'E: Aden'

Amber looked at the cabinet. "Where is she?"

"I'm not sure. But, she left early this morning."

"Did she tell you when she will come back?"

Maria shook her head. "She didn't say anything."

"Then... We'll open it." Amber got the key she found when she sneaked inside her mother's room— she was hoping the key was right.

Fortunately, the cabinet got unlocked. Amber rummaged the inside of the cabinet, looking for something.

Maria came closer to her and confusedly peeked at the space on the side of her head to see the inside of the cabinet as well.

"What are you doing, Ms. Amber?"

"Did you notice my mother threw something? Like medicine or something?" Amber asked while still rummaging the inside— opening the plastic boxes, bottles and some kind of containers displayed there.

Maria thought about her question. "Nope. I guess not. Since Summer's father died, she rarely opened that cabinet. Why?"