Demi-god: 5

When the guards saw Victor running towards them, they saw Victor like a demon because of his Armor and blood flowing through them.

A/N: Blood of Qian soldiers. Not Victor.

Victor swayed this whip while it extended by a 5 meter and it took him only a minute to kill all the guard.

Victor entered the room of royals protected by the guard kicking the door open.

A/N: I always wanted to write the kicking door scene.

Everyone inside fell on the floor fearing death. They wanted to ask Victor something, even begging to let them live. But swayed his dragon whip like he not about them. After some time, he felt it is boring to kill everyone in the palace like a dog running to bite. So, he summoned his shadow to kill every single life without leaving anyone alive.

Shadows moved to kill every human in the palace while Meng soldiers are fighting the Qian soldiers. Shadows bought the dead bodies to the front of the court. Victor said his usual words, "my shadow knights arise" and he got another 2000(+) shadow knights. This is the first time he did this on women expecting some variation in shadow knights. But saw only the shadow of women with the system summoning panel showing [Male - 11,006,000 (+)] and [Female – 1000 (+)] in it with their respective counts.

Now his shadow world has women and I don't know what kind of changes will be happening there in future.

Finally, after an hour Meng Army entered the courtyard after defeating the 50,000 soldiers. Victor also added another 55,000 soldiers.

Male shadow knights: 11,061,000 (+).

When the soldiers entered the palace, they only mountains of dead bodies while Victor is sitting on the corner eating a peach fruit.

"What eating peach fruit in this kind of situation?". Knowing Victor's character, they moved the dead bodies to either burn or bury them. When sunset came the clean-up of capital is already complete.

But the next day morning in Qian capital was not peaceful because the army of Qian has finally arrived in the capital only to see the burning dead bodies.

Later Victor asked them to surrender. Qian army has no choice finally surrendered to the Meng army.

Qian citizens wanted to know why Meng wanted to capture the Qian capital while slaughtering the Qian royal families and other officials.

Victor said that the Meng emperor witnessing the corruption of government and the hard life of common people, ordered to make the Qian dynasty part of Meng for developing the Qian and ensuring the rights of people.

This information was announced to people all around the Qian. The Imperial Palace of Qian will become the headquarters of Meng's new border defence force against the Mongolian empire. The Qian dynasty was annexed with the Meng Dynasty and renamed the Qian palace as Song palace. Qian was dividing into three territories Song, Sheng and Ming by establishing the military headquarters for training the army against Mongolia. Newly added will also be developed under the 15 years development plan introduced by the former emperor Meng Tian like building a paved road, wide bridges, artificial lakes, modern bathroom, etc.

While developments are happening in the Meng, the Li dynasty is wondering about the unexpected war that happened in Qian.

After leaving the 300,000 soldiers under Lu Qian who came one week after the war in Song, Victor along with his 100,000 men started moving towards the Meng capital. It took them 30 days to reach the Meng capital.

The Victor and soldiers welcomed with joy and festival. Victor entered the court to receive the emperor's order only to find he has an idea to arrange a marriage for him. Victor was shocked but showed no anger or emotions that will damage his or Meng Yi's reputation as an emperor.

The reason he declined all the marriage proposal only because of revealing my powers. But now as a demi-god, I have complete control in limiting my strength. Another reason was my anti-ageing but after the evolution to a demi-god, I had achieved an ability called Age of Nature. It will help me with the natural ageing process but it will only change my appearance to make me look like I have natural ageing process. I can even change back to being young with a thought, but only up to 22 years old as young age when I became a demi-god. For marrying and falling in love is not possible with a mortal. Even if I made her Shadow vampire, she will be my subordinate not my equal. I only wanted a marriage with a woman who is equal to me like a demi-god or God.

A/N: Don't worry, it will not be a harem. I will true to my words.

After the court, Victor met Meng Yi regarding the marriage talk. Meng Yi said that officials and the queen have a fear that you may rebel against me in the future with your growing influence among the people and soldiers. To control you they thought of getting you married to the daughter of one of the officials.

Hearing Victor laughed, seeing this Meng Yi also started laughing until felt pain in their stomach. Then, they later started their conversation like usual about what they had in their mind. Meng Yi decided to declare that according to the Victors family tradition it is impossible to marry a girl as his wife in the Meng dynasty or in the entire eastern continent. So, it is not possible for Victor to get married. When this was told by the emperor Meng Yi to the queen and officials, they were a little reluctant to accept it but later they had to because of the emperor's insistence. Meng Yi also announced the construction of new border walls for defence against the Mongolians.

This order from the emperor made some girls who had little hope of getting married to Victor started crying and finally losing their hopes.

A/N: Hope and expectations.

The next day returned to his Dracula castle in the Bamboo village. He started spending his days spending some time in Williams workshops and giving ideas for developing business to William's vampire subordinates left by him for running his company.

Just like months started moving and days went on. Victor was 23 years old now as a bachelor. Victor also started to journey around the world through the shadow world. Whenever he sees the sky of million stars, he taught of million possibilities. Although he can use shadow world to travel long distance he needs his shadow knight to be there. Victor wondered many times that whether the wood gets the ability like captain marvel to travel through space. Victor only has the ability to travel to space.

Unknown to him, his chance for adventures through space is to come to him.

Victor also visited Japan for getting some shadow soldiers. Japan was going through incessant warfare among the feudal lords and it is the best place for him to increase his shadow knights. Nowadays Japan can be called the "country of war" as mentioned in history.

One night, Victor heard the news of a foreign object falling towards the lake 10 km from the bamboo village during Midnight from one of his shadow knights. He immediately transported near the lake wearing his black dragon armour only to see a floating spaceship in the lake. While a monster came out of it followed by a soldier with skin and hair seems to green in colour. Suddenly, the monster jumped in Victors direction.

While the green soldiers are focusing on the damage in the spaceship and repairing it. They only had to turn it off before replacing it,

While seeing this Victor verified that the monster is coming toward him with the hostility of monster towards him. So, he summoned his dragon whip and cut the monster in the air to pieces while it was in the air. Seeing this scene, the green soldiers became alert.

Victor said "My new shadow warrior". A black shadow emerged from the pieces of a body floating in the lake. While Victor looked at the details of the shadow showing the species names: Badoon.


Authors Note: See you later.