'Thrown off the Cliff: 2'

"Of course." Heidi didn't hesitate to respond. Honestly speaking, she did really love her to the point that she was willing to turn a blind eye to all her violent behavior and wrongdoings.

Curse her if you want, it was the whole truth and nothing would change that. Heidi, would rather share a crime with her rather than leave her alone. That was how dangerous her love would be.

Reign didn't respond anymore and they both fell silent once again.

Meanwhile, Blake drove as fast as he could to the location where the caller told her Gale was.

He was stupefied as he found several policemen, shouting while pulling some ropes up.

He went towards them and asked. "What... What happened here?"

"Sir. This is off-limits. Please, stay there." One of the policemen told him.

Blake listened but he was still peeking at the cliff. His eyes widened as he saw what they were pulling upwards.