'No Detour'

Amber and Reign were looking at each other while listening to the phone. "I-I'm fine. Do you need something?"

[Yes. I just want to thank y—]

"Don't. Heidi... Don't." Amber cut her off before she could mention something. The purpose of their meeting was confidential and Reign was included. Actually, she was the one who should not know the most.

For the sake of Heidi's favor, Amber would take the risk and sacrifice if needed. Amber bravely stared at Reign's eyes.

"I am with Reign."

Before Heidi could reply, Amber's phone had already flown to the corner after she received a walloped slap from Reign. Her glaring eyes and raging aura were vivid in her appearance. She wasn't looking at Reign right now anymore, she was dealing with a monster!

"You really defy me, huh? Amber. Let's test your bravery." Reign evilly remarked as she grabbed Amber's hair and dragged her from the first floor up to the stairs without letting her walk.