Chapter 35:

(A/N: With this chapter, I've hit 100k words. Not something I expected to achieve with my comeback fanfic. With how easily distracted I am, I was expecting to haven't even hit 30k before moving on with something else. Thank you all for the continued support on this book!)

In a certain large bedroom in the class 1-A dorms, Heights Alliance, someone began to stir. Their name was Momo Yaoyorozu. Her rest wasn't pleasant, and she tossed and turned continuously throughout the long night.

Something was missing. More specifically, her wife and child. They were both currently out cold, snuggling up with one another on the large couch in the lounge area, leaving her all alone to sleep in the large and now lonely bed.

She wanted to cuddle up with Sakuya and Eri, but she didn't wish to disturb them with her added weight and movements.

She also wasn't as comfortable with PDA as her wife; the most she would do is a quick peck on the cheek. However, she would still be embarrassed about that if she noticed people looking. Her anxiety fueled her decision to sleep alone, and it was a choice she was now regretting dearly.

The earliest memory that she can recall was the night when she broke down in the bath, with Sakuya, in her childhood. She was at her lowest point, and Sakuya was there to help her through it.

Sakuya became her support pillar, and she enjoyed the nights she could sleep over at Sakuya's more than anything in the world. The raven-haired woman can barely remember the last time she slept alone like this. Her memories of Sakuya's warmth underneath the blankets have become the norm in her nightly routine.

Yet, here she is. All alone once more, uncomfortable with the sensation of nobody being there to hold her in their arms, nobody was there to support her.

Thankfully, her alarm would go off in a few seconds and wake her up from this unpleasant experience once and for all.

*Brzzt* *Brzzt* *Brzzt* *Brzzt*

Even if her alarm was accidentally set to vibration only, it was still loud enough to wake the light sleeper from her slumber.

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(Momo POV)

Hearing my alarm going off, I couldn't be happier.

It meant that it was time that I could leave this large lonely room. I was never a fan of having a large room all to my lonesome. Suffering from autophobia isn't a pleasant thing at all. I hate being alone, especially after experiencing what it's like having someone there with me.

I haven't brought up my phobia with Sakuya. I tried to get it out multiple times over the months since being diagnosed, but my gut churns, and negative thoughts pile up whenever I try to do so. Despite my inability to tell her, I think she has an idea of my situation.

Reaching over to my buzzing phone, I bring it in front of my face to silence it.

I saw a few messages from my family and in-laws. They all expressed their concern over the recent attack and sent many well wishes. Even the house staff from both houses sent their well wishes. They were arguably more worried than my parents, as they had no idea about the attack happening.

After replying to all of them, choosing to only inform the head of the house staff for each house which will, in turn, inform the others, I kicked the duvet off of me and got out of bed. I started doing some rudimentary stretches before getting some casual clothing for today.

When I finished getting dressed, I began making my way downstairs. What greeted me was something I probably should have suspected. My classmates were all grouped up in the corridor in complete silence, not wanting to disturb the stabby person I call my wife.

"Yaomomo, can you please~ wake up Saku-chan?" Mina asked.

"How long have you all been stuck here?"

Looking around the room, I saw something that brightened up my day. A knife was lodged into Mineta's skull, and he was bleeding out. The best part by far was that nobody called for, or tried to, help if the dried blood puddle of blood on the carpet was any indicator.

"Too long." was the overwhelming response.

I let out a sigh before acquiescing to Mina's request,

"Alright, I'll go wake her up."

I, of course, decided not to wake her up immediately. I instead made my way to the kitchen to brew some tea. The kitchen is normally so hectic in the morning that I can't make any for the first thirty minutes of coming down.

While the kettle was in the midst of boiling, I looked over to the group I just left. They were all annoyed but couldn't express it verbally unless they wanted to receive a knife to the face for being too noisy, courtesy of my wife.

I decided on a herbal tea, this time being hibiscus, hoping to keep Sakuya from being too cranky. I haven't given up hope yet! I could have just given her one of the chocolate milk cartons from the fridge, but I am still trying to convert her into a tea lover.

I took the teacups and sat them down on the coffee table. I didn't want any spillages, even if they would be easy to clean up. I sat down on the edge of the sofa where Sakuya was currently sleeping with Eri. I ran my hands through her hair and spoke,

"Dear, it's time to stop pretending; I know you're awake. Stop holding our classmates hostage."

"Aww~ you ruined all my fun, babe."

"I would have thought you had enough fun yesterday. I heard from Naomasa-san that two of your playmates are still in the USJ. Care to explain that?" I probed.

I was still a tiny bit upset about her not telling me about the attack. I asked the second question to see if she was still keeping secrets from me. She must have a purpose in mind for the two villains she detained, and I would like for her to trust me enough to tell it to me.

"Hm?" she took a sip of her tea before continuing, "I'm going to be experimenting with quirk factors in the future. If all goes well, I can publish a paper on it to establish myself in the medical field as a respected person.

The two people I detained have multiple quirks stuffed into their bodies and therefore make the perfect test subjects. One of them also has a teleportation quirk. I want to see if I can duplicate quirks without turning people into chimeras.

With the consent/approval of the chief of police, I will implant the duplicated quirks within chosen police officers. That will snag me a great relationship with the police force, which will only serve to help me out in the future." she explained.

"You're… going to do human experiments?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Those two things I detained can't really be called human, especially the big one that looks like Tokoyami's uncle-"

"It doesn't look like my uncle!"

"My bad. A big, buff, and roided-up version of Tokoyami's uncle."

I started sipping on the tea, hoping it would calm me down and help me ignore the craziness of the situation at hand. I chose to ignore how my wife now has test subjects and kissed Eri on the horn. That caused her to wake up, although barely.

She rubbed her little balled-up hands into her eyes before returning to her comfortable resting place on Sakuya's chest. Unfortunately for her, she needed to go and get changed today. Aww, but she looks so cute like that.

Sakuya obviously noticed my plight, so she created a clone and had them carry Eri off to her room. She sat up on the couch, moved the blankets to one side, and signaled for me to join her. I'm almost embarrassed to say that the speed of me moving to that blank space next to her was the fastest I've ever moved in my life.

I cuddled up to her side, my arms pulling me closer to her, a single overwhelming thought present in my mind,

'I've missed this...'

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(Sakuya POV)

I was officially woken up by Mineta. I could sense his vile presence, and it didn't help that I heard his repulsive giggling. So, what did I do? I sent a knife right into his cranium, just far enough to lodge the blade in but not enough to damage his brain.

Some may question why I didn't erase him and/or kill him yet. The answer is very, very simple. Do you know how much paperwork I would have to fill in?! I would also be giving the HPSC a reason to take away my medical hero license.

I also love having a free torture bag. I can't do it to my other classmates, as the others actually care about them. I have to take the discreet route to remove him from my life.

I then spent the next 45 minutes waiting to see who would be brave enough to enter the room. It seems Mineta's 'corpse' was a significant enough deterrent.

Currently, I'm cuddling with Momo. I know she hates being lonely, so me being on the couch with Eri would have been terrible for her. It would have been especially terrible for her as our room is so large. It was a pleasant surprise with how fast she moved to cuddle me, but I soon realized it was because she was so lonely.

"I missed you too, babe."

"You did?"

"Of course, I did! Sleeping without you isn't the same."

Meanwhile, the others were trying to get something for breakfast on the other end of the room.

Sadly, all the food was gone, and the only thing in the fridge was choccy milk cartons. They only need to wait about 10 more minutes, then Homeless-san will come through with the class card.

Unfortunately for them, they were starving, having not eaten anything since their bodies' workout during the USJ attack.

Fortunately for my sadistic side, they wanted the choccy milk. I was secretly hoping that they wouldn't ask me, and I could stab someone else today.

"You think she would be mad if I drank one?" I overheard Kaminari ask.

"She wouldn't kill you-"


"She'd feed you to a dinosaur, who would then kill you," Kirishima replied.

"Yeah, you never mess with Saku-chan's choccy milk," Toga added.

"Kiri, didn't she leave you with a bunch of cavemen when you accidentally drank it once?" Mina asked the redhead.

"Yeah… it was super manly fighting those cavemen."

'Oh, yeah. I should go and get a pet dinosaur.

Rich people have exotic pets, and I'm rich, so it's only natural for me to have a T-rex.

Maybe I can open my own Jurassic park somewhere. That would be a huge profit waiting to happen, paleontologists would probably beg to be hired as staff-' I began drawing up the plans in my head, only for my train of thought to be derailed by someone calling out to me.

"Problem child."

"Ah, Homeless-san, what has earned me the displeasure of seeing you up so early?"

"Revive your classmate. Then you can go to the rat's office; he wants to see you."

"Do I have to? I personally think the world is better without him in it."

"You don't want to do the paperwork or go through an interrogation for committing his murder; I don't want to fill out paperwork explaining why he was murdered, and Nedzu doesn't want to fill out paperwork explaining how a student died in UA." he explained so eloquently.

"You make a convincing enough case." I snapped my fingers, and the dwarf revived, "Done!" I kissed Momo on the cheek and said, "Bye babe, if I don't come back, kill Mineta for me." before completely leaving the room.

It was a twelve-minute trek from the dorms to Fluffy-chan's office, mainly because the chimera wanted a room at the very top of the giant building alongside the staff room.

Probably so he can look down on people despite being so small. Such an abuse of his power, and that's coming from me!

I didn't bother knocking on his door; he's been watching the CCTV footage as soon as I left the dorm. After swinging the door open with a dramatic flair, I sat down on the pulled-out chair. Fluffy-chan was just standing there menacingly at his window, staring out of it.

"Are you trying to be dramatic, Fluffy-chan?"

"I was. Thank you for noticing. How was it?" he questioned.

"It would have been dramatic for your employees or any other person that knows of your true nature. Maybe dim the lights a bit for some added effect." I suggested.

"Hmm, I see… I'll have Power Loader install a dimmer switch later. Now, I believe you know why I called you here?"

"So you could show off how your acting classes have been going?"

"That was part of it. What I'm actually referring to was about your future knowledge and the two people you personally detained in the attack. Can you tell me if there will be any more attacks on UA in the future?"

"It depends on what you will be doing with the information I give you."

"Nothing. I'll be doing nothing with it. I believe that you wouldn't put anyone at unnecessary risk, and you have the class's best interest at heart. I'm doing this to satisfy my own curiosity."

"How irresponsible of you."

"I don't wanna hear that from you of all people."

"There will be attacks on UA in the future. As for the two people I detained? One of them is a random nobody; the other is the former hero Loud Cloud."

"I see… That certainly is a revelation and not a pleasant one. What do you plan on doing to Oboro's body? I know you want his quirk or quirks, but after you obtain them, what then?"

"I'll restore him to his former state. He might be insane, and I don't really want to deal with it. So, if you could find someone with a mental health healing quirk, it would be ideal."

"I assume you know of his history with the problem teachers in UA?"

"I do."

"I would suggest you keep your experimentations on his body a secret from them. I don't really want to deal with them barging into my office demanding me to stop you.

There is currently a new building near the 1st year hero course gym. I will have someone deliver the key card to you at a later date. I would like for you to transport them into the building as soon as possible."

"Of course, it will be a secret from those three, duh. Speaking of my experimentations, do you want a copy of the portal quirk when I'm finished?"

"Is that even a necessary question? I obviously do. Just think of how many people I could, as you call it, 'jumpscare' with it."

"Alright, you'll be the second person to get it. Is there anything else you need from me while I'm here, Fluffy-chan?"

"Actually, there is. There is your future involvement in the sports festival, which is a bigger issue than you might think. We will be holding it to showcase how strong the future roster of heroes are, and you would ruin that showcase by completely stealing the show."

"So you don't want me to participate in it?"

"Ideally? Yes.

You will be giving the opening speech, which will be your time to shine. Use it to brag about yourself as much as possible. You can even take over as an announcer or the resident medic if you want to. You just can't actually fight anyone."

"Why don't I just hold back for the entire festival?"

"Because I don't trust you to do so, especially in front of millions watching all over the planet. I think it would be too tempting of a scenario for you."


"See? The second I mentioned the viewer count, you had a distant look on your face. Probably imagining them as your adoring fanbase or something similar."

"Tch. Since when were you this observant?"

"The day after I met you. I had to increase my observational skills in any way I could to try and keep up with your various schemes you plot."

We had a little stare-down, but I don't think Fluffy-chan needs to blink, so it was unfair. I could have won with my quirk, but that would have made me as bad as he was.

"I guess you'll be the one to tell my adorable little girl, who was so~ looking forward to seeing her mama kick some butt, that her precious mama isn't competing anymore. You'll be breaking her heart."

"Oh no! Anyways, that will be all; you may leave. Also, I would be prepared for the sight you see when you get back to the dorms."

As I walked back to the dorms, I instantly knew what happened. My clone decided to fuck me over like they just love to do recently. There were multiple stacks of pizza boxes and assorted takeaway containers piled up outside the dorm.

I slowly brought my phone up and checked my bank account. The fucking clone spent 100,000 yen on food. How they managed to get it to that exact amount is beyond me. I sifted through the various containers searching for something I would like, eventually deciding on a katsu curry and a pizza.

I called my besties over in class 1-B and told them to come over and grab some stuff. There was no way class 1-A would ever be able to eat this on their lonesome. Fluffy-chan eventually brought over the staff, and they grabbed some containers for themselves before scurrying off elsewhere.

Rumors eventually spread that the 'Empress' of the school brought a bunch of food for the students. The already outrageous rumors about myself tripled in absurdity and number by the hour. They even started a ritual where they would pray to me before accepting the food. Ren Yamai led them.

'My clone made me a cult leader, fucking bitch.'

I just sat back with my family, and watched through the window as the pile of takeaway boxes diminished throughout the day. It was a weird day, but so was every day inside the UA walls.