'Strange Cat'

"**567893690. There. Now, my turn to ask. How is Summer's investigation?" Tristan asked.

[Thanks. And, about that. I'll go to your place tomorrow. Around noon to discuss something related. I don't want to talk about it over the phone.]

Tristan was silent for a moment. "Okay. I understand."

[Right. Thanks again.] Harry told then he hang up.

Tristan stared at his phone's screen for a while. Honestly speaking, Tristan wasn't sure about the number he gave to him. Oh well, if it was wrong then, it would be his problem.

Tristan put down his phone and turned his attention back to the whiteboard. After pondering for a couple of minutes, he came up with an idea.

He took his marker and scribbled Summer's address then encircled it afterward.

"Let's start with the place where everything happened," he mumbled to himself.


