'Crucial Statement'

"It's because you're a mother, Georgia. As you said, Gale is your flesh and your blood. Your heart remembered the child you carried for 9 months." Ron caressed her back while tightly embracing her and listening to each sob that escaped from her mouth. "It's just because of your tragic past that's why you failed to notice it."

Georgia distanced herself and lowered her gaze in guilt. "Do you think she will understand that?"

Ron nodded. "Of course. Gale loved you so much, Georgia. She never resented you one bit."

Georgia glanced in Gale's direction and caressed her forehead. "Will she wake up?"

Ron stared at Georgia. He still couldn't believe that Georgia showed the weakest side of her to him. "Yes. She will. Don't worry."

Georgia nodded while wiping her wet cheeks. "I really hope she would because I still have a lot of things to tell her. I want to apologize for everything I've done. I regretted them all."