'The Crime: Part 2'

Days had passed and the audition of the role was getting near to its ending, still, Reign didn't get a call from the producer or the director.

She knew, since Summer was also auditioning, the competition was a bit difficult. And honestly speaking, Reign would never accept defeat this time.

Two weeks were wasted, hence, she should do something about it this week. Reign was desperate, this was the perfect time to prevent Summer from taking everything away from her.

Shamelessly, Reign contacted one of the director/producers of the said movie and did the easy way possible to get the role she wanted.

After four rings, the director answered. [Good afternoon, who is this?]

Reign was silent for a short moment before she answered. "I am Reign Jassle Ricks, one of the actresses who auditioned as the main lead of the adaptation movie of 'The Lady Psychopath'. Do you have time to meet up with me?"