'Torn Picture'

Trish glanced back in Tristan's direction. "I was just wondering."

"Wondering? About what?" Whifler's brows knitted.

"Amber's actions. The way she treated Tristan. And her gazes, her gestures. It's just that—"

"She seemed affectionate?" Whifler cut her off. "Yeah. I noticed it, too."

Trish fell silent. She knew Amber had a thing for Tristan since the day she discovered they were two different individuals.

Her questions at that time were a given. Now that she thought about it, when did they get closer like this?

Trish looked at Whifler. "Do you know why?"

Whifler shook his head. "Tristan was quite likable. Despite his fluctuating personality, there is something in him that would make you like him. And I guess Summer and Amber saw it."

"Isn't he too dumb to know that?" Trish chuckled. "But, Amber... I feel bad for her."

Whifler turned his head in Trish's direction. She was now seriously staring at the two—happily talking to each other.

"What do you mean?"