'We are a family'

Tristan sighed for the nth time while leaning on the sofa. It's been a week since his last conversation with Harry. He couldn't sit still, he was itching to know what was going on and how the progress of the case was. Yet, what he could only do was wait.

Today was Sunday and it was around noon. Everyone should be resting but, in Tristan's case, he was the only one resting at the house. Trish, Whifler, and Tanya were on a trip for Trish's photoshoot. Amber was also out of reach.

"Guhh!" Tristan spread his arms. "What should I do?"

"Hang out with me!"

Tristan jolted up and twisted his head to where the voice came from. He was surprised as he saw his grandmother, standing at the doorstep with a sweet grin formed on her lips.

"G-Grandma. What brought you here?" Tristan stood up and slightly bowed to show his greeting. "T-Trish is not here."

Lauren chuckled. "I am not here for her. I really came here for you."