
"You looked handsome instead of being pretty," Amber teased.

Tristan just blankly glanced at her. "Of course, because I'm a male."

"You gave up replacing her?"

Tristan halted. Did he ever mention it to her? His hatred and his jealousy towards his sister? How did she know?

Tristan averted his gaze. "I guess?"


"I just... Gave up. Uh. Let's not talk about it. You should rest," Tristan continued eating.

Amber didn't ask further. She knew Tristan didn't want to talk about it, thus, she respected it. "Okay."

Amber closed her eyes once again and fell asleep.




A few days had passed, and Amber still didn't get any news about Reign. There wasn't any report about her as well. It was so quiet that her mother still didn't know what happened. If she did, she would definitely come home wherever she was just to help Reign.

And that was what Amber hardly comprehended. Why was their mother favored Reign so much? Why was she tolerating her?