'E: Hung'

Amber was silent for a moment.




After contemplating, Amber decided to agree with Harry's plan. Although she had no idea if it would work, she still wanted to confirm it herself.

It was around noon, Amber walked in the lobby and approached one of the nurses there. She smiled sweetly which gave her a good aura. "Hi. Can I visit, Reign Jassle Ricks?"

The nurse— who remembered her— smiled back at her as she glanced at her watch. "Yes, of course, Ma'am. You still have 25 minutes to visit. She is in room 205 right now."

Amber smiled. "Thank you."

Amber headed to the said room immediately and peeked at the small window in the door's room. But, her eyes widened as their gaze met through the glass window. And no doubt, Reign's innocent glance turned into glare in a split second.


