My own mutations

[Fairy Queen: Today is that clown class, isn't it?]

[Archer: Mister J is a very good teacher and even more good of a mage. I still don't know why he gives mutation classes.]

"Hey, Archer.", Ruffus showed up on the way to the classroom.


"Finally another mutation class.", the boy was happy saying that.

"Yeah.", he waited a little and returned. "Do you know why mister J is our mutation teacher?"

"He explained two weeks ago.", Ruffus said before noticing his friend waiting for explanation. "His mutation isn't a proper battle one. So he trains us to use the best of them even if our talent shows potential on other fields as spells and weapons."

"By the way, which is his mutation?"

"I have fast thoughts.", the man itself appeared replying his student. "Why the question, mister Archer?"

"I saw how you are good mage and thought that you would be a better spell teacher than mutation, sir.", he replied.