Inasa Yoarashi is a simple man.
Some would say he's too simple.
He enjoys passionate people, whether they display that passion on the battlefield or in a way of affection doesn't matter to him. He only cares about their fiery spirit, and sees passion as the ultimate expression of that spirit.
And right now, he was really fired up. His opponent had a passion for manliness that burned as bright as his good friend Tetsutetsu's does, and that was nothing if not exciting for the wind manipulator.
He knew of Kirishima's quirk and fighting style from Yaomomo, it was what he asked for in exchange for supplying information on Team Bondo's quirks. It wasn't an even transaction, no, and he was completely aware of that, he just didn't care.
He knew that his manly opponent didn't have a way to fly in the air and that he could have taken advantage of that discovery. Yet, he won't.
He will not disrespect the fiery spirit and passion that his red-haired opponent has shown him by mocking him from the sky! It goes against everything he desires from this tournament, some fiery action!
So, he will do what he does with Tetsutetsu during their training spars, he has decided to turn this into a close-quarters combat style brawl.
He was confident in his ability to win without a quirk, due to his overall build being much larger and muscle-bound than his opponent. He could easily grapple with the hardening man in front of him and come out on top.
However, he will not disrespect his opponent by doing that either!
He has decided to use his quirk as well during the upcoming match! There was nothing more disgusting in his eyes than feeling as if he was underestimated, or that pity was taken upon him by his opponent.
It was a vile feeling, almost topping the feeling he felt when Endeavor's piercing eyes glared at him while he was still a child and a fan of the abusive father/husband.
When he heard the news from his best friend, Sakuya, he felt validated. Not happy, because what he did was revolting and something he didn't wish on anyone, but validated that he hated such a bad person.
In his younger years, after the Endeavor incident, he questioned himself on whether or not hating Endeavor was right or wrong of him. Whether he had just overreacted and had that overreaction blow out of proportion initially.
Of course, looking back on it now he did overreact regarding Endeavor's minor slight against him. But, it worked out in the end due to Endeavor being a hateable mess made by his own insecurities regarding his 2nd place ranking.
He will fight Kirishima with as much passion as his opponent's own! He won't, however, be going all out, it would be over too soon if he did.
Hearing his name being called out, he hyped himself up once more with a few shouts and strutted his way towards the field, basking in the crowd's cheers when he exited the tunnel.
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(Teacher's box clone POV)
I still have zero idea why the main body decided to send me here- or rather - why they are keeping me here. It's been a while, and the only thing I can really do here is manipulating Fluffy-chan a bit.
Not that he needs manipulating anymore, he's on my payroll and wants in on whatever plans I have for this world. It was boring, and I knew now why the main body sent me here, this was a punishment for the clones fucking her over now and then.
That's the only reason she could come up with because surely it wasn't for the performance evaluations only.
Surely, the only person the main body could blame would be themself for our behavior. We are, after all, only an exact copy of them.
It made no sense, and I don't know why I would be punished when I didn't even exist until she made me an hour ago. I want to call the main body stupid, but that would be insulting me as well, so I will hold off on that.
"-and that is why I think we should focus on the teleportation industry first."
Naturally, I barely paid attention to what Fluffy-chan was saying. I did, however, make sure to pay enough attention to where I had a solid enough understanding of what he was saying.
"It would indeed be the most helpful for establishing an international market, and would help with my family's already existing businesses in terms of removing the transportation cost of goods and materials all over Asia."
"When do you estimate that you would be able to have the programs coded and servers up and running for the teleportation hubs?" The plush toy principal followed.
"They are being finished today, or by the end of the week at the latest. My main body wants to finish the Jurassic park project immediately, which requires the teleportation arrays to be set up and ready for public usage." I answered.
I took out his infinite teapot, after vigorously searching for it the past few minutes, and poured myself a cup in one of the thermoses the main body has stored in the dorm kitchen cupboards. Seemingly unphased by me borrowing his prized possession, he brought up another point of interest,
"How do you feel, you know, being a clone?"
"It's… weird. We're all aware that we aren't the original, and can do our own things that mess with the main body, and make our own decisions.
Our purpose is to serve the main body, and fulfill any duties that are expected of us. That 'duty' is ingrained into our very being. Yet, it doesn't feel like one, due to us being thankful for being given a chance at life. Similarly, like how one feels for their maternal figure, it's a sense of maternal love and gratitude.
We typically don't go too far, normally small pranks like setting up unavoidable scenarios that minorly inconvenience her, or messing with her public image a tiny bit.
Because, you know, we only live for the main body's benefit. Their benefit is our benefit. There's also the fact that all the things we do to inconvenience her are due to part of her subconscious that desires to experience the unknown.
We simply provide that unknown factor and/or experience due to her hardly ever checking up on us."
"So, as long as you complete your set goals the main body sets, you will feel complete? Accomplished?"
Taking a sip of my tea, I tried to figure out what kind it was. I eventually gave up trying to find out what blend it was, and simply enjoyed it for what it was, whatever it may be. Fluffy-chan must have noticed my dilemma and answered the unasked question,
"It's Assam."
"Ah~! Thank you, Fluffy-chan."
A peaceful silence descended upon the room, we were both happily watching the matches- or in the case of the recent Tokoyami matchup- no match. It didn't take long to figure out why the shadow quirk user didn't fight someone with the ability to produce flashbangs as if it were nothing.
"Well, that went about as I thought it would."
"Yeah, it was just a terrible matchup for him. He also did the smart thing and didn't let his weakness to light possibly be exposed." I added.
"Who do you think is going to win the next match?"
"Do you really need me to answer such an easy question? But, to entertain you, I shall.
Inasa is a 6ft 3' giant with a large muscular build; one of the best quirks in the school and the control to back it up. On the other hand, we have the 5ft 7', smaller, but with denser muscles built Kirishima who can harden his skin.
All Inasa needs to do is take to the sky and launch aerial attacks until Kirishima over-taxes his quirk and passes out."
"But, he won't do that will he?"
"Hah~, no, he won't. He will probably just head into a fistfight with Kirishima instead, for some absurd reason or another."
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As one more of the front runners of the competition, Inasa Yoarashi, stepped into the arena the crowd went wild. Kirishima, unlike Tokoyami's previous showing, walked with confidence to a match he knew he wasn't going to win.
The red-headed teen wanted to show that he wouldn't give up!
The ovation for Kirishima's entrance was nearly non-existent when compared to his opponent's, but he didn't care. He didn't choose to become a hero for the praise.
[[This is the second to last match of round 1 for the tournament!! This matchup can be seen as an unmovable object versus an unstoppable force!!
The immovable mountain of a man that needs to be moved, the messiah of manliness, Kirishima!!
The unstoppable tornado of sheer power, who's fighting to be the second of class 1-B to make it to the next round, Inasa!!]]
"Are the both of you ready?" Midnight called out to the eager pair.
""Yes, Midnight-sensei!"" came their boisterous answers.
[[They sound more than ready, so let's not keep anyone waiting anymore!! 3, 2, 1, start!!]]
Using his wind to propel himself towards his opponent, Inasa turned himself into a lance with his feet pointed firmly at his opponent's unflinching face. Kirishima seeing the opening move, and predicting just how much damage it would deal to him, decided to start at 100% of his power.
A rapidly spinning spiral of wind formed around Inasa's entire body, ready to tear into his opponent. Noticing the new addition to his opponents already 'manly' dropkick, he tried to activate his quirk quicker.
"TEMPEST DRILL!" Inasa shouted in clear glee.
"UNBREAKABLE OVERDRIVE!" Kirishima followed up without missing a beat.
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Located in the stands one silver-haired person, along with her classmates, was very surprised with their 'manly' friend.
"Dear, why does Kirishima look like a ruby sculpture?" Her curious wife questioned.
"I think that he may have awakened his quirk, or perhaps his quirk had more to it than I already knew. Also, I think he is a red diamond." She answered.
(A/N: Think of diamond Jozu from One piece. Then, turn it red, and use a little imagination, and BOOM! Kirishima's new 'form'.)
"So he's currently mimicking the hardest thing he knows? Interesting."
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dust kicked up all around the stadium as Inasa forced all of his built-up wind to disperse towards his opponent. Thankfully; there were some last-minute additions to the stadium in place that protected the audience from the dust in the form of invisible hard light walls.
[[What a start to the match!! Could that kick have ended it immediately?!]]
When the dust settled, everyone was greeted by the sight of Kirishima being completely fine, and only pushed back a few inches. He used the dust cloud to grab ahold of Inasa's foot with both hands.
Knowing that he was on a timer with his new form, he used all of his strength to slam Inasa face down onto the concrete. Before spinning his injured competitor and throwing him, in hopes that Inasa was dazed enough to not be able to respond in time.
[[Kirishima has overturned everyone's expectations, and has dealt some real damage to Inasa!!]]
Inasa, wasn't as out of it as anyone thought. He was, in fact, fine; and still ready to fight, only now with a bloodied nose. Using the manipulating the wind underneath him to send him upright, he oriented himself once more. Soon enough, he launched himself back onto the arena.
Landing a few feet away from his opponent, Inasa sized up their current state. Kirishima was breathing heavy, slower than normal, and had enough defensive power to tank his super move to the face without issue.
He really wanted to say how cool Kirishima looked right now, but he was always told not to speak during fights. Of course, every rule had an exception, those were super moves.
Noting that Kirishima was charging him, clearly wanting another clash like the previous one, he decided to take some measures of his own. The wind in the stadium kicked up, and soon enough a dense tornado formed around the stage trapping the two inside.
It was his insurance policy that he wouldn't be able to be thrown out of the arena, especially so when combined with his next super move.
[[A huge tornado has cut off the view of the stage!! We'll have a drone inside there soon, so the audience doesn't need to worry!]]
He had so many super moves he wanted to throw out, and announce to the world. Inasa remembered something about Sakuya calling them "Marketable", which he assumed to be a good thing.
He didn't get enough time to perform his second super move, as he had to dodge a right hook courtesy of Kirishima. Sidestepping the punch effortlessly, he tried to sweep his opponent's outstretched leg but found himself unable to.
It felt like his foot tried to budge an entire skyscraper. After netting zero results from that, he retreated in fear of his opponent's oncoming double ax handle that was rapidly encroaching on his head.
With his newfound space, he finally had enough time between clashes to get off his next super move.
Wind began wrapping around his body, tightly hugging his form in countless layers of rapidly spinning circles. It was a huge test of his fine control, and he barely was able to do it without cutting himself to shreds two weeks ago.
(A/N: Image here ←)
The wind teen didn't want to showcase such a move before beating down on that explosive blonde, but his opponent didn't leave him any choice. His defensive power was just too far out of his league, and he couldn't penetrate it without ruining his previous oath of wanting this to be a brawl.
Tempest cloak not only increased his maneuverability but also increased his defensive and offensive power in close range.
Rushing at one another once more, they began trading a flurry of blows. Uppercut after uppercut. Hook after hook. Kick after kick. There was only one thing that Inasa made sure to do, and that was to make sure to not get grabbed.
For the next three minutes, the two competitors duked it out. Kirishima had barely any damage on him if any at all. Meanwhile, Inasa dealt more damage to himself through his hits than he did to his opponent.
Unfortunately for Kirishima, his timer finally ran out.
Before Inasa could land his next punch, he stopped it, he saw his opponent's eyes and knew that it was over. He got rid of the cloak and pillar, allowing the people to see what happened for themselves.
Kirishima was knocked out but didn't fall. He was defeated, yet remained standing up with his head held high.
[[Kirishima has lost in the coolest way I think I've ever seen!! The victor of the match is Inasa, the unstoppable force won!!]]
A few tears escaped from Kirishima's glazed-over eyes, as if he heard the verdict.
The crowd went wild, it was a good old-fashioned fistfight, and they loved every minute of it.
They saw a person who could shield them from devastating blows such as the 'Tempest Drill'. The few fans of Crimson Riot were going wild, finally having a 'Manly' new hero to carry on his ideals. They also saw just how powerful Inasa was with his quirk, and how resilient he can be in close quarters.
They solidified their positions in the eyes of heroes as the ones to recruit for internships. Inasa picked up his completely stationary friend and carried him off to the infirmary.