
She halted as she remembered the day of Summer's wake. She looked at Tristan with rounded eyes. "Wait. If it was really Heidi, then now I can justify why she wasn't at Summer's wake."

Tristan's brows furrowed. "She wasn't there?"

"Yes. Tanya noticed that she didn't attend her wake. Even in her burial. We thought she was just being careful and holed up because of the issue about her rumored accusation but, based on what you said, I think she was just guilty." Trish explained then, she stood up and faced the whiteboard. "Anyway. Was it the reason why you threw her picture?"

Tristan nodded while his gaze was lowered. "I lose control and am almost swayed by my anger."

"That's why you were calling my name." Trish smiled. "You know. I am happy at the same time sad."

Tristan's eyes narrowed. "What is it now? Are you gonna say another cringe sentiment?"

Trish threw a soft glare at him. "I'm serious. Don't you want to ask me why?"