'Bracelet's Owner: 2'

Tristan was about to sit down when he heard several knocks. He walked towards the door and opened it. "Come in."

Harry nodded and followed Tristan inside. They sat on the long couch and then he immediately opened his laptop to show the paused footage to Harry.

"Here. Look at it." Tristan pointed out what he was talking about. "I'm sure that's the bracelet I found."

Harry stared at it for a moment. "It was so blurry. Are you sure that was it?"

"Yes. I'm certain about that." Tristan zoomed it in at the maximum. "Even though it was blurry, I'm sure that's it."

Harry's brows knitted. "If that was really it... Then it was Heidi's bracelet. That's weird."

Tristan confusedly looked at him. "What's weird?"

"Heidi denied the bracelet. She said she wasn't the owner." Harry responded which made Tristan more confused.

"She might be lying."

"No. I guess not. Although she showed a suspicious expression after she saw the bracelet, I'm 100% sure that it's not hers."