'The Voice'

3rd day, all of them felt burdened. This day was supposed to be stress-free and calm. But, after what happened to Melissa, a part of them was torn.

They still couldn't believe it. Seemed like it was just a movie ended a while ago.

"I'll go make some lunch." Tanya stood up and went to the kitchen. Whifler and Tristan were left in the living room.

"What time is our flight tomorrow?" Tristan asked, Whifler glanced at him.

"Same time. Around 9 am."

Tristan nodded. "Any news from Trish?"

"Not yet. I can't still reach her." Whifler sighed. "I wonder what's she up to."

"Let's just pray for her soul." Tristan deadpanned and stood up. "I'll take a bath first."

Whifler just stared at him in disbelief. How could he joke at times like this? And knowing the situation his sister was in?

Whifler just shook his head. "Am I the only one who noticed it or does he really have an unpredictable attitude and behavior? Tsk. It changes every time."

"I also noticed it." Whifler looked at Tanya as she sat beside him. She heard what he mumbled. "He's sometimes hard to read as well. He's not like others who had a consistent attitude which made them foreseeable."

"In sum, he had an unstable mentality," Whifler remarked.

"Well. Not entirely."

"Are you talking behind my back?" They both turned their heads in Tristan's direction as he spoke.

He was half-naked with a towel wrapped around his waist, covering his lower part. His wet hair was tied up.

"What a miracle. You showered for only 5 minutes." Tanya teased. Tristan's eyes just narrowed, unamused.

"I'm not done yet. I just forgot to bring my shampoo," Tristan told then headed to his room.

Whifler and Tanya were left dumbfounded.

Tristan actually took 30 minutes to an hour.

Whifler jolted up as his phone rang. He answered the call immediately when he read the caller's name. "Trish!"

[Ah. Yeah. How are you?] Trish softly responded. There was a hint of discomfort in her voice.

"I'm fine. We're fine. What about you?" Whifler worriedly said.

[I'm also fine. I just got home from my session. I'm not sure when the result will come out but, I already anticipated what will happen after that.]

Whifler heard Trish sigh. His gaze lowered. "Everything will be alright."

[I hope so. Uh, anyway. Raj. Is Tristan there with you?]

Whifler's brows wrinkled by Trish's question, he suddenly felt nervous. He glanced at Tristan passing by with shampoo in his hand and waited for him to enter the bathroom before answering Trish.

"He's at the bathroom right now. Tanya was only here with me."

Whifler heard her take a deep breath.

[Promise me. You won't tell anything to him until you arrived here.]

"Trish, you're scaring me. Won't tell him what?"

Tanya became alarmed by Whifler's tone of speaking. Her face turned serious and stared at Whifler.

Whifler became more worried and he was getting choked up by his nervousness as he heard Trish sob. She was holding it back but, it was still heard.

"Trish. What's wrong?"

[S-Summer.] Trish paused, breathing deeply.

[E-Ended her life last night.]

Air coming from the aircon became frigid, causing shivers to climb up to his spine. Whifler was too stunned to speak. His mind became blank.

"Are you joking?"

[N-No. Haven't you read it? It was her manager who discovered her body. The news was all over the internet now, even on television.]

Whifler didn't know how to respond. Was he dreaming? This was just a nightmare, right?

[Raj. I am more worried about Tristan. I don't know how this will affect him. Please, as possible, put him away from anything that could let him know about what happened. Just until he arrived here.]

Whifler jolted as he saw Tristan walking towards him. Tristan's brows furrowed, noticing Whifler's pale face.

"What? You see a ghost?" Tristan asked while wiping his hair with his other towel.

Whifler came back to his senses and shook his head. "No. Uhm. The day's nice outside, right? Why don't you stroll? Spend your whole free time outside."

Tristan's one brow raised. "That's so sudden. Why?"

"Uh. You know. It was your first travel. It's not bad to enjoy it before going back, isn't it?" Whifler suggested which put Tristan in deep thought. He glanced back to Whifler.

"You're right." Tristan was about to head into his room but he halted as Whifler called him again. "Anything else?"

"Yes. Uh. It's better if you won't bring anything to distract you. Like cellphone or any gadgets."

"Okay," Tristan responded then entered his room.

Whifler sighed in relief as Tristan didn't wonder. He cleared his throat and checked if Trish was still on the line. "It's done."

[Thank you so much, Raj. Thank you.] Trish told with a shaky voice.

"You. Are you okay?"

[I'm lying if I said I am. Summer—]

Trish stopped. She couldn't hold it up anymore. She poured all her pain out, her sobs echoed in Whifler's ears. Whifler knew, he felt it. It was excruciating.

"Let it out. I'm here. I'm here." Whifler comforted Trish, making her feel he was there for her.

[I-I just don't understand, Raj. I can't understand! I couldn't find a valid reason for her to commit suicide! She was a happy girl. She definitely was!]

Trish lost it. She cried and cried. Whifler felt it, too. Just the other day, Summer was wearing that delightful smile at the airport. Her energy was as enthusiastic as usual. No sign she was in distress.

Was Melissa's death the reason? No. That was ridiculous.

Yes, Melissa was also her precious friend and trusted but, it was an absurd decision to end your life just because of one's death.

There was surely a deeper reason, but what was it? Why did she keep it from them?

Whifler just listened to Trish's sobs. He let her pour her pain out until she was tired of crying and hung up the call.

He stared blankly at his cellphone after. Even he, couldn't sink everything in.

Summer committed suicide. She was gone. She was dead. She was dead. She was? Really? This wasn't just a stupid nightmare, was it?

Whifler hopelessly flopped to the couch while his face was covered with his palms then, tears fell from his eyes. He wanted to believe he was just in a long dream but, no matter how he think it was and even pinched himself, he was awake—widely awake.

Tanya confusedly stared at him as she glanced at his fallen cellphone on the mat.

"What did she say? How is she? Did something happen? Huh?" Tanya asked but she didn't receive any response from him. Whifler was still covering his face.

Tanya looked as Tristan's door creaked, then he went out. He was wearing a blue hoodie and grey jogger pants. His hair was styled in a ponytail and his face was covered with a black mask.

He glanced at them. "I'll head out."

He didn't wait for them to respond and just wore his black bull cup and the hood of his jacket, then he left.

Tanya turned her attention back to Whifler, worried. "What's going on?"

Whifler took a deep breath as he wiped his wet cheeks. "Summer committed suicide. She's dead."

"WHAT?!" Tanya jolted up. "No way. That's not a good joke!"

"I would be glad if it was just a joke! But, no. It wasn't. She was really dead!"

Tanya was dumbfounded. She pursed her lips, and tears started to blur her vision. "Quit it. Quit it!"

Tanya messed her hair as her tears streamed down. "I'm still at the phase of accepting Melissa's death and now Summer?! What's going on? What the fvckin' hell is going on?!"

Tanya drooped to the floor and cried. Two of her friends were now gone. And worse, they both killed themselves.

Why? Why she didn't notice it? How could she not know they were suicidal? What kind of friend was she?

"Why is this happening? Why?" Tanya sobbed. She weakly lifted her eyes and looked at Whifler who was also silently crying.

"What about Tristan? Did he know?"

Whifler shook his head. "If he did, do you think he could still luxuriate?"

Tanya gazed down. "What if he found out?"

"That's what we should prevent. At least for now. Trish was also worried so, she asked a favor to keep it from him until we get back."

"That's impossible to do."

"If we wouldn't try. I understand her reason. Even I won't let him know for now. Tristan was still exhausted from the work. Let him rest and enjoy himself." Whifler formed a depressing look on his face. Tanya as well.

"I-I'm scared. I'm afraid of how this will affect him."

Whifler clenched his fist. "I do, too."




The sound of a vehicle passing by, the flickering of beautiful lights, and the gentle blows of the wind. It was so perfect for relaxing, yet Tristan was sitting at the bench, strangely anxious about something he couldn't point out the reason.

He felt so heavy. It seemed like something was knocking behind his consciousness. His feeling was so strange which was stressing him out. He couldn't pinpoint what it was.

'I'm supposed to enjoy this moment. Why am I bothering myself?', Tristan thought and sighed.

It was already evening. He didn't stroll that much, actually, he was just sitting there the whole day.


Tristan snapped his head in the direction where the voice came from. The figure was too far, but he recognized who it was.

"Summer?" he mumbled with his brows knitted in confusion.

He rubbed his eyes and then looked again at the figure but, it was gone. 'Am I hallucinating?'

He blinked many times before averting his gaze. 'Yeah. I am. How could Summer be here and call me Tristan all of a sudden?'

He once again glanced in the direction where the figure was standing earlier. 'But, the voice was so loud and clear tho.'

Tristan just shrugged his thoughts off and stood up, hiding his hands in his pockets.

'I miss her.' , he thought.

'Should I buy her some souvenirs? I think she will like it.' Tristan slightly smiled and walked away. 'Yeah. I'll buy her one.'