The Awakening: 3

Victor (POV)

While I picked up the teacup and leaned comfortably on my seat. I started to enjoy the rising sun on the horizon while the jet is passing through the clouds. Sipping a mouth of tea and nostalgia was felt. Tony seems to be worried about his future and the deaths he caused because of his weapons. So, I invited him to a tea. He seems to be relaxed after sipping it. Then, we forgot about worldly things and started a friendlier conversation. I recommend Tony to begin a proper exercise routine and some martial arts to avoid dependence on his armor. Instincts build in the martial arts can have him more flexible thinking in fights. Then, I think he should experience what I did in my childhood with William's training.

After an hour, the jet landed in California. I don't how this reporter got the news of our arrival they formed a crowd in the entrance. After leaving the jet Tony moved towards his mansion while I took the Trident helicopter to the Manhattan. After 6 hours I reached the castle. This is the first I traveled in the helicopter and it was a wonderful experience for me who usually travel through the shadow portal. I think I should get used to normal life that relying totally on my power for living.

When I stepped out of the helicopter William was waiting for me.

William – How was your trip? Enjoyable?

While Victor and William walked towards the lake.

Victor – It surprisingly good with all the explosions, kidnapping, crafting, and got rescued at the end.

William – Although we are protected by Strategic Hazard Intervention Espionage Logistics Directorate or Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division formed by Howard Stark and others. It is sometimes annoying to be under their watch. They even have Zola's Hydra soldiers within them. I should have killed the Zola somehow but before I could he surrendered to the Strategic Hazard Intervention Espionage Logistics Directorate. Oh, this name is very long I will call them short as S.H.I.E.L.D. But Zola doesn't know I am the one who took his leader's place. But it is still annoying to do deal with them. They will monitor you from now on. So, be careful.

You may not know William also has another secret. William is the leader of the entire original Hydra now after the disappearance of the red skull. At the time Hydra was falling out because of the disappearance of Red Skull, but William who will never leave any opportunity to leave his hand used his force to make their leaders surrender but Zola escaped from him. Hydra is also needed a new leader to lead them and William the leader of Trident industries, also a member of SFC was a good choice for them. With help of William Hydra has formed secret forces like S.H.I.E.L.D to prevent the alien invasion on Earth secretly called Secret Earth Federation Army (SEFA). William was known as Mr. W in the original Hydra and they are loyal to him. But to avoid the detection of William and for his safety, Zola himself surrendered to S.H.I.E.L.D making it looks like he got captured. With that Zola has infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D and Dr. Zola who died in 1972 has left an Artificial Intelligence (A.I) to lead new Hydra soldiers in S.H.I.E.L.D. Original Hydra now focuses on space strength and technologies as a member of SFC. But the new Hydra under Zola continues what they do under Dr. Zola's A.I command. Williams ordered his Hydra forces to move underwater like hiding in the dark to not expose the SEFA to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Until now no one knows of their existence on the Atlantic Ocean, even the Zola's Hydra. SEFA will be like the third line of defense for the earth but only become active at a near extinction state. SEFA never includes themselves in the fights within the earth but outside the earth. Now Zola's hydra is using the facilities left clean by William. But Zola got control of forces in America and others.

Victor – It is okay. I am also monitoring them through the shadows anyway.

William – This kidnapping of Tony was done by the Obadiah Stain. Maybe Hydra may have a role in it.

Victor – Maybe. But it okay to leave them alone until they cause us problems. What is going on in the universe has Thanos the mad Titan had started his war.

William – He is still looking for the infinity stones while killing civilization. But he hasn't touched the SFC until now.

Victor – He knows when and who to offend. That's why no one has stood against him. He will come to earth one day, for the space infinity stone somewhere in the earth. That should be the duty of S.H.I.E.L.D to protect the earth. Tony seems to be going to make some new decisions for his company.

William – The S.H.I.E.L.D seems to lose their control over Hydra. While S.H.I.E.L.D has protected the earth against some alien threats. But the majority of the big threats are cleared by SEFA even before it reached the ears of S.H.I.E.L.D. While Tony that unreliable boy somehow got the Stark industries to grow with new technologies. He is the same as his father, but a little bit more. Steve died in the ocean and with him, the space cube also submerged into the ocean. Fearing the problems that may occur due to the space cube we left it there for the fate to decide who will be the next owner.

Victor (POV)

The next day it was the news conference of Tony and the place of the conference was crowded with the reporters and military personal for safety.

Tony announced his decision to use 85% of the profit of the shares he earned from selling Stark industries weapons. While company remaining shareholders are not part of it. This caused a big surprise among the reporter and people who saw this news.

Obadiah who got the half-burned blueprints of the Mark – I started building his armor.

After the conference, Tony decided to build his new Mark-II armor for his future use. After one month every media has shown the video clips of the Tony fight with Obadiah near Stark industries in his red and golden Mark-I suit. One week after the incident Tony announced himself as an "IRON MAN" which also caused big trouble for the American government. It took almost a month for the news to be accepted by the media and people.



A/N: See you later.