'E: Her Back Story'

"Well. I don't believe in what I see."

"Then, you believe what you heard?"

"No. I believe what I felt. And I know you are miserable."

Reign sneered. "Am I?"

"Yes. Because you are completely alone."

Reign couldn't help but, turned a glaring expression on her face. "Fvck off."

Reign blankly looked at the plain wall. Her thoughts wandered as she felt her heart gradually became heavier. For the first time— Ah, no. For the second time... She felt the miserable feeling.

Her blurry memory flashed through her mind and the feeling of nostalgia swallowed her up.

Reign held her head and her eyes widened as the tears flowed from her eyes. "Enough..."

Reign gasped. "Enough. Enough. ENOUGH!!!"

Reign shouted which woken up the other prisoners. One of the policemen guards banged her cell and glared at her.

"Go to sleep, retard!"

Reign just looked at him in daze. "Where am I?"



Amber's brows knitted in confusion as she looked at Jowanna who stopped eating for a moment.