'Happy and Satisfied'

Tristan almost jumped in surprise when Summer suddenly clapped her hands near to his left ear.

Tristan snapped his head behind him to look at Summer, his eyes widened as some of her hair fell down to his cheek and her face was just inches away from his.

"Good afternoon" Summer smiled which cause Tristan's heart to go wild. Well, even wilder as he smells the sweet fragrance of her hair and the addicting scent of her perfume.

Lips like roses, beaming smile, and eyes like a shimmering gold... Tristan was so drawn that he stared at her like there's no tomorrow. He swiftly turned his head straight and lowered his gaze after he came back to his senses.

"G-Good afternoon"

Summer just chuckled then flopped to the chair across him. "Didn't we settle everything yesterday? Are you still uncomfortable around me?"

Tristan jolted. "Ah. N-No... Uhm... Why are you here?"

"Whoa... Now, you sounded like Whifler... Well, Uh. Let's just say I'm free today."


Summer stared at Tristan, judging his action the way he averted his eyes and fiddled his thumbs, he was definitely uneasy but in an adorable way...

'Ghad. Was he this cute before?', she thought while smiling.

"Hey. Hey... That smile was wider than this room." They both look at the door when Tanya and Whifler enter the Leisure room.

Tanya sat beside Summer while Whifler went straight to the water dispenser.

"What happened?" Tanya whispered to Summer with a playful look on her face. Summer just 'shh' her and threw back the playful expression at her, then they giggled.

"You two are scarier together, you know?" Whifler butted in then drank his water. He just received a death look from them.

"Oh! Anyway... Are you all done? I mean... You're free now, right?"

"Yep. Why?" Tanya responded. Summer excitedly looked in Tristan's direction and pointed her finger at him.

"Can I borrow that wonderful lady over there?"

They both paused then answer in chorus, "Yes"




After 64284425844488th times he refused to go with Summer, he still ended up coming along. Why, you asked? Summer was undeniably persistent, plus, those two evils couldn't stop insisting... So, does he have a choice?

"There!" Summer enthusiastically said then ran towards the shop she pointed.

They were currently at the Mall. Of course, they wore their mask to hide their outstanding faces... [Whatta gifted human beings...]

Tristan followed Summer into the shop of branded shoes... Tristan's brows furrowed as he realize they were at the men's footwear.

His eyes were instantly locked at the rubber shoes—which design was a combination of black, grey, and white color—displayed on the shelf.

"Do you like it?" He looked at Summer who just popped up beside him.


"The shoes... Do you like it?"

Tristan turned his eyes to the shoes.

"Oh. Uhm... It's beautiful"

"So, you like it?"

"Sort of."

"Excuse me, sir!" Summer called the salesman arranging the boxes of the shoes in the corner. The salesman immediately went towards her.

"Can you give me the new pair of this?" She smiled. Tristan's eyes widened then he gently grabbed Summer's arm.

"What are you doing?"

"You said you like it, so I will get you one"

Tristan was taken aback. "What? Wait. Wait... Yes, I like it but—Ugh... Why exactly we're here?"

"Obviously, shopping. What else would it be?" Tristan's brows furrowed at what she said.

"Here? Aren't we supposed to shop at the lady's?"

"Why? Can't we shop at the men's? Do our genders matter?" Tristan was shut. Summer just smiled at his reaction.

"Kidding. I also like men's stuff, that's why... Oh, Right! Why don't we buy the same stuff? Like... What is it called again? Matchy-matchy? Twinny-twinny? Couple-couple? Aish, whatever! What do you think?"


"Cool! So, what else do you like?"

Tristan was stupefied at how energetic Summer is... Her eyes were sparkling in excitement and her aura was radiating.

'What happened yesterday that energized her this much?', what was he thinking while staring at Summer, bouncing like a little kid with a wide smile formed on her lips.

'Is this the effect of Trish's rejection? I'm worrying for nothing, then? If I knew... I should've turned her down right away', Tristan faintly sighed.

"Excuse me, ma'am... I'm sorry but, I forgot to ask your shoe size" The salesman approached them politely.

"Oh, Size 3—"Summer tilted her head to look at Tristan. "What's your size again?"

Tristan flinched. "A-Ah... I forgot! Just give us all the sizes, I'll fit them myself... Please."

"Alright, ma'am" The salesman responded then left.

Summer noticed Tristan's nervousness and puzzlement. She smiled at him and clung her arms around his which startled him.

Tristan could feel his cheeks warming up... Well, if you will see closely, his ears were now reddish. Her action was so sudden that his heart barely keep up on beating.

"After here, we'll go to another men's wear!"

"Men's? Again?"

"Yes... Why? You don't want to?"

Tristan averted his eyes, "It's not like that"

"Then we should go!" She tee heed. "Oh! The shoes are here. Come on! Let's fit them."

Summer enthusiastically said then approached the salesman, bringing the piles of shoe boxes.

Tristan just sighed then followed her.

'Calm down, Tristan... Act natural'



And indeed they went. Not just in one store but also in other stores... Summer was uncontrollably pulling any clothes she would like then making Tristan fit them all after.

Although Tristan was confused, he enjoyed it anyway...

"What about this one?" Tristan looked at the polo shirt that Summer pulled out. It was a deep blue color with a black strip at the tip.

Tristan stared at it and awkwardly smiled.

"Ah... I think... We got too much?"

Summer glanced at the mountain of clothes in the cart. "Oh... Right... This is the last one! Let's fit them now."

Summer approached one of the sales ladies and asked something. After a moment, she signaled Tristan to come with her towards the fitting room.

"Uh... Which will you fit first?"

Tristan was paused, he then raised his finger and pointed it to himself. "Me?"

"Yes. You..."

"But... We bought a lot in the previous stores... And now..."

"Come on... Stop worrying about that. Just enjoy it. Go on..." She smiled.

Tristan just sighed. "Alright. Uhm... The orange one."

"Yas!" Summer excitedly handed him the V-neck shirt. Tristan quickly went inside the fitting room and then went out a moment after.

Summer couldn't utter a word... The shirt was so perfect to his build. She slowly walked towards him. "Can you tie your hair up?"


"Sit down here" Summer lead him to the bench near them. She then tied his loose hair into a ponytail... Then, she paced in front of him.

"Whoa..." She mumbled in amazement. "Y-You're so... Beautiful"

"Huh?" Tristan stood up and went to the mirror. He was stunned, staring at his reflection.

He may be used to a ponytail, but this time it's different... Seems like he was looking at himself... The real him... No trace of Trish at all...

"You're so cool on that kind of ponytail, right? Your face was clearly seen... It wasn't hidden by your bangs" Summer told as she stood beside him. Tristan shyly glanced at her.

"Don't flatter me like that..."

"Haha... Why not? It's true..."

Tristan just clicked his tongue in embarrassment.

Summer held both of his arms and made him stare at the mirror. "Look..."

"Remember that reflection... From now on, whenever we're alone together... Promise me you'll show me this side of you... Okay?" She added.

"Side of me?"



"Because I like it better" Summer sweetly smiled.

Tristan couldn't react... Aside from that heart-melting look on her face, her words gave butterflies to him.

'I like it better... I like it better... I like it better'

Yes... Those words were like a broken record, playing pleasantly to his ears over and over and over and over again...

'Damn. Is this the feeling of being appreciated for who truly am?... Sh-She... Likes that person... That person in the mirror... That is me... Right? That's me! Does it mean... She likes me better?'

He smiled like an idiot while standing in front of the fitting room's mirror and still staring at his reflection. He was so lost in his thoughts that he forgot Summer.

Well, who would not? If all your life you've been disregarded and was now finally appreciated, won't you be glad and be lost in that flattery like Tristan?

I bet you would, too... All of us will... Am I right?

Summer just chuckled at his dumfounded face, his eyes were obviously happy and satisfied. She gently poked his shoulder to snatch his attention, and she did it anyway.

Tristan looked at her.

"Sorry... I was..."

"Yeah. Yeah. I know... You're admiring your perfect beauty, too."

"What?! No... I wasn't! Just... Just..."

Summer chuckled. "Okay. No more excuses! Let's continue fitting the rest"

"Hah?! Ghad! I'm so tired of changing... Can't we jus—" They both stopped in surprise and stared at each other.

Summer who was taken aback at the sudden change of his personality and Tristan who was hit by the realization that he unintentionally showed Tristan's attitude...

We all know that Tristan was a human form of complaint, Whifler and Tanya were the witnesses of that annoying behavior.

[Read the previous chapter if you forgot! Hihi]

"Just... Buy all of that..." Tristan awkwardly continued, scratching the back of his neck. His tone also shifted back to Trish's manner.

Instead of getting annoyed, Summer was amused. Her heart raced as if the battle of the Lords was held in her chest...

She never mentioned Trish's name on purpose, she never addressed Tristan as her to make him feel he was himself... To make him forget, even in a little possibility, that he was pretending as someone else...

And with that quick shift of his attitude, she was glad... Really pleased that it's working... She formed a wide smile on her lips and a playful expression on her face.

"So, you also have that attitude, huh" She teased which made Tristan more conscious and sheepish. "You're actually adorable right now, don't you think?"

"Ugh! Summer... Stop it! Aish! Nevermind. Let's go!" He said then pushed the cart towards the counter. Summer just laughed at his reaction.

'Damn. He's so cute!', she thought while holding his rampage chest.

'Gosh, I might explode in no time... Calm down you flirty heart!' She shrugged her thoughts off and then followed Tristan with a cheerful grin.