'Interview' Part: 2

Harry turned to the next page of his notebook and scribbled something there. "How are you related to her?"

"We didn't really know each other. Our first meeting wasn't also that good. We had a huge fight because of Trish." Gale answered with that confident look on her face.

Harry's interest had been poked. Now, with that statement, his suspicion was raised.

"Huge fight?" Harry repeated. "Can you tell me the details?"

Blake sensed the change in Harry's tone. He knew he became more interested than before. "Hey. Hey. That is eno—"

Gale cut him off by holding his hand. Her eyes were still pierced to Harry and she was as composed as before. "Alright. I'll tell you."

Harry moved and changed his sitting position. "Let's start with your first encounter."

"Gale," Blake worriedly whispered but, Gale was still calmly staring at Harry's eyes. Her hand was holding Blake's—reassuring that she was fine.