
"What?!" Trish paused, looking at Whifler in annoyance. "Why now?! I'm supposed to be free today!"

"I'm sorry but, it was your mother's order. She wants you there. She's attending the meeting, too. Your grandmother as well, Trish," Whifler calmly explained.

Trish just flopped to the sofa and covered her face. "Was I always this busy? I couldn't even have some rest day? Or is mom really doing this on purpose?"

Whifler sighed. "Don't think that way."

"No. It's really obvious. She knew I freed all my schedule for this day... I arranged this day to go to Summer's family, Raj!"

"I know. I know. Calm down. There's still another day." Whifler reassured her. But, Trish was still worried.

"We shouldn't waste time. What if Summer was really killed? The longer we don't take action, the bigger the chance the suspect will run away."