'E: Revealed'

Amber was still astonished after what Harry revealed to her. She was now in her car while contemplating; should she visit her sister or just neglect her? Or probably she would tell her mother who was also detained in the cell?

Cruel. Amber messed up her hair, she didn't know anymore. She was like becoming a monster as well!

Amber took a deep breath and gently bumped her head on the steering wheel. "What should I do?"

she mumbled while staring at her phone.




Antonette was stupefied as she saw her daughter waiting at the visiting area. Her eyes narrowed while getting nearer on her spot.

"You dared to show your face here even after putting me in this hell?" Antonette greeted Amber as she sat on the other side of the clear barrier.

Amber just faintly smiled. "You deserved this hell anyway."

Antonette glared but, honestly speaking, she couldn't hate her own daughter that much. She still missed her despite what she did to her. "Why are you here?"