'E: Plan 5'

Reign woke up as she felt a warm caress on her ankle. She slightly moved and peeked beneath her.

She gasped and jolted in the corner as she saw Summer. "W-What are you doing here?!"

Reign sweat felt cold as Summer formed a terrifying smirk on her face.

Reign ran as fast as she could towards the group of nurses. She held one of the nurses' arms. "Please. Help! Help! Som— Someone's there in my room!"

The nurse awkwardly smiled at her. Reign was their patient, so she knew she was just hallucinating. "Is there? Maybe it's just your guardian angel, Reign."

"No... No. No. NO! Believe me, she looks reaally scary! She is no angel!" Reign said in frantic.

The nurse just sighed in frustration. "Okay. Okay. Uhm. What do you want me to do?"

"I- I... Uh... Drag her out!"



Harry went to the hospital where the nurse was waiting for him at the lobby. Harry quickly approached her and politely greeted her.

"What happened?"