'Locate: Part 1'

Amber sighed for the nth time while tapping her fingers on the steering wheel. Tristan glanced at her in confusion.

"What's wrong?" he asked, flipping the records of the consumers.

It was around 8 in the morning, they were currently at Tristan's car and were starting to locate those who bought the hoodies.

"Nothing. I'm just tired," Amber growled.

"Hangover? You left me alone yesterday."

Amber jolted up and her heart suddenly raced. Panic slowly swallowed her up. "I... I—Uh."

"It's alright. I understand. I saw you talking to your sister." Tristan seriously told while reading the records.

Amber averted her gaze. "I'm sorry."

"I told you, it's okay. Mhm. Vivian Roselle was the nearer one. I guess we should start from her." Tristan put down the records. "ABC City, 143 Boulevard, Apartment 5."

"Okay." Amber started the engine and drove away.