

The speaker was going on as the newcomers were entering the campus. As the other high schools, this one was on a floating island about the size of the Old United Kingdom. The humans found a place to live near the clouds.

A young brunette boy with blue eyes was walking astonished by the buildings on his sight. It was when he bumped into a person as he wasn't looking were he was going.

"Oh careful man.", another boy said and looked at him smirking after. "If it's not Archer.", he caught the boy forcefully. "The smart ass without any power."

"Who is this, Matthew?", one other boy in a group asked.

"The smartest kid on my last school.", Matthew said smiling. "He has no magical talent and is from a non awakened family. So he used the merit system to be here where we are.", Archer's head was on the boy's armpit and couldn't let it go.

"Let go, Matthew. We don't need to keep this relation anymore."

"What?", the grappling boy rubbed his fist on the head between his body and arm. "You're going to be my bitch and pay anything that I want as it was on the middle school, moron."

"No, I won't.", he struggled and left the grapple but falling sit on the floor. "I'll awaken powerful enough so I can't pass this again."

"Blah, blah, blah. A loser will always be a loser. See you when I need anything, LOSER.", as his bully left all group laughed at the fallen boy and following the other.

"You'll see.", Archer raised from the ground and took the dust off. "I'll be powerful and make you regret all of this.", he was talking low to himself.

The place was enormous. To get there the people usually would take a flight with an airplane with you have money or a zeppelin with you have enough money. Which was the bullied boy's case. His family was against he becoming an adventurer and put a condition that he would be expelled from the family if he pursued his dream. So he was alone from this point foward.

"Are you alright?", a blonde boy with green eyes asked him.

"Yeah. Don't worry.", Archer was still taking the dust off.

"Are you sure? You look like need a helping hand.", the boy gave a smile and extended his hand. "Ruffus."

"Yeah.", he greeted. "Archer."

"Sorry for meddling but what they said was true? Are you really from a non awakened family?"

"Yeah. Are going to join them?", the boy was on his limit of this kind of treatment but didn't have power to fight back.

"Far from this I'm here just to tell that you never will be on their level of power.", Ruffus said with a sad face.

"How come?"

"Lets going to the main building that I'll explain on the way.", so they started walking. "When a person awake their mutant DNA is estimulated and then their powers awaken."

"That's basic.", Archer knew about this as everybody else.

"The other component is genetic. You are a combination of your parents and this applies for mutant DNA as well."

"Right. So if they have I'll have too. It's simple."

"Yes but as the mutant DNA stops to receive the estimulation it starts to decrease generation by generation."

"Oh no.", Archer understood on the spot. "So it might achieve a time that a person won't have mutant DNA on themself."

"How many generations on your family didn't take the Awakening Process?"

"I don't know.", Archer would not awaken a power even after all his effort.

"As well the Awakening don't modify your magical prowess. So you'll stay on the same spot as you started.", Ruffus said.

"But I have the side effects yet.", Archer said.

The Awakening Process had a lot of side effects. Most of them were positive. Between them were body enhancement, magical sensitivity, sight enhancement and multiple others as combinations too.

"Adventurers that works around their side effects are normally affected directly by the weapon they use and their Grade.", the blonde boy stated.

"Are you encouraging me to give up?", the brunette asked.

"No, far from this. I'm showing that your path is narrow. It's your choice between follow it or not.", the boy gave a sad smile. "And if you want to follow it. I enjoyed this conversation. It's good to talk with another smart people. So I want to be your friend.", Ruffus perceived a wave at distance. "There are my group. See you later. Don't let go on the hope, Archer.", he patted the boy's shoulder and ran towards his friends.

Archer found a seat and took a little time looking into another groups entering the main building while others left. Ruffus was in one of these groups and waved to his new friend. Most of the groups were splitted to different locations on the island.

The division was according to two factors. Magical prowess and Awakened Powers. The first was a consistent stone. You could develop magic to higher degrees even if you had little Magical prowess but if you had none it was better forget it. The second was a coin flip. The Awakening process take over an hour and then a person left with the range of the power determined for their whole life. Exceptions for both aside.

"My minimum chance is at least of 0.00000197%.", the boy made a estimated value. "Counting even exceptions. Not even a one percent.", he laughed of sadness.


The boy raised from his bench and went towards the main building. It was a three floor building with a clock tower on the center. The looks were obviously to appear as a mini Big Ben from the Old civilization. The interior was beautiful and organized. A lot of people were taking the stairs and another ones were on lines to rooms.

"Wow.", as he looked above to the ceiling the place looked like a infinite tower and not a three floor building at all.

"Mister Archer?", a robot asked him. It was about five foot tall and looked like a silver fridge.

"Yes.", he replied astonished.

"Your room is on the 1256th floor."

"How am I supp...", as he was asking the robot opened and a portal was inside of it.

"You can go now, sir."

"Thanks.", he stepped and a flash came across his sight to only return on a room with a capsule.

"Mister Archer?", a nurse man asked and he nodded on a yes. "Take your clothes off and enter the capsule. You are the last one from today."

The capsule was the machine build to estimulate the mutant DNA at first but with time it was updated to gave all the information needed to the schools divide their students. On their previous models the people would pass for a semi criogenic state and spend a day on it to awaken their powers.

"You can step in.", the man said and the boy did so. "You'll feel a little of cold and then will loss conscious. Don't worry that I'm here to verified anything that don't go according to the plan.", the capsule closed and some information started to show on the screen for the nurse take note on the boy's form.

Fastly the boy felt the cold and even more fast it lost his conscious. While this the nurse would take turns taking notes comparing to the schools standarts and see where Archer would be send off. The mind of the boy was blank till he started to hear something but this was when he was already beginning to be awaken.

"Congratulations, Mister Archer.", the nurse said. "Your uniform and another clothes of the school are on the bag on the side.", he pointed to the boy's left near the capsule. "You are going to the South District."

The Grand Hazel School was divided into Five Districts. From best to worst Center, North, West, East and South. Of course the school could immediately expelled a student in two main conditions. Neither kind of powers and extreme lack of diligence in power improvement.

"Can I have my information, sir?", Archer asked.

"Yes, of couse. A moment only.", the man took his form and started to read. "You have a tenth of a Magical Prowess point and a Awoke Ice and Lightning Element but with only five mutant points. If you put effort you can graduate on the North District."

"Thanks, sir.", he left unsatisfied with the results without noticing that his body went some changes as well.

"Remember to use the watch and the contacts lens.", the nurse said.

"Thank you. I was forgeting already.", and he put the watch on his left arm. After went to a mirror to put on the lens.

"Are you seeing your stats?", the man asked. "If not press the watch screen with you index finger for a moment."


[Welcome, 1st year Archer.]

The message disappear as a whole another showed up.

[Archer Wright]

[1st Year Student]

[Level 1]

[Exp: 0/10]

[Strength: 15]

[Agility: 17]

[Stamina: 14]

[Intelligence: 21]

[Charisma: 12]

[Power: 5]

[Magic: 0.1]

[Mutantion points: 5]

"I can see now, sir."

"Want me to explain?", he was there to help.

"No, sir.", he said and was controlling with his mind the stats that would show or not.

[TFA: This won't help at all, you know.]

"Sir, what is TFA?", he asked.

"TFA?", the nurse went fastly to look on the form. "There isn't nothing here. Have you awaken another attribute?"

[TFA: It's better keep this to yourself for now. The experience points as well.]

"It's nothing sir. I must have being confused after the Awakening."

"Okay. You are late. So I'll open a portal to the South District. Wait a moment there."

What was happening on his conscious? It was Archer gone insane after being a useless South District student? All this thoughts were from himself to himself which was even more terrifying for a person losing his mind.

"You can go now. Have a good year on the Grand Hazel School."

"Thank you, sir.", he stepped on the portal and another flash went through his sight.