she just got from her storage room, then made Whifler pose as a male model of the theme 'Romantic'—which she came up with herself— And, of course, it wouldn't be romantic if it was just him alone, right? So, obviously. Tristan was his daring partner! That's what the purpose of his make-over, wasn't it?

"Hey! Closer!!" Summer shouted while excitedly taking pictures of them.

"Good thing the insect bite on your lip was gone. It wasn't uneven anymore!" Tanya chortled.

She immediately pursed her lips to stop her laughter as Whifler threw daggers at her again.

Whifler was wearing nice black denim pants, and a tucked-in plain white polo, and was holding a perfect red bloomed rose. His hair was stylishly brushed up which complimented the shape of his face very well.

While Tristan wore Summer's favorite sparkling above-the-knee, long-sleeve royal red color fitted dress. His hair was curled and had a tiny braid on the left side of his hair. Yes, they were frightfully magnificent!

"Raise the rose a little more!" Summer commanded that Whifler followed right away.

"Why do I keep on losing against these stupid women!" Whifler mumbled that only Tristan could hear.

"Because you're stupider?" Tristan deadpanned.

Whifler glared at him.

"What about you? The stupidest?"

"Well. At least I'm not the one complaining beneath my breath, but still here doing it anyway, right?"

"Shut up!"

"Hey. Hey. Let them do this pose!" Tanya cheerfully gave the magazine she found at the mini-cabinet. Summer looked at it and grinned as she definitely loved the pose.

"Perfect!" Summer took the magazine and showed it to Whifler and Tristan. "Do this."

Whifler gaped and Tristan coughed as the picture in the magazine that Summer showed to them was actually a couple.

The man was seated on a chair, looking up at the woman's face. While the woman was on his lap looking at the man's face with her arm placed around his shoulder and the other hand was caressing the man's cheek.

"Are you nuts?!" Whifler exclaimed that startled them.

"We're not. It's just so lovely to see! And it would be lovelier if it was you who did it!" Summer remarked.

"Miss Summer was right! Don't worry, it's just a pose. No malice... Unless you actually had. Right?" Tanya ridiculed.

'Tanya you devil!', Whifler cussed on his thoughts.

He roughly pulled a chair and sat on it. He looked at Tristan, who was now utterly dumbfounded at him.

"Are you serious?! We're gonna do it?" Tristan whispered in disbelief.

"Unless you can create an excuse to refuse?"

Tristan didn't protest anymore and just play along.

He perched on Whifler's lap and he copied what exactly the pose he saw in the magazine.

Whifler's and his face were just an inch away from each other.

"In the name of my ancestors, I swear to bury Tanya alive after this. I mean it!" Whifler mumbled.

"Damn. This is awkward!" he added.

"Now you understand what am I feeling whenever I'm shooting with a guy. By the way, I'll help dig her grave," Tristan whispered.

Meanwhile, Tanya was tittering behind Summer, absolutely entertained looking at them.

"Whoa! You're really good at the camera!" Summer astonishingly scanned the photos she took.

Finally, she was done with her madness. Tanya and Melissa also went toward her to have a look at the pictures.

"Yo Raj! I never thought you would be this great in photos! You could be a model!" Summer complimented.

"I never expect, too, Miss Summer that you're adept at photographing. Oh, Speaking of. Didn't you become a famous child model before Manager Whifler?" Whifler flinched at Melissa's question.

He felt their eyes were all focused on him. He thought no one remembered it was him, he didn't expect—of all people—someone he knew would recall about it. He buried that image of him a long time ago and forgot about it for good.

"Really? You did?? Then why'd you choose to be a manager when you have this charm to be an exceptional model?" Summer asked.

Whifler stiffed at the moment. He couldn't say anything. He couldn't think of an excuse. His thoughts were blocked.

It was not a big deal to admit that he was once a child model but, the reason for him quitting his former career and pursuing the current métier was way extremely difficult for him to express.

He kept his secret to himself and wanted to hide it until death, he accidentally spilled it once to a certain someone and he never dared to make the same mistake again.

Tanya noticed Whifler's situation. She immediately understood just by looking at him, clenching his fist.

She sighed, and then grinned from ear to ear.

"Good question Miss Summer!" she butted in. All of them looked at her, including Whifler, who was confused at the same time nervous about what she would say next.

"I remember when we were drinking... He suddenly admitted something when he got drunk!" she added, which got Whifler's eyes widened. He became stiffer, and shivers climbed up to his spine.

"What is it?" Summer was exceedingly curious. Not only her but also Tristan and Melissa— It was literally seen on their faces.

"He con—Mhmm~~mhmm~~" Tanya's words were cut off as Whifler dashed towards her and shut her up using his big hand.

Summer, Melissa, and Tristan were stupefied at Whifler's flexes.

"You better start writing down all your death wishes!" Whifler snarled while glaring at Tanya.

"Now. That... Makes me more curious." Summer mumbled.

"Likewise," Tristan agreed.

Tanya forcefully pulled Whifler's hand away from her mouth.

"Blegh! Your hand tastes bad!" Tanya winced.

Tanya widened her eyes, sending signals to Whifler that she was helping him out. But, he just knitted his forehead, he understood nothing.

"Mind clearing the confusion here?" Tristan spoke.

Tanya turned her head and smiled.

"So, I was saying that... When he got wasted, he confessed his feelings for Miss Summer in front of me. And the reason he gave up modeling was also Miss Summer. He wanted to be close to her that's why he did his best to be a reliable manager. But, how unlucky he was that he became Miss Trish's manager and not Miss Summer. So. Yeah. He got depressed, that's why he chose to bury all of these to himself." Tanya jabbered which made them all gawk.

Summer stared at Tanya's eyes. She could tell right away that everything Tanya said was a lie. Even though Summer was dying of curiousness and really wanted to know—she didn't say anything and pretended that she was fooled.

Summer understood it was something serious that should be left unsaid. Or maybe Tanya was just respecting Whifler's privacy. But, she was more confused about why the hell Tanya used her as an excuse.

If Summer was dumb, she would probably take it seriously and it would make the situation more complicated in the future. Thank goodness she knew to discern Tanya's lie.

Well, everyone had a habit when telling lies and Tanya's was one of the habits she found out. In fact, she was so skilled at spotting lie-telling habits.

She glanced at the wall clock, it was exactly 1:00 am.

"Oh. The time flew quickly. I didn't realize it," Summer spoke which also made them look at the wall clock.

"Oh my God! Let's go home now. We need to wake up at 5 in the morning!" Tanya freaked out, then immediately fixed their stuff.

"Come on!" she added, then went out carrying their things. Summer just chuckled at Tanya's panic. Whifler followed her and also Melissa to help them.

Summer noticed Tristan was about to go inside the room.

"Trish," she called.

Tristan stopped and looked at her.

"Uh.. I'll just change my clothes and return this to you. I'll be quick!"

"No. No. You can have it," Summer smiled.


"It's really great on you! It's yours now. And it's so perfect for dates! Wear it when you have your first date, okay? Promise me!" she grinned.

"O-Okay," he blushed.

"Cool! Let's go," she said, then reached for his hand and held it.

They went outside while their hands were intertwined. Tristan couldn't think straight and only hears the loud pounding of his heart. He felt his face burning. Luckily, they drank, or else he probably needed to explain the extreme flushness of his face.

They all went home safely and flopped to sleep as soon as they arrived at their own houses.

But, their sleep seemed like a wink as their 5 am alarm woke them up.

Yeah. They had a shoot early in the morning. And it was also time for Tristan's character to appear in Summer's movie— that was why they also need to get up!

They all arrived at the set lightheaded. After partying all night, here they are, walking like zombies.

But, despite their panging heads, they smoothly did their work. Especially Summer and Tristan.



"WHO WANTS A DRINK? I'LL BUY SOME!" One of the staff shouted as they took a break. It was 11:30 in the morning.

"Me!!" Melissa shouted back. She looked at Summer and Tristan behind her.

"How about you Miss Summer?"

"Chocolate drink! With a lot of ice!" Summer answered.

"Alright. How about you Miss Trish?"

"Ah. Mocha latte," Summer paused at Tristan's reply.

"Okay!" Melissa enthusiastically ran towards the staff who offered the drink earlier and went with him to buy the drinks.

Tristan noticed Summer's intense stare. He felt uncomfortable and conscious. He averted his gaze and started to rummage his stuff.

"Why are you staring like that?" he awkwardly asked.

"Nothing. Just wondering. Didn't you hate Mocha?" Tristan flinched at Summer's question.

"A-Ah. Not really. I just. Uh... Kinda don't like it. But, it doesn't mean that I wouldn't drink it... Yeah," he faked a smile.

"Oh," Summer replied, not yet satisfied and was still confused and wondering.

"Uhm. Can we practice this part, please? I always stumbled here!" Tristan changed the subject and distracted Summer from thinking about it.

"Sure! Anyway. You're quite good at acting! I mean it!" Summer complimented with a wide and sweet smile plastered on her face.

"Really?" Tristan awkwardly laughed.

"Yes! I told you. You can do it!"

"Y-Yeah. Well, I guess, It's all thanks to your help," Tristan blushed, scratching the back of his neck.

Summer blinked several times and stared at Tristan's face. "Whoa. That is so unlike you. Really."

Tristan halted. "H-Ha?"

Summer knitted her brows and closely examined Tristan's whole appearance.

Tristan became stiff, his chest pounding like hell. It seemed like his heart was gonna popped out at any time.

Tanya, on the other hand—talking to the other staff—glanced in Summer's and Tristan's direction. She jolted back as she realized Tristan's expression on his face.

Tanya instinctively understood the atmosphere around them. She politely cut the conversation she had with the staff and dashed toward Summer and Tristan.

"Miss Summer! Miss Trish!" she widely grinned while waving her hand.

She saw Tristan's face brighten as she stopped in front of them.

"Yes, Tanya?" Summer asked. Tanya scratched her jaw while thinking of an excuse.

"I—Uh. I'm... I'm looking for Manager Whifler! Did you see him?" Tanya lied, glancing at Tristan, who was still a bit stiff and nervous.

"Whifler? Weren't you together before the shoot started?"

"Ah, yeah! But, I—"

"HERE'S THE DRINKS! EVERYONE!" The staff shouted which got Summer's attention.

"Oh! YAY!! My Chocollaaaaaattteee!!!" Summer giggled, then excitedly ran towards them like a little kid.

Tanya and Tristan both sighed in relief. Tanya turned her head to Tristan and glared at him. Tristan just gave her an apologetic look.

"What happened?" Tanya asked.

"I carelessly ordered my favorite drink that Trish dislikes," Tristan answered.

He looked at Summer as she walked towards him holding his iced mocha latte.

"Here!" Summer smiled, handing the cup.

"Thank you," Tristan replied as he took the cup.

'She didn't entirely notice. Right?', he thought.



The time flew quickly. The shoot was done around 8 in the evening. Tristan was already at home and was done changing his clothes.

"Haa~~ I'm tired!" Tristan groaned as he flopped to his bed. He immediately dozed off, but the ring of his messaging tone woke him up.

He glanced at his phone on top of the mini-table beside his bed, where his lampshade stood. He got up to pick it up and checked who texted him.

He automatically smiled as he read the message. It was from Summer greeting him good night. He was about to reply, but he paused and slammed his phone down when he realized his reaction.

He slumped to his bed and covered himself with his blanket.

'Why am I smiling?? What am I smiling about? Crap! I must be crazy!'

He jolted when his phone rang again and checked it.

[Summer: See you tomorrow! Rest well :)]

He felt a tingling feeling inside his chest. He couldn't help smiling again. He laid back on his bed and crazily rolled over.

'What the hell. I am really insane! No. No. It's just a ghost stretching my cheeks, that's why I'm smiling. Yeah, that's right! It's a ghost.'

He looked at his phone as it rang for the third time. This time... His heart beat more rapidly. It's like all the animals in the zoo raced inside his chest. His sweat was cold, his fingers were trembling and his face started to redden as he opened and read the message.

He stared at it for more than 5 minutes before he decided to flump to his bed.

'Damn. I need to see a doctor', he frustratedly thought.

Message received from Summer: I love You! ❤